257 research outputs found

    Anaemia and associated factors among standard 6 rural schools in Kuala Terengganu District Dicember 1994, 1995

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    A cross sectional study was done in December 1994 to determine the prevalence rate of anemia and the associated factors among standard six students in the district of Kuala Terengganu. Three schools was randomly selected from 65 schools in Kuala Terengganu which involved a sample of284 students. Data was obtained using a self-administered questionnaire, anthropometry measurement, 24-hour dietary recall, academic assessment and mental activities. The health knowledge of mothers of the students were also assessed using a self-administered questionnaire. The prevalence rate of anemia (Hb < 12 gm.%) was 12.7%. It is higher among female students. The other variables including nutrition intake, antropometry status, family size, sanitation and health knowledge of mothers did not show any significant difference between anemic and non anemic students. These could be due to the fact that the population is homogenous. There is a situation indicating lower school performance based on examination result of three subjects (English, mathematics and Human Science). However this study does not shows any significant difference. This could be due to other confounding factors such as severity of anemia, homogenesity of sample and others not studied. The mental performance of the student is measured by the duration to complete a set of activities involving puzzle, quiz and others was done. The linear regression analysis showed that for every I gm % decrease in level of hemoglobin of the children, there is an increase of 18 second in time to complete the mental activities. (p < 0.05, r = 0.19 and r = 3.8 %). These infer that anemia as indicated by the hemoglobin levels cause a decrease in attention spans of children conducting a set of mental activities. Since anemia is still prevalence among the school children in Kuala Terengganu screening of cases and follows up to over come the problem is importance to ensure that the children are alert at school

    An Evaluation of the Malaysian Padi and Rice Market Structure, Conduct and Performance

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    It has always been alleged that the padi market is monopoly-monopsonistic in structure, inclUding the traders to behave collusively and unethically, thus reaping excessively high profit margins. However, the market in reality is competitive but the existence of credit-tie has defied the benefits of a competitive market from being passed on to the farmers. The instability of the rice market and the pressure of the fixed minimum support and ceiling prices, forced the traders to indulge in various malpractices to maintain their profit margin. Though on the whole, the profit made by the traders is reasonable, the evidence of unethical behaviour suggests that the profit earned is higher than it should be under a fair marketing practic

    Analisis pemasaran pertanian di Malaysia: keperluan agenda pembaharuan

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    Penelitian umum ke at as struktur, gelagat dan beberapa aspek dimensi pemasaran komoditi pertanian menyarankan kepada kewujudan petanda-petanda ketidakcekapan dan ketidaksempurnaan pasaran yang ketara. Antaranya, struktur pasaran yang berpusat yang mengurangkan darjah persaingan, sistem letak harga yang dipandui oleh kuasa firma tertentu dan bukan fundamental pasaran, aliran maklumat yang tidak licin, harga tidak mencerminkan kualiti atau gred dan sebagainya. Ciri ini masih wujud walaupun ekonomi dan sektor pertanian negara telah mengalami kemajuan dari segi pertumbuhan pengeluaran dan eksport. Berbanding dengan sektor lain, sektor pemasaran pertanian gagal menampilkan pembaharuan yang selari dengan perubahan persekitaran yang telah menyebabkan kelembapan beberapa sub-sektor pertanian. Kertas ini bertujuan untuk mengutarakan beberapa agenda pembaharuan ke atas sektor pemasaran pertanian di Malaysia. Agenda pembaharuan ke atas sektor ini menjadi lebih mendesak kerana perubahan radikal yang berlaku di pasaran global dan pembangunan teknologi pengeluaran dan teknologi maklumat yang pesat. Transformasi ekonomi dalam negeri ke arah industrialisasi juga menuntut kepada pembaharuan. Antara agenda pembaharuan yang dicadangkan adalah perindustrian sektor pemasaran, penstrukturan unit pengeluaran, meningkatkan akses pasaran dan maklumat kepada pengeluar, peniaga dan pengguna, peningkatan daya saing melalui proses-proses yang cekap dan berlandaskan teknologi, strategi pemasaran yang global dan penerapan teknologi maklumat dalam pengeluaran, agihan dan pertukaran

