19 research outputs found

    The Influence Of Culture, Individual Differences And Time Pressure On Negotiation Styles Of Iranian And Malaysian Business Negotiators

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    Kajian ini meneliti pengaruh budaya dan perbezaan individu dari segi personaliti, kecerdasan emosi dan jantina ke atas gaya perundingan (bersaing, berkolaborasi, berkompromi, mengelakkan dan menampung) kedua-dua para perunding perniagaan dari Iran dan Malaysia.Kajian ini juga meneliti kesan kesederhanaan tekanan masa ke atas hubungan antara budaya dan gaya rundingan para perunding perniagaan dari Malaysia dan Iran.Teknik persampelan bertujuan bukan rawak telah digunakan untuk mengumpul data melalui soal selidik yang dihasilkan dari literatur dan kajian yang berkaitan. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian SPSS. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa dimensi budaya (kolektivisme, kelakian, jarak kuasa dan pengelakan ketidaktentuan) mempunyai pengaruh yang besar ke atas gaya perundingan kedua-dua perunding perniagaan Iran dan Malaysia. Di samping itu, berdasarkan hasil analisis data (analisis regresi berganda), gaya bekerjasama, bertolak ansur dan bertimbang rasa telah diketengahkan sebagai gaya perundingan yang paling digemari oleh perunding perniagaan Iran (mengikut nilai mutlak pekali β). Bersaing dan mengelakkan gaya telah diketengahkan sebagai gaya perundingan yang paling digemari oleh perunding perniagaan Malaysia (mengikut nilai mutlak pekali β). The present study examined the influence of culture and individual differences in terms of personality, emotional intelligence and gender on negotiation styles (competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding and accommodating) of both Iranian and Malaysian business negotiators. This research also investigated the moderating effect of time pressure on the relationship between culture and negotiation styles of business negotiators from Malaysia and Iran. Non-random purposive sampling technique was applied to collect data through survey questionnaire developed from related literature and studies. The data were analyzed by using SPSS software. Findings indicated that dimensions of culture (collectivism, masculinity, power distance and uncertainty avoidance) had significant influences on negotiation styles of both Iranian and Malaysian business negotiators. In addition, based on the results of data analysis (multiple regression analysis) collaborating, compromising and accommodating styles were highlighted as the most preferred negotiation styles of Iranian business negotiators (according to the absolute value of β coefficient). Competing and avoiding styles were highlighted as the most preferred negotiation styles of Malaysian business negotiators (according to the absolute value of β coefficient)

    The Influence Of Service Quality And Communication On Patient Satisafaction In Penang Private Healthcare Centers

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    In this research customer satisfaction and service quality have been considered as important factors for any organizations

    The factors related to health administration with mediating role of organizational commitment

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    Background: A large company is a complex organization, in which the process of work and attention to users depends on the combination of knowledge from different professional categories. The purpose of this study was to examine administrative health in a company based on organizational variables with respect to the mediating role of organizational commitment. Method: This was a mixed method study including qualitative and quantitative methods. The statistical population consisted of two groups, namely experts (including 24 professors) and managers including deputies and employees (n = 820). The sample size was determined to be 262 people selected using the stratified simple random sampling method. In the first stage, collecting qualitative research data, meta-synthesis method was used to develop a model. To pursue the research purpose, four-step method was used: arrange the research questions, systematic search of texts, select the right articles, text Information Extractor. Data were analyzed using path analysis by AMOS software. Results: The results showed a significant predictive effect of factors related to administrative and mental health on administrative health with respect to the mediating role of organizational commitment (P-value <0.05). Conclusion: There is a relationship between factors related to administrative health with respect to the mediating role of organizational commitment in the selected company

    Mediating role of gender on the impact of human resource strategies on knowledge-based employees: a study on human strategies affecting organizational health

