5 research outputs found

    Some Properties of Rangelands in Bartın Province

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    This study was conducted to determine some vegetation characters of 15 village rangelands in Bartın province in 2016. In the study, modified wheel point method with loop was used. Totally 128 plant species were determined in studied rangelands. This plant species were also divided into 3 different successional groups: i) 18 species were decreases, ii) 10 species were increasers, 100 species were invaders (89 species were herbaceous and 11 species were shrubs-trees). In the experiment rangelands, plant coverage rate was 93.57%. Considering the different successional groups, which had influential effect to pasture quality, decreasers, increasers, and invaders had 15.52%, 15.59% and 68.89%, respectively. The results from the present study indicated that 1, 1, 6 and 7 rangelands are “Very good”, Good”, “Fair” and “Poor” conditions based on the rangeland condition classes, respectively. On the other hand, 14 and 1 rangelands were found as “Healthy” and “Unhealthy” in health categories. There were significant correlations between plant cover and soil depth (r=0.553*) and grazing level and soil compaction (r=0.587*) in studied rangelands. According to these results half of the rangelands must be used carefully, while other half are need improving immediately

    Impacts of Livestock Grazing and Topography on Vegetation Cover and Structure in Natural Rangelands

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    This study was conducted to determine some vegetation characters of 12 natural rangelands in Kastamonu province in 2014. In the study, modified wheel point method with loop was used. Totally 103 plant species were determined in studied rangelands. This plant species were also divided into 3 different successional groups: i) 13 species were decreases, ii) 14 species were increasers, and 76 species were invaders. In the experiment rangelands, plant coverage rate was 83.34%. Considering the different successional groups, which had influential effect to pasture quality, decreasers, increasers, and invaders had 13.35%, 29.15% and 57.50%, respectively. The results from the present study indicated that 1 rangeland are “Good”, 5 rangelands are “Fair” and 6 rangeland are “Poor” conditions based on the rangeland condition classes. On the other hand, 11 and 1 rangelands were found as “Healthy” and “Risky” in health categories. According to these results half of the rangelands must be used carefully, while other half are need improving immediately. There were significant correlations between grazing level and livestock number (r=0.608*) and soil compaction (r=0.590*) and decreaser+increaser plant ratio (r=-0.624*); between livestock number and plant cover (r=-0.581*) and soil erosion (r=0.582*); between plant cover and soil erosion (r=-0.515, Sign. 0.086); between the altitude and area of rangelands (r=-0.775**); between plant cover and decreaser+increaser plant ratio (r=0.594*)

    Importance of Berseem Clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) and Phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia B.) Plants in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera L.) Preference

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    Bu araştırma, 2014 yılında Samsun İlinde bulunan Karadeniz Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü denemealanında yapılmıştır. Çalışmada her biri 100 m² olan 2 ayrı parsele, fazelya (arı otu), İskenderiye üçgülübitkilerinin çiçeklenmeleri aynı döneme gelecek şekilde planlanarak, ekimleri yapılmıştır. Deneme parsellerininyanına çiçeklenme öncesi 6 adet arı kolonisi yerleştirilmiştir. Arı ziyaretleri ile ilgili sayımlar bitkilerdekiçiçeklenme dönemlerinde her gün 1 m² alan üzerinden 09:00, 12:00 ve 15:00saatlerinde olmak üzere üç farklızamanda 5 dakika süre ile eşzamanlı olarak yapılmıştır. Bitkideki çiçeklenme süresince kovanlara her günpolen tuzakları takılarak, günlük polen sayımları yapılmıştır. Bal arıları 5 dakikalık süre içerisinde, ortalamaolarak fazelya bitkisine 72.74, İskenderiye üçgülüne ise 53.90 adet/m2ziyaret gerçekleştirmiştir. Bal arılarınınbitkilerdeki 30 gün süren çiçeklenme dönemi içerisinde en yüksek ziyaret 165.72 adet/m2ile 11. gündeolmuştur. Çiçeklenmenin ilk ve son 3 günü en düşük ziyaretler gerçekleşmiştir. 09:00, 12:00ve 15:00saatlerindeziyaret ortalamaları sırasıyla, 56.24, 71.93, 61.80 adet/m2olarak gerçekleşmiştir. Araştırmadaki kolonilerdenelde edilen ve rastgele seçilen 200 polen paleti içerisinden 6.87 adet fazelya, 2.91 adet iskenderiye üçgülüpolen paleti belirlenmiştir. Metrekarede ortalama olarak İskenderiye üçgülünde 33600, fazelyada 9500 adetçiçek belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmayla arıcılık adına özel bitki olan fazelya kadar olmasa da İskenderiye üçgülününarıcılık için çok önemli bitki olduğu ortaya çıkmaktadır.This study was established in Samsun Karadeniz Agricultural Research Institute Campus in test field areain 2014. Study was carried out by sowing phacelia and berseem clover in two different fields each of 100 m2.It was planned to get same blooming period of plants. Six bee colonies were placed near to the test fieldbefore blooming. Counting about bee visitings were made in blooming periods according to 1 m² field and 3different times 09:00-12:00-15:00o'clock in 5 minutes once in a day. We set up pollen traps everyday andcounting the pollens daily during the flowering period. Average numbers of honey bee visitings were 72.74number/m2for phacelia plant and 53.90 number/m2for berseem clover plant in 5 minutes period. It was foundthat most crowded visiting was 165.72 number/m2in 11thday of 30 days. The lowest visiting was first andlast three days of blooming period. Average numbers of honey bee visitings were 56.24, 71.93, 61.80number/m2at 09:00, 12:00and15:00o'clock respectively. It is defined 6.87 pollen pallet from phacelia plant and2.91 pollen pallet from berseem plant in randomly chosen 200 pollen packages. Berseem plant had themaximum flower quantity by 33600 flowers/number in m2, phacelia had 9500 flowers/m2. This study showedthat berseem clover is an important plant for apiculture although not as important as phacelia plant which isvery special for apiculture

    Preservative solution for skeletal muscle biopsy samples

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    Context : Muscle biopsy samples must be frozen with liquid nitrogen immediately after excision and maintained at -80 o C until analysis. Because of this requirement for tissue processing, patients with neuromuscular diseases often have to travel to centers with on-site muscle pathology laboratories for muscle biopsy sample excision to ensure that samples are properly preserved. Aim: Here, we developed a preservative solution and examined its protectiveness on striated muscle tissues for a minimum of the length of time that would be required to reach a specific muscle pathology laboratory. Materials and Methods: A preservative solution called Kurt-Ozcan (KO) solution was prepared. Eight healthy Sprague-Dawley rats were sacrificed; striated muscle tissue samples were collected and divided into six different groups. Muscle tissue samples were separated into groups for morphological, enzyme histochemical, molecular, and biochemical analysis. Statistical method used: Chi-square and Kruskal Wallis tests. Results: Samples kept in the KO and University of Wisconsin (UW) solutions exhibited very good morphological scores at 3, 6, and 18 hours, but artificial changes were observed at 24 hours. Similar findings were observed for the evaluated enzyme activities. There were no differences between the control group and the samples kept in the KO or UW solution at 3, 6, and 18 hours for morphological, enzyme histochemical, and biochemical features. The messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) of β-actin gene was protected up to 6 hours in the KO and UW solutions. Conclusion: The KO solution protects the morphological, enzyme histochemical, and biochemical features of striated muscle tissue of healthy rats for 18 hours and preserves the mRNA for 6 hours