352 research outputs found

    Super Salesmen for the Toughest Sales Job: The Utah Nippo, Salt Lake City\u27s Japanese Americans, and Proving Group Loyalty, 1941-1946

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    This thesis examines the Utah Nippo, its messages to Salt Lake City\u27s Nikkei population, and draws out the paper\u27s editorial themes intended for resident Utah Nikkei. The Utah Nippo was one of three Japanese-language newspapers that published during World War II and it was a voice for community leaders and editors who urged Salt Lake Nikkei to behave in certain ways that (they believed) would prove a certain loyal American identity. Such an identity was comprised of prescribed behaviors: supporting the government and war effort, attending patriotic activities, keeping a low social profile, and quietly enduring the fear and discrimination directed at them as Nikkei in the midst of a national war against Japan. The Utah Nippo painted the model minority stereotype during World War II, although scholars view it as a postwar concept imposed on Asian Americans. Although not entirely dictated by the Japanese American Citizens League, the newspaper content was influenced by the League\u27s wartime campaigns for working with the U.S. government and behaving loyally. Nikkei in community leadership roles actively encouraged this image because it meant safety by assurance of Americanism. Individuals and editorials highlighted behaviors that helped or hurt the group image. The newspaper also focused on ending racism in the U.S. within Nikkei communities and as they resettled throughout the nation. While the Utah Nippo printed such sentiments, not all residents necessarily agreed with or did as the newspaper suggested, yet the articles indicated the identity that editors and leaders hoped to create. In light of the tenuous situation that Salt Lake Nikkei felt they lived in, it made sense for individuals to outwardly conform and incorporate the paper\u27s behavioral guidelines in order to deflect suspicions over loyalty away from the group

    Follow Up Nucleate Boiling On-Flight Experiment

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    Efficient prediction of broadband trailing edge noise and application to porous edge treatment

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    Trailing edge noise generated by turbulent flow traveling past an edge of an airfoil is one of the most essential aeroacoustic sound generation mechanisms. It is of great interest for noise problems in various areas of industrial application. First principle based CAA with short response time are needed in the industrial design process for reliable prediction of spectral differences in turbulent-boundary-layer trailing-edge noise due to design modifications. In this paper, an aeroacoustic method is studied, resting on a hybrid CFD/CAA procedure. In a first step RANS simulation provides a time-averaged solution, including the mean-flow and turbulence statistics such as length-scale, time-scale and turbulence kinetic energy. Based on these, fluctuating sound sources are then stochastically generated by the Fast Random Particle-Mesh Method to simulate in a second CAA step broadband aeroacoustic sound. From experimental findings it is well known that porous trailing edges significantly lower trailing edge noise level over a large range of frequencies reaching up to 8dB reduction. Furthermore, sound reduction depends on the porous material parameters, e.g. geometry, porosity, permeability and pore size. The paper presents first results for an extended hybrid CFD/CAA method including porous materials with prescribed parameters. To incorporate the effect of porosity, an extended formulation of the Acoustic Perturbation Equations with source terms is derived based on a reformulation of the volume averaged Navier-Stokes equations into perturbation form. Proper implementation of the Darcy and Forchheimer terms is verified for sound propagation in homogeneous and anisotropic porous medium. Sound generation is studied for a generic symmetric NACA0012 airfoil without lift to separate secondary effects of lift and camber on sound from those of the basic edge noise treatments.Comment: 37 page

    Volume of ipecac-induced emesis as a function of the volume of fluids administered

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    dissertationIpecac syrup is the emetic of choice for decamination of the stomach in many drug overdoses and poison ingestions. Ipecac is derived from the dried root of Cephalis ipecacuanha or C. acuminate, plants indiginous to Brazil and Central America, and cultivated in India and Malaysia. The active emetic principles in ipecac have been identified as the alkaloids, emetine and cephaeline. Ipecac is used as an emetic in the United States in the form of ipecac syrup USP. Ipecac syrup is inexpensive, readily available, easy to use, and relatively fast acting. The oral administration of fluids, given immediately prior to or immediately after ipecac syrup, is thought to be of some clinical importance as an enhancement of emesis. Anecdotal information suggests that greater amounts of fluid taken by the patient concurrently with ipecac syrup produces more effective emesis. The objective of this study was to determine if a relationship exists between volume of fluids taken with ipecac syrup and the volume of emesis produced. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between administration of differing amounts of fluids with ipecac syrup and the volume of emesis