    Bridging the gap: research and policy

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    This paper examines the structural and cultural gaps between research and policy and the consequent under use of knowledge in environmental policy decision. The relationship is analysed from the perspectives of supply (research), demand (policy) and communication. The divide has to be rectified through structural adjustments particularly in establishing researcher-policy maker partnership in research as well as extending research scope that goes beyond examining a single constituent of a system, but a systemic view of the links between ecology, economic and institutional processes


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    This paper investigate the long-term relationship between the petroleum and vegetable oils prices represented by palm, soybean, sunflower and rapeseed oils prices. To that end, the bivariate cointegration approach using Engle-Granger two-stage estimation procedure is applied. The study utilises monthly data over the period of January 1983 through March 2008. The results provide a strong evidence of long-run equilibrium relation between the two products prices. The estimates of the error correction models reveal a unidirectional long-run causality flowing from petroleum to each of the vegetable oils prices under study.Vegetable oils prices, petroleum prices, cointegration, causality tests, Agribusiness, Demand and Price Analysis, Marketing, Q11 Agricultural Prices,

    The broiler chicken industry in Malaysia: some evidences on the structure, conduct and performance

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    The broiler chicken industry in Peninsular Malaysia has undergone major structural changes in recent years, notably the increasing vertical integration in the industry, which has led to concerns over market power by wholesalers at the expense of producers and consumers. This paper investigates the performance of the broiler market by applying the structure, conduct and performance approach. Using primary data collected from a survey on the wholesale market for broilers, it was found that there was a high degree of concentration in most of the wholesale markets as evident by high concentration ratio and Herfindahl-Hirshman Index. There are also several conditions that restrict the entry of new players. However, in spite of structural rigidities, the study found evidence of spatial market integration using cointegration analysis. This finding suggests that the government could reconsider price control policy measures in the market

    Marketing of pigs in Malaysia: an evaluation of market integration

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    This paper examines the pricing efficiency of the pig market in Peninsular Malaysia through measuring the degree of market integration. Specifically, this paper examines the price linkages between Kuala Lumpur (which is considered the market centre for price discovery) and five major local markets (Ipoh, Johor Bahru, Penang, Malacca and Seremban). The findings indicate, with the exception of Johor Bahru, the other market regions show high level of market linkage with Kuala Lumpur

    Evaluation of Malaysia’s food balance of trade plan : achievement rates.

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    Malaysia has always been a net food importer in the last four decades. In 2007, the deficit in the food trade stood at RM9.7 billion (or USD2.9 billion). In 2002, Malaysia implemented a policy towards achieving a surplus balance of trade in food of RM1.2 billion (or USD352 billion) by 2010. This paper evaluates the policy in terms of the achievement rates of the plan. The analysis suggests that the actual trade data shows the intended targets are likely not to be met; in fact the deficit is expected to grow bigger with time. While the objective was commendable, the targets, rationales and strategies for such a plan require a serious rethinking

    Composite Models for Short Term Forecasting for Natural Rubber Prices

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    The economet1ic technique and Box-jenhins univariate method have been applied in forecasting natural rubber prices. This study developed a short term forecasting model known as the composite model, by combining the econometric and univariate models. The results indicate that the composite model produces more efficient forecasts than the econometric and univariate models

    Crude Palm Oil Price Forecasting: Box-Jenkins Approach

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    A univariate ARIMA model developed by Box-jenkins was utilised to forecast the short-run monthly price of crude palm oil. The appropriate model for forecasting was found to be (0, 2, 1) (0, 1, 1) 6' This model indicates that the original crude palm oil series is non-stationary and contains some elements of multipliCity, hence inheriting moving average process. The identified ARIMA model induced the data series into a stochastic one, making it a suitable model for forecasting crude palm oil prices in the short term