108 research outputs found

    The sunshine vitamin D: ubiquitous source, still so deficient in mother and baby duo

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    Background: Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, a sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D deficiency is now recognized as a pandemic. Fetus depends on mother for its need of vitamin D, thus there is growing concern for its impact on neonates. This study was designed to determine the correlation between 25-hydroxyvitamin D (vitamin D3) levels in maternal blood and in cord blood.Methods: A total 50 term pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at SVS medical college, Telangana and their neonates were included in the study. At term after taking written consent, maternal and cord blood vitamin D3 were measured, and values were correlated. Antenatal and neonatal complications were noted, and correlated with vitamin D3 levels.Results: In this study 80% of pregnant women and 88% of neonates were vitamin D3 deficient. Mean maternal blood vitamin D3 was 17.62±10.01 and cord blood vitamin D3 was 12.84±7.68. Maternal blood vitamin D3 correlated positively with cord blood vitamin D3 (r=0.951, p<0.001). Antenatal and neonatal complications were observed, but statistically significant association with vitamin D3 deficiency could not be established.Conclusions: This study has demonstrated a very high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in apparently healthy, young, pregnant women despite abundant sunlight leading to deficiency in their neonates. To establish strong association between vitamin D3 deficiency and various antenatal and neonatal complications further studies with large subject groups are required

    Nuchal cord: from dread towards confident management

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    Background: This study was aimed at observing the outcomes of pregnancies with sonographically detected nuchal cord or cord around the neck at term. Early studies on nuchal cord showed many maternal and neonatal complications. But several recent studies have suggested that maternal and neonatal complications do not increase with nuchal cord at delivery. This ambiguity increases anxiety in treating obstetricians and relatives of pregnant women, thus leading to unnecessary caesarean sections. This study is intended to observe the maternal and neonatal outcomes of 300 pregnant women with sonographically detected nuchal cord at term.Methods: Prospective observational study where 300 term pregnant women with sonographically detected nuchal cord were observed through delivery at Shri Venkata Sai Medical College, Mahabubnagar, Telangana, during October 2016 to April 2018.Results: In this study 80.6% women had normal vaginal delivery, 8.3% had LSCS, 11% had instrumental deliveries. 54% had loose nuchal cord, 46% had tight loop of cord.60% had normal CTG, 8% had variable deceleration, 2% late deceleration. Neonatal morbidity was 9.6% and zero neonatal mortality.Conclusions: The study concluded that the presence of nuchal cord does not adversely affect the mother and the neonate. Presence of nuchal cord per se is not an indication for LSCS. Effect of nuchal cord on neonate is only transient. These women can be allowed for vaginal delivery with routine labour room protocols. Routine sonographycal detection of nuchal cord is not required and if it is reported, it should not dictate obstetric management

    Assessment of Color, Capsaicinoids, Carotenoids and Fatty Acids Composition of Paprika Produced from Moroccan Pepper Cultivars (Capsicum Annuum L.)

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    Analysed quality parameters of paprika powder (Capsicum annuum L.) collected from three localities in Morocco (Tadla, Gharb and Elkalaa des Sraghna) were color, total capsaicinoids, total carotenoid, fat content and fatty acid composition. The oil contents of paprika powder collected from the three localities varied relatively from 7.55g to 8.67 g/100 g. The main fatty acids among the different paprika oils were linoleic acid (60.1–70.9%), oleic acid (12.1–16.1%) and palmitic acid (7.7-14.5%). Remarkable amounts of capsaicinoids were found in the different locations, with a maximum obtained for Elkalaa des Sraghna paprika (184.97mg/kg). Total carotenoid content values averaged from 2323.66 to 3025.05 mg/kg dw with the high content obtained for the Tadla paprika. The ASTA Values differ significantly between the three localities; the high value of ASTA 20 was obtained for Tadla paprika. The present study showed that the different paprika powders are a potential source of valuable oil and Color that could be used for edible and industrial applications. Keywords: Capsicum annuum L., Paprika, Oil, Fatty acid, Capsaicinoids, Total carotenoid, ASTA, Color

    A Novel Jamming Attacks Detection Approach Based on Machine Learning for Wireless Communication

