4 research outputs found

    Paraquat poisoning : "State of the art"

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    The authors describe the main features of acute paraquat poisoning. The clinical picture together with severity grading is presented. The pathophysiological mechanisms responsible for multiple organ dysfunction are discussed. Despite a better understanding of pathophysiological pathways and numerous experimental data, the treatment of the most severe forms of poisoning remains limited. The efficacy of more recently developed therapeutic approaches is still to be evaluated

    Severe Diltiazem Poisoning With Intestinal Pseudoobstruction - Case-report and Toxicological Data

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    This case report concerns a 30-year-old man who survived a 4.2 g diltiazem overdose. He sustained vasoplegic shock with a junctional escape rhythm which required high doses of norepinephrine and epinephrine. Among other complications, ileus with paralytic intestinal pseudo-obstruction developed on day three. Cecal distention was demonstrated by abdomen computed tomodensitometry. The ileus resolved on day seven following the poisoning. Diltiazem plasma concentrations were determined during the first three days. The possible role of other medications, activated charcoal and sufentanil, is noted