12 research outputs found

    Countering internet packet classifiers to improve user online privacy

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    Internet traffic classification or packet classification is the act of classifying packets using the extracted statistical data from the transmitted packets on a computer network. Internet traffic classification is an essential tool for Internet service providers to manage network traffic, provide users with the intended quality of service (QoS), and perform surveillance. QoS measures prioritize a network\u27s traffic type over other traffic based on preset criteria; for instance, it gives higher priority or bandwidth to video traffic over website browsing traffic. Internet packet classification methods are also used for automated intrusion detection. They analyze incoming traffic patterns and identify malicious packets used for denial of service (DoS) or similar attacks. Internet traffic classification may also be used for website fingerprinting attacks in which an intruder analyzes encrypted traffic of a user to find behavior or usage patterns and infer the user\u27s online activities. Protecting users\u27 online privacy against traffic classification attacks is the primary motivation of this work. This dissertation shows the effectiveness of machine learning algorithms in identifying user traffic by comparing 11 state-of-art classifiers and proposes three anonymization methods for masking generated user network traffic to counter the Internet packet classifiers. These methods are equalized packet length, equalized packet count, and equalized inter-arrival times of TCP packets. This work compares the results of these anonymization methods to show their effectiveness in reducing machine learning algorithms\u27 performance for traffic classification. The results are validated using newly generated user traffic. Additionally, a novel model based on a generative adversarial network (GAN) is introduced to automate countering the adversarial traffic classifiers. This model, which is called GAN tunnel, generates pseudo traffic patterns imitating the distributions of the real traffic generated by actual applications and encapsulates the actual network packets into the generated traffic packets. The GAN tunnel\u27s performance is tested against random forest and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) traffic classifiers. These classifiers are shown not being able of detecting the actual source application of data exchanged in the GAN tunnel in the tested scenarios in this thesis

    Training and Comparison of nnU-Net and DeepMedic Methods for Autosegmentation of Pediatric Brain Tumors

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    Brain tumors are the most common solid tumors and the leading cause of cancer-related death among children. Tumor segmentation is essential in surgical and treatment planning, and response assessment and monitoring. However, manual segmentation is time-consuming and has high inter-operator variability, underscoring the need for more efficient methods. We compared two deep learning-based 3D segmentation models, DeepMedic and nnU-Net, after training with pediatric-specific multi-institutional brain tumor data using based on multi-parametric MRI scans.Multi-parametric preoperative MRI scans of 339 pediatric patients (n=293 internal and n=46 external cohorts) with a variety of tumor subtypes, were preprocessed and manually segmented into four tumor subregions, i.e., enhancing tumor (ET), non-enhancing tumor (NET), cystic components (CC), and peritumoral edema (ED). After training, performance of the two models on internal and external test sets was evaluated using Dice scores, sensitivity, and Hausdorff distance with reference to ground truth manual segmentations. Dice score for nnU-Net internal test sets was (mean +/- SD (median)) 0.9+/-0.07 (0.94) for WT, 0.77+/-0.29 for ET, 0.66+/-0.32 for NET, 0.71+/-0.33 for CC, and 0.71+/-0.40 for ED, respectively. For DeepMedic the Dice scores were 0.82+/-0.16 for WT, 0.66+/-0.32 for ET, 0.48+/-0.27, for NET, 0.48+/-0.36 for CC, and 0.19+/-0.33 for ED, respectively. Dice scores were significantly higher for nnU-Net (p<=0.01). External validation of the trained nnU-Net model on the multi-institutional BraTS-PEDs 2023 dataset revealed high generalization capability in segmentation of whole tumor and tumor core with Dice scores of 0.87+/-0.13 (0.91) and 0.83+/-0.18 (0.89), respectively. Pediatric-specific data trained nnU-Net model is superior to DeepMedic for whole tumor and subregion segmentation of pediatric brain tumors

    Unsupervised Machine Learning Using K-Means Identifies Radiomic Subgroups of Pediatric Low-Grade Gliomas That Correlate With Key Molecular Markers

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    Introduction: Despite advancements in molecular and histopathologic characterization of pediatric low-grade gliomas (pLGGs), there remains significant phenotypic heterogeneity among tumors with similar categorizations. We hypothesized that an unsupervised machine learning approach based on radiomic features may reveal distinct pLGG imaging subtypes. Methods: Multi-parametric MR images (T1 pre- and post-contrast, T2, and T2 FLAIR) from 157 patients with pLGGs were collected and 881 quantitative radiomic features were extracted from tumorous region. Clustering was performed using K-means after applying principal component analysis (PCA) for feature dimensionality reduction. Molecular and demographic data was obtained from the PedCBioportal and compared between imaging subtypes. Results: K-means identified three distinct imaging-based subtypes. Subtypes differed in mutational frequencies of BRAF (p \u3c 0.05) as well as the gene expression of BRAF (p\u3c0.05). It was also found that age (p \u3c 0.05), tumor location (p \u3c 0.01), and tumor histology (p \u3c 0.0001) differed significantly between the imaging subtypes. Conclusion: In this exploratory work, it was found that clustering of pLGGs based on radiomic features identifies distinct, imaging-based subtypes that correlate with important molecular markers and demographic details. This finding supports the notion that incorporation of radiomic data could augment our ability to better characterize pLGGs

    The Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge 2023: Focus on Pediatrics (CBTN-CONNECT-DIPGR-ASNR-MICCAI BraTS-PEDs)