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    Background: Rapid growth of the organization depends on capable and efficient human resources that provide the conditions for producing more diverse, better, and more products in global markets by using any technology. Methods: The present study was applied-developmental in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational method. All 86750 employees of public organizations in Kerman province in 2019 were considered the study's statistical population. Using Cochran's formula, the sample size was estimated at 384 people. The selection was done by the stratified sampling method. Data collection included a 98-item questionnaire of knowledge-based staff with a 0.87 validity and a 0.74 reliability and a 50-item questionnaire of human resources strategies with a 0.85 validity and a 0.87 reliability. Data analysis was performed using Amos and SPSS software. Results: The results revealed a significant difference effect of secondary, a free agent, committed strategies on knowledge-based employees in public organizations in Kerman province considering the mediating role of gender. However, the effect of paternalistic strategy on knowledge-based employees in Kerman public organizations considering the mediating role of gender was not significant. Conclusion: Managers and policymakers could apply the findings of this study in determining the position and level of employees as designers and key actors of the organization and in the appointment, recruitment, retention and evaluation system

    Institutional barriers to achieving good urban governance as a social determinant of health

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    Background: Most of the factors that affect the community health are out of health sector. The aim of this study was to investigate institutional barriers to achieving good urban governance as a social determinant of health. Methods: The present study was a descriptive-correlational in terms of nature and survey in terms of method. The statistical population of the study included employees of Isfahan Municipality in Isfahan (n=15085). Based on Krejcie and Morgan table, the sample size was estimated at 376 people. They were selected using stratified random sampling method proportional to sample size. To collect data, researcher-made 41 items questionnaire was used on the barriers to achieve good urban governance. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated as higher than 0.7. Data analysis was performed using structural equation modeling in AMOS-23 software. Results: The results showed that the effect of physical/spatial, social fragmentation and functional barriers on good urban governance was also significant. Also, the effect of barrier variables in the theoretical area of planning and management, functional barriers in the system of urban administration and management and political-planning barriers on good urban governance was significant. Negative path coefficients indicated that these structures had an inverse effect on good urban governance. Conclusion: A total number of six barriers were recognized that the government and municipalities can consider them in policy-making to achieve good urban governance and provide the conditions for development and expansion of cities according to urban standards This could be led to better situation in social determinants of health and higher level of health in community level

    Relationships between work ethics and green management: a case study of Shiraz public hospitals

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    Introduction: Work ethic and green management are crucial issues in the health sector. This study was conducted to design a model on the relationship between work ethic and green management in public hospitals in Shiraz. Methods: Mixed method (qualitative-quantitative) was used in the present study. The statistical sample in the qualitative section to answer the Delphi questionnaire included professors of medical universities and managers of public hospitals in Shiraz. The statistical sample in this section was obtained to be 15 people by using snowball sampling. The statistical population in the quantitative section included 200 staff of Shiraz public hospitals. They selected by stratified sampling method. Data collection tools included Delphi questionnaire and structural equation questionnaire. The quantitative section analysis was performed by SPSS and AMOS software. Results: Based on the results of the Delphi method, 8 main components and 29 sub-components were identified: among them, 4 main components were related to work ethic and 4 main components were related to green management.  The results of structural equations showed that the factor loads of green management components including waste management, green human resources, productivity and energy were 0.41, 0.73, 1.09 and 0.60, respectively. Also, the factor loads of work ethic components including dependence, ambition, considerations and cooperation were 0.65, 0.81, 0.89 and 0.75, respectively. Work ethic also affected green management by 0.40. Conclusion: Work ethic affects green management. Health and human considerations in the workplace and ambition in work, productivity and green human resources were the most important components

    Institutional barriers to the development and construction of urban hospitals

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    Background: Increasing urban population and the need for accountability and citizen orientation have led decision makers to use the desired methods in the area of urban management. This article identified the barriers to development and construction of hospitals in metropolitan of Isfahan. Methods: This study was descriptive-correlational in terms of method. 376 people were studied. They were selected using stratified random sampling method. To data collection, a researcher-made questionnaire was used. It included 41 questions in two dimensions of urban and regional barriers and planning and management. The construct validity of the research variable structure was confirmed by exploratory factor analysis. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was also estimated to be higher than 0.7. Data analysis was performed using confirmatory factor analysis in AMOS-23.  Results: The indicators shown that the model for measuring institutional obstacles to achieve good urban governance is suitable. The results showed that planning and management and urban and regional variables as institutional barriers have a significant impact on the construction of the hospital and it shows that these structures have a direct impact on these barriers. Therefore, it can be said that the influence of planning and management variables was more than other dimensions. Conclusion: Based on the observations can be shown that the policy makers should identify the obstacles facing the collaborative models and then provide a suitable platform for their organizations. In order to reduce planning and management obstacles, should be managed within the framework of plans and stakeholders should be involved in the decision-making process