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    Jamming attacks target a wireless network creating an unwanted denial of service. 5G is vulnerable to these attacks despite its resilience prompted by the use of millimeter wave bands. Over the last decade, several types of jamming detection techniques have been proposed, including fuzzy logic, game theory, channel surfing, and time series. Most of these techniques are inefficient in detecting smart jammers. Thus, there is a great need for efficient and fast jamming detection techniques with high accuracy. In this paper, we compare the efficiency of several machine learning models in detecting jamming signals. We investigated the types of signal features that identify jamming signals, and generated a large dataset using these parameters. Using this dataset, the machine learning algorithms were trained, evaluated, and tested. These algorithms are random forest, support vector machine, and neural network. The performance of these algorithms was evaluated and compared using the probability of detection, probability of false alarm, probability of miss detection, and accuracy. The simulation results show that jamming detection based random forest algorithm can detect jammers with a high accuracy, high detection probability and low probability of false alarm

    Acceptabilité du vaccin antivirus du papillome humain: enquête auprès des parents

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    Le but de ce travail est d'évaluer les connaissances des parents des filles en âge de vaccination sur le vaccin anti virus du papillome humain (HPV), leur acceptabilité du vaccin et les facteurs associés au refus. Nous avons mené une enquête auprès des parents de filles âgées de 8 à 15 ans, suivies pour diverses pathologies au service de pédiatrie du CHU Mohamed VI de Marrakech, Maroc, portant sur le profil des parents, leur connaissances sur le cancer du col de l'utérus, l'HPV, et le vaccin anti HPV, l'acceptabilité de vacciner leur filles et les arguments liés au refus. Quatre vingt seize questionnaires ont été inclus dans l'analyse. Le cancer du col est considéré fréquent pour 58% des parents. Seuls 5% connaissaient le vaccin anti HPV. Leur source d'information à tous était les médias. Personne n'avait d'idée sur le coût du vaccin et sa tolérance. Aucune fille n'était vaccinée contre l'HPV. Soixante trois pour cent des parents voudraient bien vacciner leurs filles, ce taux a augmenté à 82% après sensibilisation des parents. Treize pour cent des parents étaient hésitants alors que 24% ont refusé de vacciner pour cause d'effets secondaires majoritairement (51%). Les parents refusant le vaccin étaient en majorité de sexe masculin, de niveau socio-économique et culturel moyen, et ignoraient le virus et le vaccin dans 91% des cas. Cette étude a permis de soulever les éléments de réticences face au vaccin anti HPV afin d'optimiser les stratégies de communication auprès des parents

    Learners’ Perception Regarding the Role of Native-like English Language Proficiency in a Pakistani Academic Setting

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    Students learning any foreign language must develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and become proficient in the use of that language. In Pakistan, English is a language that is highly used in educational institutions as well as professionally. This research has been carried out by quantitative method approach. This research carries two objectives. Firstly, to explore the Pakistani student’s perception regarding the role of native English proficiency in their Academic setting. Secondly, to statistically analyze the variation in perception regarding the role of native-like English language proficiency in an Academic setting. The data has been collected from a university from university students. The exact number of participants from which the questionnaire has been taken is 30 students from 3 different departments of the university. This research comes with the result that participants generally agreed that good handwriting, fast writing speed, and use of technical words in papers all have a positive impact on their marks in exams. However, they did not agree as strongly that the use of difficult vocabulary increases their marks in exams. This research is beneficial for the students that how they can get native-like English language proficiency. This research is also good for the teachers because this gives them an understanding of designing syllabi for the students. &nbsp

    La dialyse péritonéale chez les patients de moins de vingt ans: expérience d’un centre hospitalier universitaire marocain

