135 research outputs found

    Optimasi Pemakaian Bit pada Pemboran Intervalcasing 51/2”di Lapangan Babat-kukui

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    Tujuan dari optimasi pemakaian matabor yang akan digunakan pada operasi pemboran yaitu untukmemilih jenis matabor yang memiliki kinerja terbaik serta ekonomis. Sehingga, diharapkan matabortersebut dapat digun akan seoptimal mungkin dengan laju penembusan maksimal, waktu yangrelatifsingkat serta biaya operasi pemboran yang rendah.Dala mtugas akhir ini, akan di evaluasikinerja dari matabor yang telahdi gunakan di Lapangan Babat-Kukui yaitu pada sumur B-710 dansumur B-713.Pada sumur B-710 akan di evaluasi kinerja dari mata bor jenis Tung sten Carbide InsertBit dengan ukuran diameter 61/4 inch, khususnya untuk production casing 51/2 inch, mulai darikedudukan casing 95/8 inch di kedalaman 78.74 ft sampai dengan kedalaman 1,105.64 ft. Sedangkanpada sumur B-713 akan di evaluasi kinerja dari matabor jenis Milled Tooth Bit dengan ukurandiameter 61/4 inch, khususnya untuk production casing 51/2 inch, mulai dari kedudukan casing 95/8inch di kedalaman 78.74 ftsampaidengankedalaman 1,400.92ft.Analisadilakukandenganmenggunakanmetode Cost Per Foot danSpesifikEnergi.Darihasilperhitungan, makadiperolehsuatukesimpulanmata bor dengan ukuran diameter 61/4 inch yangpaling optimumadalah mata bor dengan biaya terendah yaitu pada sumur B-713 sebesarUS$265.57/ftsertamemilki kinerja terbaik dengan nilai spesifik energisebesar 40,676.81 lbin/in3denganmatabor Milled Tooth Bit

    Pengaruh Intellectual Capital terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Food And Beverages yang Listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) Tahun 2009 2012

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    The principal purpose of this study was to investigate the association between the efficiency of Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC¢) by the major components of a firms resources base (physical capital, human capital, and structural capital) and traditional of financial company performance Return On Assets (ROA). Data were drawn from 12 Indonesian food and beverages sectors were listed in BEI for four years, 2009 2012. It was an empirical study using return on assets (ROA) for the data analysis. Result of this research indicate the existence of a significant positive relationship between intellectual capital (VAIC¢) with financial companys performance. The empirical findings show that physical capital (VACA), human capital (VAHU), and structural capital (STVA) have significant positive relationship with the companies activity of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Exchange in the four years observation.Keywords: Intellectual Capital (VAIC¢), Value Added Capital Employed (VACA), Value Added Human Capital (VAHU), Structural Capital Value Added (STVA), and Return on Assets (ROA)

    Beban Kerja Pramusaji Food and Baverage Service Di Hotel Aston and Conference Center Tanjung Pinang

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    This study was conducted with the aim to know the workload waiters and to know of employe waiters ideal, based on the workload than handled in Hotel Aston and Conference Center Tanjung Pinang. Methods used in this study is a method quantitative. The content of this research is obtained by observations and interview against 3 of the responden into a sample. Using a method exponential smoothing, with two exponen in the planning of human resources consisting of exponent workload in produces a product as the work load and exponen time/cyle time to find number of employee who ideal. The result concluded that : 1) based on the observation and interview thas was been done, the authors concluded that the result of calculation work load waiters is 3.648 hours 2) From the whole calculation and the result of observations in the Hotel Aston and Conference Center Tanjung Pinang especially the Food and Beverage Service Department to the number of employees based on work load to be addressed it needs sixth people

    Kajian Ketersediaan dan Kebutuhan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Kawasan Perkotaan di Kota Sukabumi

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    Tingginya pergerakan dan perpindahan orang serta barang di kawasan perkotaan Kota Sukabumi menyebabkan tekanan terhadap fungsi ekologis kawasan perkotaan, dalam hal ini ruang terbuka hijau. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis interpretasi citra, analisis ketersediaan ruang terbuka hijau berdasarkan regulasi UU No. 6 tahun 2007 dan berdasarkan kriteria tegakan vegetasi minimum, analisis kebutuhan ruang terbuka hijau berdasarkan jumlah penduduk, dan pola persebaran berdasarkan analisis tetetangga terdekat secara kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ketersediaan ruang terbuka hijau secara keseluruhan berdasarkan luas minimal belum memadai yaitu sebesar 1.673.193,20 m2 dengan persentase 5,2% dari luas keseluruhan kawasan perkotaan Kota Sukabumi. Ketersediaan berdasarkan tegakan vegetasi terdapat 20 titik RTH yang tidak sesuai dengan kriteria tegakan vegetasi Kebutuhan RTH yang terdiri dari taman lingkungan, pemakaman, taman kota, hutan kota, dan fungsi tertentu belum memadai, dimana luas ideal RTH sebesar 1.707.048,4 m2 dengan ketersediaan 1.628.702 m2 sehingga membutuhkan RTH dengan luasan 78.346,32 m2. Pola persebaran ruang terbuka hijau cenderung tersebar dimana sebelah utara kawasan perkotaan Kota Sukabumi didominasi oleh RTH taman lingkungan, dan sebelah selatan kawasan perkotaan Kota Sukabumi di dominasi oleh RTH hutan kota dan sempadan sungai