    Performance prediction based on employees' job engagement mediated by ethical leadership

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    Background: Education has a great impact on the social, economic and cultural progress of society. This study's goal was to develop a thorough model for performance prediction that was based on employee job engagement and was mediated by moral leadership. Methods: This study was applied and a descriptive-correlational. The statistical population was included 341 people from employees and managers of the education department in Kerman province. They were chosen at random by a stratified sample. Information was gathered using questionnaires created by the researcher, including a work performance questionnaire with 28 questions, a job engagement questionnaire with 34 questions, and a questionnaire on ethical leadership with 46 questions. Assessing the validity of the components by the Delphi method by surveying 30 experts and the results of fit of the components obtained with AMOS software were determined. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the variables was more than 0.7, suggesting that the items were internally coordinated and that the reliability was confirmed. Results: With the increase of behavioral involvement such as commitment to time, intensity and seriousness of work, cognitive involvement such as concentration, work attraction and emotional involvement such as enthusiasm and mental flexibility, along with the rise in ethical leadership, the degree of ethical leadership in education grew, the level of performance, the employment of employees increased. Conclusion: The importance of mediating role of ethical leadership in education department employees in predicting performance based on job engagement can be used by managers in the area of learning and education in the country

    Presenting an Effective Model for Evaluating Administrative System Health Policies According to Upstream Documents: A Study in Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance

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    This research has been done with the aim of providing an effective model for evaluating the health policies of the administrative system according to the upstream documents in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance. This research is a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, so that at first, by conducting library studies, 108 policy titles were counted as primary codes (parts of speech), which were divided into 23 basic themes (components) and then into 6 organizing themes (dimension) included administrative, social, economic, political, judicial, and financial dimensions. The initial model was verified by experts. The statistical population of this research includes 4062 employees of the headquarters and provincial general offices of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, and according to Cohen's sampling method, 205 samples were selected using the stratified sampling method. The initial model was tested in this sample. The validity of the questionnaire was calculated as (86.1 percent), the internal reliability of the questionnaire was also calculated using Cronbach's alpha, and considering that the values of Cronbach's alpha were higher than (0.7), the internal reliability of all dimensions was confirmed. Data analysis was done using SPSS and Smart-PLS software. Statistical methods of confirmatory factor analysis, structural equations and single-sample t-test have been used to investigate the research questions. As a result, according to Cronbach's alpha indices score and composite reliability higher than 0.6, factor loading higher than 0.5 of the questions, root-mean-square index score of the standardized residual equal to 0.039, the validity of the model was confirmed

    Challenges and Strengths of Fourth-Generation Accreditation Standards from the Perspective of Nurses at Afzalipour Hospital in Kerman: A Qualitative Study

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    Background: Accreditation is a team effort to improve service quality. Nurses, as key members of the care team, play an important role in implementing accreditation standards. This study aimed to explain the challenges and strengths of the implementation of fourth-generation accreditation from the perspective of nurses. Methods: The present study was a qualitative one conducted using content analysis. The research population included nurses of Afzalipour hospital in Kerman, Iran. Using purposive and snowball sampling, 5 nurses, 5 head nurses, and 3 supervisors were selected for accreditation. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The interviews were transcribed, coded, categorized, and analyzed separately. Then, using content analysis, the data obtained from the interviews were reduced and given a structure and system. Data analysis was performed using MAXQDA software (version 10). Results: The most important challenges in this study were increasing nurses’ workload and working pressure and weakening nurses’ relationship with the patient. Moreover, there was no adequate infrastructure to implement accreditation. The strengths of implementing accreditation standards included increasing nurses’ awareness, improving reporting and documentation, increasing patient safety, and improving organizational processes. Conclusion: The results of this study emphasized the need to implement accreditation standards to integrate working methods and improve the quality of services and patient safety. Solving the existing challenges is a way to ensure the quality and continuous improvement of nursing services. In general, the results of this study provide useful information to policy makers and senior managers of the health system to reform the structure of hospital accreditation