389 research outputs found

    Appraisal of Septic Tank in Term ofWater Stagnation in Properties

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    The title of this project is 'Appraisal of Septic Tank in Term of Water Stagnation in Properties'. This project is based on problem arising on the domestic wastewater treatment unit namely septic tank. An ineffective septic tank may lead to water flow disruption and cause stagnation inside septic tank. The stagnant water has become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Septic tanks for instance relatively contain clean water with low turbidity; hence it is likely to be capable for breeding mosquito. The damage of septic tank cover, manholes and vent pipes provide access for mosquito to enter inside the tank. Taman Megan TigaandTaman MasKgKokin Sitiawan town, and also Taman Maju in Perak Tengah district have been selected as study area due to many cases of dengue infection that results in death. Basically it is aimed to review the structural design and to examine the maintenance program by local authority and health department in order to avoid water stagnation which later becomes breeding ground for mosquitoes. For the first semester, the scope was focused on examining the drainage system design and the stagnant water quality in study area. In addition, the population of Aedes mosquitoes is also being counted by ovitrap surveys. This project was done in Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) to control the population of mosquito by prevents it from further breeding. Then for another semester, the scope is to proposed modification for the existing drainage structure design. Water sampling and laboratory experiments for water quality test is carried out throughout this process. Finally this project hopefully will come outwith an improvement in drainage design and maintenance programme to avoid mosquito breeding inside the structures

    A stochastic SIRI epidemic model with relapse and media coverage

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    This work is devoted to investigate the existence and uniqueness of a global positive solution for a stochastic epidemic model with relapse and media coverage. We also study the dynamical properties of the solution around both disease-free and endemic equilibria points of the deterministic model. Furthermore, we show the existence of a stationary distribution. Numerical simulations are presented to confirm the theoretical results.Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo RegionalMinisterio de Economía y CompetitividadConsejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa (Junta de Andalucía)Faculty of Sciences (Ibn Tofail University

    A stochastic SIRI epidemic model with Lévy noise

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    Some diseases such as herpes, bovine and human tuberculosis exhibit relapse in which the recovered individuals do not acquit permanent immunity but return to infectious class. Such diseases are modeled by SIRI models. In this paper, we establish the existence of a unique global positive solution for a stochastic epidemic model with relapse and jumps. We also investigate the dynamic properties of the solution around both disease-free and endemic equilibria points of the deterministic model. Furthermore, we present some numerical results to support the theoretical work

    Analysis of a stochastic distributed delay epidemic model with relapse and Gamma distribution kernel

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    In this work, we investigate a stochastic epidemic model with relapse and distributed delay. First, we prove that our model possesses and unique global positive solution. Next, by means of the Lyapunov method, we determine some sufficient criteria for the extinction of the disease and its persistence. In addition, we establish the existence of a unique stationary distribution to our model. Finally, we provide some numerical simulations for the stochastic model to assist and show the applicability and efficiency of our results.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN). EspañaEuropean Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER

    Examining the Effect of Customer Satisfaction towards Repurchase Intention: A Study of Hotel Sector in Selangor, Malaysia

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    This paper is attempting to verify the effect of customer satisfaction on repurchase intention in hotel industry in Shah Alam, Selangor. As a conceptual paper, the research is considered as a quantitative study. Respondents from 400 consumers are used and will be recruited on a voluntary basis. Considering the nature of the study, the complexity of the research model and the relatively small sample size, analysis of moment structure (AMOS) is selected as the statistical tool to analyse the data. The finding of the study expects to contribute to the marketers as well as practitioners with the valuable insight on the crucial of customer satisfaction and repurchase intention in the hotel sector

    [Literary Highlights Analysis for Female Blood Studies] Analisis Sorotan Literatur bagi Kajian Darah Wanita

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    This article aims to highlight the determinants of menstrual cycles. Menstruation is the nature created by Allah Almighty on women. In general, each woman experiences her own menstrual cycle which may reflect their health status. However, there are women who are still confused and unclear about their menstruation when the irregular menstrual cycle occurs. This also leads to misunderstandings in the legalization of certain worship when the menstrual cycle occurs abnormally. Therefore, this article aims to highlight previous studies related to women's blood. This study was qualitative using content analysis methods that highlighted previous studies on women's blood. The results show that most of the studies done by ancient or contemporary scholars touch on women's blood. Based on the literature, it is found that the systematic calculation method is still poorly implemented and the level of public understanding of the calculations is still unclear. Therefore, the right method of calculation is very important in assisting women in determining menstruation. Artikel ini bertujuan menyorot penentuan kiraan haid menurut syarak. Haid merupakan fitrah yang dicipta oleh Allah SWT ke atas wanita. Secara umumnya, setiap wanita mengalami kitaran haid tersendiri yang boleh menggambarkan tahap kesihatan mereka. Meskipun begitu, terdapat wanita yang masih keliru dan kurang jelas tentang haid mereka apabila kitaran haid yang tidak teratur berlaku. Hal ini turut membawa kepada kekeliruan dalam penentuan hukum sesetengah ibadat apabila kitaran menstruasi berlaku secara tidak normal. Oleh itu, artikel ini bertujuan menyorot kajian-kajian lepas berkaitan dengan darah wanita. Kajian ini bersifat kualitatif menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan yang menyorot kajian-kajian lepas berkaitan darah wanita. Hasil sorotan mendapati bahawa, kebanyakan kajian yang dilakukan oleh ulama silam mahupun kontemporari menyentuh berkaitan darah wanita. Berdasarkan literatur yang dijalankan mendapati cara perkiraan yang sistematik masih kurang dijalankan dan tahap kefahaman masyarakat terhadap perkiraan masih keliru. Justeru, kaedah perkiraan yang betul sangat penting dalam membantu wanita dalam menentukan haid

    Appraisal Of Septic Tank In Term Of Water Stagnation In Properties / Fatini Naziran,CV 00060 .F252 2006

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    Appraisal of Septic Tank in Term ofWater Stagnation in Properties

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    The title of this project is 'Appraisal of Septic Tank in Term of Water Stagnation in Properties'. This project is based on problem arising on the domestic wastewater treatment unit namely septic tank. An ineffective septic tank may lead to water flow disruption and cause stagnation inside septic tank. The stagnant water has become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Septic tanks for instance relatively contain clean water with low turbidity; hence it is likely to be capable for breeding mosquito. The damage of septic tank cover, manholes and vent pipes provide access for mosquito to enter inside the tank. Taman Megan TigaandTaman MasKgKokin Sitiawan town, and also Taman Maju in Perak Tengah district have been selected as study area due to many cases of dengue infection that results in death. Basically it is aimed to review the structural design and to examine the maintenance program by local authority and health department in order to avoid water stagnation which later becomes breeding ground for mosquitoes. For the first semester, the scope was focused on examining the drainage system design and the stagnant water quality in study area. In addition, the population of Aedes mosquitoes is also being counted by ovitrap surveys. This project was done in Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) to control the population of mosquito by prevents it from further breeding. Then for another semester, the scope is to proposed modification for the existing drainage structure design. Water sampling and laboratory experiments for water quality test is carried out throughout this process. Finally this project hopefully will come outwith an improvement in drainage design and maintenance programme to avoid mosquito breeding inside the structures