2 research outputs found

    بیماری‌های شغلی شاغلین بخش صنعت و خدمات شهرستان رباط کریم

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    Background and Aims: Periodic examinations are one of the requirements of occupational health care system and part of the second level of disease prevention which is recommended by the Occupational Safety and Health Organization. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of occupational diseases among workers in the industry and services sectors in Robat Karim. Materials and Methods: This work is a cross-sectional study in which 3026 workers were asked for periodical examinations, referring to Occupational Medicine of Shahid Shaterian in Robat Karim. Data collection checklist, SPSS 22 software and descriptive statistical analyses including central indexes, distribution and frequency distribution, were used to describe and compare the studied variables. Ethical considerations were also observed at all stages of the study. Results: The highest prevalence of underlying disease in the age group over 41 years old both in men and women were acquired type and diabetes, followed by cardiovascular diseases. The most common type of general disease in women was asthma, followed by hypothyroidism and cardiovascular diseases. In periodic examinations, 26% of workers showed to have hearing loss, less than 1% had contact dermatitis, and 3% had work-related back pain. Conclusion: The high prevalence of hearing problems necessitates hearing screening, training and technical-engineering controls to prevent this disease. These measures play an effective role in the early identification of sensorineural hearing loss. Considering the prevalence of underlying diseases, the implementation of control programs and self-care programs for employees is a requirement.زمینه و اهداف: معاينات  دوره‌ای، يكي از الزامات نظام مراقبت سلامت شغلي و جزء سطح دوم پيشگيري از بيماري‌ها مي‌باشد كه انجام آن توسط سازمان ایمنی و بهداشت شغلی توصيه شده است. هدف از اين مطالعه، تعيين وضعیت شیوع بیماری‌های شغلی در شاغلین بخش صنعت و خدمات شهرستان رباط کریم می‌باشد. مواد و روش‌ها: اين پژوهش يك مطالعه مقطعي- توصیفی مي‌باشد كه جمعيت مورد بررسي 3026 نفر از شاغلین، متقاضی معاينات دوره‌ای مراجعه كننده به طب کار شهید شاطریان رباط کریم تشکیل می‌دادند. در اين پژوهش از چک لیست گردآوری اطلاعات، نرم‌افزار SPSS22  و جهت آنالیز از روش‌های آماری توصیفی شامل شاخص‌های مرکزی، پراکندگی و توزیع فراوانی برای توصیف و مقایسه متغیرهای مورد مطالعه استفاده شد. همچنین ملاحظات اخلاقی در تمام مراحل اجرای مطالعه رعایت شد. یافته‌ها: بیشترین فراوانی بیماری زمینه‌ای در گروه سنی بالای ۴۱ سال در هر دو جنس از نوع اکتسابی و دیابت و در رتبه بعدی، بیماری‌های قلبی عروقی  قرار دارد و بیشترین نوع بیماری زمینه‌ای در زنان، آسم و در رتبه بعدی هایپوتیروئیدی و  بیماری‌های قلبی عروقی بود. در بررسی معاینات دوره‌ای 26% افت شنوایی، کمتر از 1% درماتیت تماسی و 3% کمردرد مرتبط با کار داشتند. نتیجه‌گیری: شیوع بالای مشکلات شنوایی؛ غربالگری شنوایی، آموزش و کنترل‌های فنی- مهندسی برای پیشگیری از این بیماری را الزامی می‌کند. این اقدامات در شناسایی زودرس کاهش شنوایی بویزه نوع حسی عصبی نقش موثری دارد. باتوجه به شایع بودن بیماری‌های زمینه‌ای، اجرای برنامه‌های کنترلی و برنامه‌های خود مراقبتی شاغلین از الزامات مي‌باشد

    Relationship Between Spiritual Health and Job Performance Among Pharmacy Personnel in Qom, Iran

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    Background and Objectives: Spiritual health has a positive effect on the way of interaction, organizational belonging, and job commitment of people. Therefore, it is expected that in sensitive jobs, such as pharmacy and prescribing medicine for patients, errors will be reduced and patient safety will be improved. This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between spiritual health and job performance among pharmacists and pharmacy staff in Qom Province in 2017-2018. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out on a total of 140 staff of pharmacies in Qom. The performance measurement tool was Paterson’s occupational performance questionnaire. Along with demographic information, the state of spiritual health was also evaluated using an authentic Iranian questionnaire. The data were analyzed using an independent t-test and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Results: The mean age and work experience of the participants were 31.05±8.3 and 7.94±7.4 years, respectively. The total score of occupational performance and spiritual health was obtained as 70±10 and 211.9±23.6, respectively. The results of the Pearson correlation coefficient showed a statistically significant relationship between spiritual health and job performance (P<0.01). Conclusion: Considering the existence of a relationship between the spiritual health of personnel and job performance, it can be concluded that by improving the level of the spiritual health of the personnel working in the pharmacy, the effectiveness factors of organizational behavior will improve. It is recommended that more research be done in the field of job performance improvement