65 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Parameter Signifiakn dalam Penentuan Prioritas Rencana Pengembangan Daerah Irigasi (di) Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    Rokan Hulu is one of districts that are members of the Operasi Pangan Riau Mandiri program (OPRM) which is a program implemented by the Riau Province in order to achieve self-sufficiency in rice for the Riau Province in 2013. To support the program, the governments of Rokan Hulu sought to develop rice fields irrigated area. Under budget constraint it is necessary to identify priority in the development plan for the irrigation area.This research discusses prioritization approache in developing of the irrigation areas based from the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Five criteria for development of the irrigation areas are prioritited as follow: technical aspec, economic, environmental, social/cultural and institutional.The results of the AHP analysis obtained the significant parameters as the following order: institutional (45,0%), technical criteria (21,9%), economic criteria (18,6%), Social/Culture criteria (8,6%), and environmental criteria (5,9%). The significant sub-criteria as the following order: the performance of farmer groups P3A, the condition and function of irrigation channel, availability of rehabilitation funds from local government (APBD), the availability of farmers implementing and availability of water resources. The significant irrigation areas are prioritited as follow Kaiti Samo irrigation area (56,9%)I, Menaming irrigation area (19,7%)II, Palis irrigation area (14,2%)III, Perak irrigation area (9,3%)IV

    Analisis Laju Infiltrasi pada Tutupan Lahan Perkebunan dan Hutan Tanam Industri (HTI) di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Siak

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    The change in land use may affect the availability of ground due the change of infiltration in to the soil. One of the significant factors that can increase infiltration rate is vegetation coverage. The purpose of this study is: (1) to determine the infiltration rate of 4 type of vegetation land cover and (2) to determine the land cover classification based on the average value of the infiltration capacity. The research was conducted in 4 different land cover : immature palm oil plantation, mature palm oil plantation, rubber plantation and acacia Industrial plantation forest. Infiltration test for each land cover was processed at 8 points on 4 soil types and the obtained data was processed using Horton infiltration method. Based on analysis resulting using Horton infiltration method, immature palm oil plantation with 0,54 cm/hour of infiltration capacity is classified as group B (medium surface flow), oil palm plantation with 0,18 cm/hour of infiltration capacity as group C (between high and medium surface flow), rubber plantation with 0,92 cm/hour of infiltration capacity as group A (low surface flow), and acacia plantation area with 0,91 cm/hour of infiltration capacity as group A (low surface flow). Based on the regression result between the actual infiltration rate and Horton infiltration acquired a very real relation, so that Horton infiltration method can be used to estimate infiltration rate of four types of land cover in Siak Watershed

    Analisis Stabilitas Bendung (Studi Kasus : Bendung Tamiang)

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    The objective of This study is to analyze the stability of a weir. The weir that is used to analyze is Tamiang weir. This weir is located in Kotanopan Mandailing Natal District of North Sumatra Province. This weir is in Batang Gadis River flow and included in Batang Gadis river flow area. In this study case, the methodology that is used are, the first times is calculating the forces that work against the body of weir. The forces that form the weir body, hydrostatic pressure, mud pressure and seismic. After getting the data, then, these forces are accumulated in four components, they are the vertical forces, horizontal forces, torque resistant, and bolsters moments. From the vertical and horizontal forces will obtain the figure of safety factor for sliding, while the resistant moments and overturning moments will obtain the figure to safety factor for overturning. The input data on this study are the hydrology data, soil data, and weir drawing design. While the output of the safety factor against shear numbers and figures to bolster the safety factor. The results that obtain in this study are 2,35 for sliding safety factor and 3,33 for overturning. Those two results are higher than the stability that required with the minimum safety factor is equal to 1.5. In conclusion Tamiang weir is stable, secure against overturning and sliding