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    Pediatric tumors of the central nervous system are the most common cause of cancer-related death in children. The five-year survival rate for high-grade gliomas in children is less than 20\%. Due to their rarity, the diagnosis of these entities is often delayed, their treatment is mainly based on historic treatment concepts, and clinical trials require multi-institutional collaborations. The MICCAI Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge is a landmark community benchmark event with a successful history of 12 years of resource creation for the segmentation and analysis of adult glioma. Here we present the CBTN-CONNECT-DIPGR-ASNR-MICCAI BraTS-PEDs 2023 challenge, which represents the first BraTS challenge focused on pediatric brain tumors with data acquired across multiple international consortia dedicated to pediatric neuro-oncology and clinical trials. The BraTS-PEDs 2023 challenge focuses on benchmarking the development of volumentric segmentation algorithms for pediatric brain glioma through standardized quantitative performance evaluation metrics utilized across the BraTS 2023 cluster of challenges. Models gaining knowledge from the BraTS-PEDs multi-parametric structural MRI (mpMRI) training data will be evaluated on separate validation and unseen test mpMRI dataof high-grade pediatric glioma. The CBTN-CONNECT-DIPGR-ASNR-MICCAI BraTS-PEDs 2023 challenge brings together clinicians and AI/imaging scientists to lead to faster development of automated segmentation techniques that could benefit clinical trials, and ultimately the care of children with brain tumors

    Optimum distance between ground base stations for high-speed train communications using free-space optical laser links

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    High-Speed trains (HSTs) can travel at speeds up to 430 Km/h. The increasing adoption rate of HSTs, and large number of Internet-connected digital devices, pose a great demand for a fast and reliable Internet connection in high-speed trains. Different radio-frequency (RF) wireless communication systems have been studied for HSTs. However, RF wireless communications in high-speed mobility environments suffer from frequent handovers, penetration loss, and Doppler effect. These problems promote the use of other technologies such as free-space optical (FSO) communications to provide reliable Internet connection for HST’s passengers. Two different approaches for performing signal handover using FSO technology for ground to train communications in high-speed trains are presented in this thesis. One uses multiple wavelengths in adjacent covered areas and the other uses a single wavelength. Considering that, the optimum distance between ground stations is obtained while considering comprehensive attenuation factors for a realistic estimation of these two approaches

    Correlation of subway turnstile entries and COVID-19 incidence and deaths in New York City

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    In this paper, we show a strong correlation between turnstile entries data of the New York City (NYC) subway provided by NYC Metropolitan Transport Authority and COVID-19 deaths and cases reported by the NYC Department of Health from March to May 2020. This correlation is obtained through linear regression and confirmed by the prediction of the number of deaths by a Long Short-Term Memory neural network. The correlation is more significant after considering incubation and symptomatic phases of this disease as experienced by people who died from it. We extend the analysis to each individual NYC borough. We also estimate the dates when the number of COVID-19 deaths and cases would approach zero by using the Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average model on the reported deaths and cases. We also backward forecast the dates when the first cases and deaths might have occurred

    Applications of Radiomics and Radiogenomics in High-Grade Gliomas in the Era of Precision Medicine

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    Machine learning (ML) integrated with medical imaging has introduced new perspectives in precision diagnostics of high-grade gliomas, through radiomics and radiogenomics. This has raised hopes for characterizing noninvasive and in vivo biomarkers for prediction of patient survival, tumor recurrence, and genomics and therefore encouraging treatments tailored to individualized needs. Characterization of tumor infiltration based on pre-operative multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (MP-MRI) scans may allow prediction of the loci of future tumor recurrence and thereby aid in planning the course of treatment for the patients, such as optimizing the extent of resection and the dose and target area of radiation. Imaging signatures of tumor genomics can help in identifying the patients who benefit from certain targeted therapies. Specifying molecular properties of gliomas and prediction of their changes over time and with treatment would allow optimization of treatment. In this article, we provide neuro-oncology, neuropathology, and computational perspectives on the promise of radiomics and radiogenomics for allowing personalized treatments of patients with gliomas and discuss the challenges and limitations of these methods in multi-institutional clinical trials and suggestions to mitigate the issues and the future directions

    Unsupervised machine learning using K-means identifies radiomic subgroups of pediatric low-grade gliomas that correlate with key molecular markers

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    Introduction: Despite advancements in molecular and histopathologic characterization of pediatric low-grade gliomas (pLGGs), there remains significant phenotypic heterogeneity among tumors with similar categorizations. We hypothesized that an unsupervised machine learning approach based on radiomic features may reveal distinct pLGG imaging subtypes. Methods: Multi-parametric MR images (T1 pre- and post-contrast, T2, and T2 FLAIR) from 157 patients with pLGGs were collected and 881 quantitative radiomic features were extracted from tumorous region. Clustering was performed using K-means after applying principal component analysis (PCA) for feature dimensionality reduction. Molecular and demographic data was obtained from the PedCBioportal and compared between imaging subtypes. Results: K-means identified three distinct imaging-based subtypes. Subtypes differed in mutational frequencies of BRAF (p < 0.05) as well as the gene expression of BRAF (p<0.05). It was also found that age (p < 0.05), tumor location (p < 0.01), and tumor histology (p < 0.0001) differed significantly between the imaging subtypes. Conclusion: In this exploratory work, it was found that clustering of pLGGs based on radiomic features identifies distinct, imaging-based subtypes that correlate with important molecular markers and demographic details. This finding supports the notion that incorporation of radiomic data could augment our ability to better characterize pLGGs