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    Introduction: La dialyse p&#233;riton&#233;ale (DP) est une m&#233;thode d'&#233;puration extra-r&#233;nale qui offre plusieurs avantages chez l'enfant et l'adolescent. Le but de cette &#233;tude est de rapporter notre exp&#233;rience de DP chez des patients jeunes &#226;g&#233;s de moins de vingt ans, et soulever l'int&#233;r&#234;t et les avantages de cette technique chez cette cat&#233;gorie de patients. M&#233;thodes: Il s'agit d'une &#233;tude r&#233;trospective incluant tous les dialys&#233;s p&#233;riton&#233;aux &#226;g&#233;s de moins de vingt ans au d&#233;but du traitement par DP. Les param&#232;tres de DP ainsi que les donn&#233;es cliniques et biologiques ont &#233;t&#233; recueillit et analys&#233;s. R&#233;sultats: Parmi 41 dialys&#233;s p&#233;riton&#233;aux dans notre centre, huit sont des enfants et adolescents. L'&#226;ge moyen de nos patients est 16,1 &#177; 2,6. Le sexe ratio M/F est &#233;gal &#224; 1,6. 37,5% de nos patients ont une activit&#233; professionnelle et 62,5% ont une activit&#233; scolaire. Ils ont tous gard&#233; leur activit&#233; toute la dur&#233;e du traitement par DP. A l'initiation de la DP, 62,5% &#233;taient hypertendus alors qu'actuellement 25% seulement sont hypertendus et aucun patient ne pr&#233;sente de signes cliniques de surcharge. Le maintien de la fonction r&#233;nale et r&#233;siduelle (FRR) et une am&#233;lioration de l'an&#233;mie a &#233;t&#233; not&#233; chez nos patients. Conclusion: Notre exp&#233;rience de DP chez l'enfant et l'adolescent est globalement satisfaisante. La DP a procur&#233; plusieurs avantages dont le maintien d'une FRR, l'&#233;quilibre hydro-&#233;lectrolytique, ainsi qu'une vie sociale &#233;ducative pour l'enfant et un maximum d'ind&#233;pendance chez l'adolescent. Cette technique doit donc &#234;tre encourag&#233;e surtout chez cette cat&#233;gorie de patients.Pan African Medical Journal 2012; 12:4

    Rheological Quality and Influence Factor of Moroccan Prickly Pear Juice (Opuntia ficus indica L.)

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    Rheological properties of prickly pear juice fruit of cactus (Opuntia ficus indica) and impacts of temperature, shearing rate and pH value on its viscosity were studied using a rotational concentric cylinders viscometer. The results show that the viscosity of prickly pear juice decreases with the increase of its temperature and shearing rate. The solution presents pseudo-plasticity fluid, which shows the characters of shear thinning as follows: first, its viscosity decreases gradually as the temperature increases. The viscosity decreases sharply at both acid and alkaline conditions, indicating that it is influenced apparently by pH value. Keywords: Prickly Pear, Juice, temperature, shearing rate, pH, Viscosity

    Effects of colocynth alkaloids and glycosides on Wistar rats fed high-fat diet. A biochemical and morphological study

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    Introduction. In traditional medicine, Citrullus colocynthis is used to treat diabetes, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular diseases, inflammation, and oxidative stress, all of which can appear when a diet rich in vegetable fats, such as palm oil, is continuously consumed. Such high-fat diets are chronic stressors of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. The objective of our study was to analyze and evaluate the effects of colocynth total alkaloids and glycosides on metabolic, hormonal, and structural disorders of the adrenal medulla in Wistar rats fed a high-fat diet. Material and methods. Twenty six Wistar rats were distributed as follows: six control animals received a standard laboratory diet; twenty experimental rats received the standard laboratory diet supplemented with palm oil — the high-fat diet (HFD). After seven months of this diet, the HFD group was subdivided into rats treated for the next 2 months with either alkaloid extract (HFD-ALk group) or ethanol extract of glycosides (HFD-GLc) or animals on HFD only. Plasma metabolites and ACTH concentrations were measured by standard methods. Sections of adrenal medulla were stained by Heidenhain-Azan method and Sudan Black. Results. The adrenal medulla of the HFD rats showed prominent structural changes, such as hypertrophy of chromaffin and ganglion cells, vacuolation, inflammatory foci, and fibrosis. The biochemical and hormonal parameters were significantly improved in the HFD rats treated with alkaloid and glycoside extracts of Citrullus colocynthis. Moreover, the morphological changes of the adrenal medulla were attenuated in HFD-ALk and HFD-Glc rats. Conclusions. The results of the study indicate that phytotherapy using Citrullus colocynthis alkaloids may correct metabolic and hormonal perturbations as well as adrenal medulla structure of rats maintained on HFD.
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