    Simulasi Pompa Banjir untuk Mengatasi Banjir di Jalan Sei Masang Kota Dumai

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    Flood is a frequent disaster in Dumai City and become problems from year to year so that require special attention to handle this matter. This study tries to solve the problem by using a pump. Pumping method can be able to function with optimally, it is necessary to be given temporary pond reservoirs. The pump is used to help accelerate drainage water collected in ponds. Case study area observed is Sei Masang street. this study conducted a pumps simulation with ponds reservoirs by water balance method. The discharge had been calculated by Rational method and IDF curve by Mononobe method. Ponds reservoirs sized (65m x 65m x 2m) requires pumping capacity of 0,5 m3 / sec to handle the floodwaters. So a pump 0,5m3 / sec can be to pump of water from ponds reservoirs to the sea as channel waster

    Pemodelan Hujan - Aliran Daerah Aliran Sungai Rokan dengan Menggunakan Data Penginderaan Jauh

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    Data availability for modeling usually become a problem because of incompleteness and imprecision data. The development of knowledge and the advancement of technology progress encourage the development of hydrological modeling by using remote sensing data. This research conducted rainfall-runoff modeling using remote sensing data in Rokan watershed, Riau Province. To utilize remote sensing data, a special software namely Integrated Flood Analysis System (IFAS) is used in this research. IFAS is a remote sensing program that was developed by a research institution of the Japanese public works called the International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM). IFAS was used to model the rainfall-runoff in Rokan watershed with four types of different periods simulation and calibration. Rainfal-runoff period from 1 January 2003 until 31 December 2006, 1 January 2004 until 31 December 2006, 1 January 2005 until 31 December 2006 and 1 January 2006 until 31 December 2006 was used for this modeling and then was validated with period data of 2004 and 2005. The results become optimal after the calibration process period of two years and one year data. The two years period have the correlation (R) value 0,627, volume error (VE) 1,007%, and the coefficient of efficiency (CE) 0,615 and the one year period the correlation (R) value 0,663, volume error (VE) 3,30%, and the coefficient of efficiency (CE) 0,759

    Analisa Keandalan Kolam Tandon Air Baku dengan Inlet dari Parit yang Dipengaruhi oleh Pasang Surut

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    Standard amount of water required progressively mount along growth of resident and industry. Exploiting of river as source of standard water require to utilize and fulfill standard amount of water required of society. Sei Salak reservoir pond one of the form exploiting of river as source of standard water. To evaluate ability of pool to fulfill society amount of water required needed a study to calculate pool reliability of Sei Salak reservoir pond. Source of Sei Salak reservoir pond come from year rainfall data 2000 up to year 2014 at station of inhil and of intake through salak river influenced by ebb. Stream debit inflow simulation pool with debit outflow with intake of water equal to 61 litre / second. The simulation results operational for 8 hours reservoir pool memilkik 100% reliability. The simulation results operational for 10 hours a reservoir pond memilkik reliability of 99.98%. The simulation results operational for 12 hours a reservoir pond memilkik reliability of 99.93%

    Komparasi Kajian Model Hidrologi Runtun Waktu Menggunakan Soft Computing (Studi Kasus : DAS Siak Hulu)

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    There are several methods that can be used to predict discharge some future time, but the results still have relatively high error value. The use of models softcomputing a method that can be used to model a hydrological analysis such as forecasting discharge. Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) is one softcomputing models that have proven reliability in conducting hydrological analysis as to forecast the flood discharge, and long reservoir inflow of seawater intrusion.Reliability ANFIS models need to be tested in the analysis of hydrological especially to predict discharge.ANFIS models were built to predict discharge using the main data is data on Tapung river left in the year 2002-2012 (except on taun 2007). Then ANFIS foresees the discharge of each of the data sources and analyze the magnitude of the error forecasting results debit ANFIS models. Then the forecast results will be compared with the results of forecasting with ANN method.Results discharge by using ANFIS models showed excellent results with test parameter value statistical correlation coefficient (R) of more than 0.75 are included in the category of correlation is very strong. To forecast results debit ANFIS models, yielding a value of correlation (R) of 0.99 while the forecast results debit ANN method produces a value of correlation (R) of 0.94903
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