    Penerapan Pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning (Ctl) Berbasis Lesson Study Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran Fisika Di SMP Negeri Kota Padang

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    The cause of the low activity of the students in learning Physics in Public Junior High School in Padang,due to the students feel that Physics is not an interesting subject and unrelated to the real world application. These factors have impacts towards the student's learning activities in Physics, their achievement in Physics, and the student's learning quality in Physics. One solution to overcome these problems is by applying the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)–Lesson Study–Based Approach. This research aims at elaborating the CTL–Lesson Study–Based Approach to enhance the student's learning activity in Physics, and the student's achievement in Physics, either the students have low, medium or high intelligence level. This type of research is a combined quantitative and qualitative. This research took place in public junior high schools in Padang on first semester of academic year 2009/2010. The samples for this research were the students in class VII-4 at SMPN 17 Padang, students in class VII-5 at SMPN 7 Padang and students in class VII-B at SMPN 8 Padang. The data were collected through observation, interview, questionnaire and video recording by some observers during the learning process takes place as well as through examination given to the students. The data were analyzed using descriptive quantitative and qualitative. The result of data analysis indicates that the implementation of the CTL–Lesson Study–Based Approach can improve the student's learning activity in Physics, and the student's achievement toward Physics for the case of school with students with low and moderate intelligence level. While in the school where the student's intelligence level is high, the improvements occur only on the student's achievement in Physics. It can be concluded that the CTL–Lesson Study–Based Approach can improve the student's learning activities in Physics, and also the student's achievement in Physics. Therefore, the CTL–Lesson Study–Based Approach can enhance the learning quality in Physics. *): Jurusan Fisika **): Jurusan Matematik

    Aplikasi Digital Library pada Perpustakaan Universitas Banten Jaya

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    Perpustakaan merupakan salah satu sarana yang tepat dalam mencari berbagai data dan informasi. Dalam perpustakaan dapat di temukan berbagai informasi yang penting mulai dari buku anak hingga buku yang dibutuhkan oleh orang dewasa dari berbagai profesi. Perpustakaan Universitas Banten Jaya merupakan lembaga yang bertugas menyediakan data dan informasi dari berbagai sumber bagi para civitas akademik Universitas Banten Jaya. Namun data dan informasi yang banyak menimbulkan beberapa masalah bila tidak mendapat penanganan yang tepat, seperti kurangnya fasilitas penunjang seperti rak buku, ruangan dan kebutuhan pengguna perpustakaan dalam mencari referensi yang dibutuhkan. Perancangan sistem menggunakan metode System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) yang terdiri dari dua tahap. Tahap pertama merupakan tahap perencanaan dimana penulis mendapatkan persetujuan dari pihak manajemen untuk penerapan sistem. Tahap kedua adalah tahap pengembangan sistem informasi yang secara garis besar terdiri enam langkah yaitu survei, analisa, desain, pembuatan, implementasi, pemeliharaan. Dengan menggunakan Digital Library dapat mengurangi terjadinya kerusakan, kehilangan buku, mempermudah pengguna perpustakaan dan menghemat penggunaan ruangan. Dengan diterapkan Aplikasi Digital Library diharapkan dapat menunjang perpustakaan dan membantu para pengguna perpustakaan dalam mencari informasi yang dibutuhkan lebih cepat. Keyword : Rancangan Sistem, Aplikasi Digital Library

    Technical and Cost Performance of Microhydro Power Plant

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    The increase in electricity consumption in one side and the depletion of fossil fuel sources in the other side have triggered Indonesia to support any development of renewable-based electricity generation, including microhydro-based power plant. The objective of this research was to investigate technical and cost performance of microhydro power plant. Observation was conducted on four microhydro power plants located in Bogorejo village, Sub district of Gedong Tataan, Pesawaran District, Lampung Province. The plants were developed and self-managed by the community. Parameters to be measured or recorded included head of water, voltage and electrical current produced from the generator, number of family serviced by the plant, and electricity price that community should pay. Results showed that power output of the plants was ranging from 314 to 1805 W with 2 to 20 families were serviced for each unit. The research revealed that output power was related to the combination factor of head, the diameter of base penstock pipe, and inverse of generator's pulley size. The output power was also linearly related to installation cost. With an installation cost of 8 to 40 million rupiahs per unit, the electric energy price was in the window of 633 to 973 rupiahs per kWh. It was concluded that Rohman's microhydro, with power output of 1805 W and energy price of Rp.633/kWh, was the best compared to the others
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