    Potential East-West Migration

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    Examines the migration potential in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, & Slovakia, using 1996 survey data from 4,392 persons. Results indicate that all scenarios that predict an imminent exodus of people from East & Central Europe are exaggerating the real dimension of East-West migration. The migration potential in the four countries investigated here is between 700,000 & (potentially) 4 million persons, higher than the numbers foreseen by the law for annual immigration to Austria & the Federal Republic of Germany & higher than the numbers thought politically acceptable. Principal information concealing the demographic & social structure of the people who are willing to leave their country & planning a stay in Western Europe is given

    Photoelectric Charging by Ultraviolet Light of a Lunar Dust Simulant in a Microgravity Environment

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    A microgravity experiment to test the electrostatic behavior of a lunar dust simulant being charged through the photoelectric effect will expand understanding of the charging characteristics of dust particles and may lead to a possible mitigation solution. With a design based upon Robert Millikan’s oil-drop experiment, this experiment is designed to observe the interactions of a lunar dust simulant without the conflicting effect of a dominant gravitational force. The dust particles will be charged by means of a lamp capable of photon energies necessary to emit electrons by the photoelectric effect. In the presence of an axial electric field, the photo-electrons and charged dust will be attracted to opposing sides of a capacitor and the net charge over time as well as physical trajectories of the particles can be determined. Although this experiment is not designed to provide a dust mitigation strategy for lunar regolith, an increased understanding of the charging properties of silica by means of the Get Away Special Team’s experiment benefits the scientific community

    Effects of Micro-gravity on Thin-Wire Subcooled Nucleate Boiling Dynamics

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    Nucleate boiling is a highly effective means of transferring heat, and as space exploration begins to reach farther from Earth, efficient heat management systems in microgravity are becoming increasingly important. In the summer of 2010, members of the USU Get Away Special (GAS) team flew aboard NASA’s Weightless Wonder in order to study the effect of various system parameters on nucleate boiling heat transfer behavior in microgravity. This one dimensional study of boiling used a new geometry never tried before and concluded that heat transfer rates during boiling in microgravity do not significantly differ from those observed on Earth. These results will allow for a more in depth study of the phenomenon and hopefully lead to the development of a two dimensional heater with important practical applications

    Zum Stand der Transformationsforschung in der Geographie

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    Der Stand der Transformationsforschung in der Geographie bildet den zentralen Inhalt dieses Beitrages. Anhand des Mitgliederverzeichnis des Verbandes der Geographen an Hochschulen Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz wird analysiert, wer, wo und mit welchen Themen im östlichen Europa forscht. Dabei wird deutlich, dass geographische Forschung im östlichen Europa nur an einzelnen Universitätsstandorten intensiv betrieben wird. Forschungsschwerpunkte sind selten, die Zersplitterung der Forschungsszene vorherrschend. Über die Analyse des Mitgliederverzeichnisses des Verbandes der Geographen an deutschen (sowie österreichischen und schweizerischen) Hochschulen hinausgehend kann anhand von Literaturbeispielen gezeigt werden, dass sich die Forschungsansätze der geographischen Transformationsforschung deutlich verschoben haben: Dominierten Anfang der 90er Jahre noch generelle Forschungsansätze, die auf die grundsätzliche Analyse des Wandels von einer Plan- zu einer Marktwirtschaft abzielten (Global Approach), so lässt sich ab Mitte der 90er Jahre eine Hinwendung zu räumlich eingeschränkten und fachlich spezialisierten Analysen erkennen (Sector Approach). Der Beitrag schließt mit einer Diskussion über die Zukunftsfähigkeit der Transformationsforschung und erläutert die These, wonach eine erfolgreiche Transformation den eigentlichen Forschungsgegenstand auflöst. Eine Gegenthese wird begründet, die besagt, dass trotz aller Konvergenz strukturelle Unterschiede bestehen bleiben, die Gegenstand einer, dann vielleicht umzubenennenden Transformationsforschung sein werden.The stand of transformation research in geography is the central topic of this article. An analysis is carried out using the members list of the Association of Geographers at Universities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland on who is carrying research where and on what topics related to Eastern Europe. This reveals that geographic research in Eastern Europe is only being carried out intensively in certain universities. There are but few focuses of research and the research scene appears predominantly scattered. In addition to analysing the members list of the Association of Geographers at Universities in Germany (as well as Austria and Switzerland), it is possible to show using relevant literature examples that the research approaches in geographic transformation research have changed fundamentally and clearly: whereas general research approaches were predominant at the start of the nineties, which centred on the fundamental analys is of transformation from planned to market economy (global approach), we can see an increased focus since the middle of the nineties towards regionally restricted and topic-specialised analysis (sector approach). The conclusion of this article is a discussion of the future perspectives of transformation research, elucidating the theory that successful transformation actually cancels the object of research. An antithesis is reasoned that specifies that structural differences remain despite convergence, which should be the subject of a new, eventually renamed transformation research

