16 research outputs found

    Genetic Engineering Algorithm (GEA): An Efficient Metaheuristic Algorithm for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems

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    Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are known for their efficiency in solving combinatorial optimization problems, thanks to their ability to explore diverse solution spaces, handle various representations, exploit parallelism, preserve good solutions, adapt to changing dynamics, handle combinatorial diversity, and provide heuristic search. However, limitations such as premature convergence, lack of problem-specific knowledge, and randomness of crossover and mutation operators make GAs generally inefficient in finding an optimal solution. To address these limitations, this paper proposes a new metaheuristic algorithm called the Genetic Engineering Algorithm (GEA) that draws inspiration from genetic engineering concepts. GEA redesigns the traditional GA while incorporating new search methods to isolate, purify, insert, and express new genes based on existing ones, leading to the emergence of desired traits and the production of specific chromosomes based on the selected genes. Comparative evaluations against state-of-the-art algorithms on benchmark instances demonstrate the superior performance of GEA, showcasing its potential as an innovative and efficient solution for combinatorial optimization problems.Comment: Accepted in Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains (DAMDID/RCDL 2023

    Blockchain in supply chain management: a review, bibliometric, and network analysis

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    Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that has attracted both practitioners and academics attention in recent years. Several conceptual and few empirical studies have been published focusing on addressing current issues and recommending the future research directions of supply chain management. To identify how blockchain can contribute to supply chain management, this paper conducts a systematic review through bibliometric and network analysis. We determined the key authors, significant studies, and the collaboration patterns that were not considered by the previous publications on this angel of supply chain management. Using citation and co-citation analysis, key supply chain areas that blockchain could contribute are pinpointed as supply chain management, finance, logistics, and security. Furthermore, it revealed that Internet of Things (IoT) and smart contracts are the leading emerging technologies in this field. The results of highly cited and co-cited articles demonstrate that blockchain could enhance transparency, traceability, efficiency, and information security in supply chain management. The analysis also revealed that empirical research is scarce in this field. Therefore, implementing blockchain in the real-world supply chain is a considerable future research opportunity

    Verification of Current-State Opacity in Discrete Event Systems by Using Basis Coverability Graphs

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    A new approach to the verification of current-state opacity for discrete event systems is proposed in this paper, which is modeled with unbounded Petri nets. The concept of opacity verification is first extended from bounded Petri nets to unbounded Petri nets. In this model, all transitions and partial places are assumed to be unobservable, i.e., only the number of tokens in the observable places can be measured. In this work, a novel basis coverability graph is constructed by using partial markings and quasi-observable transitions. By this graph, this research finds that an unbounded net system is current-state opaque if, for an arbitrary partial marking, there always exists at least one regular marking in the result of current-state estimation with respect to the partial marking not belonging to the given secret. Finally, a sufficient and necessary condition is proposed for the verification of current-state opacity. A manufacturing system example is presented to illustrate that the concept of current-state opacity can be verified for unbounded net systems

    Transformation and Linearization Techniques in Optimization: A State-of-the-Art Survey

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    To formulate a real-world optimization problem, it is sometimes necessary to adopt a set of non-linear terms in the mathematical formulation to capture specific operational characteristics of that decision problem. However, the use of non-linear terms generally increases computational complexity of the optimization model and the computational time required to solve it. This motivates the scientific community to develop efficient transformation and linearization approaches for the optimization models that have non-linear terms. Such transformations and linearizations are expected to decrease the computational complexity of the original non-linear optimization models and, ultimately, facilitate decision making. This study provides a detailed state-of-the-art review focusing on the existing transformation and linearization techniques that have been used for solving optimization models with non-linear terms within the objective functions and/or constraint sets. The existing transformation approaches are analyzed for a wide range of scenarios (multiplication of binary variables, multiplication of binary and continuous variables, multiplication of continuous variables, maximum/minimum operators, absolute value function, floor and ceiling functions, square root function, and multiple breakpoint function). Furthermore, a detailed review of piecewise approximating functions and log-linearization via Taylor series approximation is presented. Along with a review of the existing methods, this study proposes a new technique for linearizing the square root terms by means of transformation. The outcomes of this research are anticipated to reveal some important insights to researchers and practitioners, who are closely working with non-linear optimization models, and assist with effective decision making