    Photoelectric Charging by Ultraviolet Light of a Lunar Dust Simulant in a Microgravity Environment

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    A microgravity experiment to test the electrostatic behavior of a lunar dust simulant being charged through the photoelectric effect will expand understanding of the charging characteristics of dust particles and may lead to a possible mitigation solution. With a design based upon Robert Milikan\u27s oil-drop experiment, this experiment is designed to observe the interactions of a lunar dust simulant without the conflicting effects of a dominant gravitational force. The dust particles will be charged by means of a lamp capable of photon energies necessary to emit electrons by the photoelectric effect. In the presence of an axial electric field, the photo-electrons and charged dust will be attracted to opposing sides of a capacitor and the net charge over time as well as physical trajectories of the particles can be determined

    Die Arbeitsmarktposition ausländischer Arbeitskräfte in Deutschland (West) und Österreich (The labour market position of foreign workers in (western) Germany and Austria)

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    "The article compares the occupational position of labour migrants from Turkey and former Yugoslavia in Germany and Austria. In both states labour migrants from Turkey and former Yugoslavia constitute the majority of the foreign workers, and the two states are comparable with regard both to their social and economic structure and to their labour market structure. The differing degree of integration of foreign workers in the German and Austrian employment systems can therefore not be attributed to general factors, but requires explanations specific to the particular country. The analyses show that labour migrants in Austria are far more heavily concentrated in subordinate positions of the labour market hierarchy than is the case in Germany. This is true when taking into consideration the education and training as well as the length of stay in the particular country. In 1994, for example, 51% of the foreign nationals in Germany who came from former Yugoslavia were employed as unskilled or semi-skilled workers, whereas it was 75% in Austria. In comparison with (western) Germany, Austria's labour market structures show a higher degree of segregation and a lower permeability. The far lower occupational and spatial mobility in Austria is just as much an indicator for this as the large share taken up by the public sector (national administration, schools and institutions of higher education, almost all health services) as well as the nationalised or formerly nationalised industry and other sectors run entirely or partially by the state (railways, postal services, telecommunications, national airlines, local transport companies, electronic media, food production, banks and insurance companies, mineral oil production, the gas and electricity industry , the tobacco industry), which form a 'protected' segment of the labour market which is predominantly reserved for Austrian nationals. There is also the fact that foreigners in Austria are more rarely employed in large enterprises than is the case in Germany, and therefore career opportunities within a company remain closed to foreign workers to a far greater extent than in Germany. In contrast to this, the 'protected' segment of the labour market in Germany is less pronounced. Here both the public service is smaller in relation to the size of the population and the exposed part of industry and market-orientated services is larger." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))ausländische Arbeitnehmer, Türke, Arbeitsmarktchancen - internationaler Vergleich, Stellung im Beruf, ausländische Arbeitnehmer, Jugoslawe, Arbeitsmarktsegmentation, sektorale Verteilung, berufliche Mobilität, Aufenthaltsdauer, Bildungsabschluss, Westdeutschland, Österreich, Bundesrepublik Deutschland
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