103 research outputs found

    Phenotyping and genotyping of CYP2C19 using comparative metabolism of proguanil in sickle‐cell disease patients and healthy controls in Nigeria

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    Polymorphic expression of metabolic enzymes have been identified as one of the key factors responsible for the interindividual/ethnic/racial variability in drug metabolism and effect. In Nigeria, there is a disproportionately high incidence of sickle‐cell disease (SCD), a condition characterized by painful crisis frequently triggered by malaria. Proguanil, a substrate of the polymorphic CYP2C19, is a chemoprophylactic antimalarial drug widely used among SCD patients in Nigeria. This study aimed to conduct a comparative CYP2C19 phenotyping among SCD patients and healthy controls and to compare the results with those previously reported. One hundred seventy‐seven unrelated subjects comprising 131 SCD patients and 46 non‐SCD volunteers were phenotyped. This was carried out by collecting pooled urine samples over 8 h following PG administration. Proguanil and its major CYP2C19‐dependent metabolites were measured by high‐performance liquid chromatography. Metabolic ratios (MRs) were computed and employed in classifying subjects into poor or extensive metabolizers. Among SCD group, 130 (99.2%) were extensive metabolizers (EMs) and 1 (0.8%) was poor metabolizer (PM) of PG, while 95.7 and 4.3% non‐SCDs were EMs and PMs, respectively. MRs ranged from 0.02 to 8.70 for SCD EMs and from 0.22 to 8.33 for non‐SCD EMs. Two non‐SCDs with MRs of 18.18 and 25.76 and the SCD with MR of 16.77 regarded as PMs had earlier been genotyped as CYP2C19*2/*2. Poor metabolizers of proguanil in SCD patients are reported for the first time. Regardless of clinical significance, a difference in metabolic disposition of proguanil and CYP2C19 by SCDs and non‐SCDs was established

    Pathway-specific inhibition of primaquine metabolism by chloroquine/quinine

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    BACKGROUND: There has been some evidence to suggest that the addition of chloroquine (CQ) or quinine (QN) to 8-aminoquinoline (8-AQ) treatment regimens may increase the therapeutic efficacy of the 8-AQ and simultaneously mitigate against its haemolytic toxicity. However, both CQ and QN are considered effective, although perhaps moderate inhibitors of CYP2D6, an enzyme now regarded as necessary for primaquine (PQ) pharmacologic activity. An understanding of the influence of CQ and QN on the metabolism of PQ may shed light on the potential mechanisms of the beneficial interaction. METHODS: Differential metabolism of PQ enantiomers by recombinant human CYP2D6, monoamine oxidase A (MAO), and cryopreserved human hepatocytes in the presence/absence of CQ and QN. RESULTS: Both CQ and QN significantly inhibited the activity of CYP2D6. PQ depletion by MAO and human hepatocytes was not affected significantly by the presence of CQ and QN. CYP2D6-mediated hydroxylation was largely suppressed by both CQ and QN. The formation of the primary deaminated metabolites, including carboxyprimaquine (CPQ) and cyclized side chain derivative from the aldehyde (m/z 241), was not sensitive to the presence of CQ and QN. However, the appearance of the glucuronides of CPQ and PQ alcohol were significantly suppressed. CQ and QN also inhibited the appearance of the m/z 257 metabolite with a similar pattern, suggesting that it may be derived from the CPQ conjugate. The apparent quinone-imine of CPQ (m/z 289) was only partially suppressed by both QN and CQ, but with a differential pattern of inhibition for the two drugs. The m/z 274 (quinone-imine of a ring-hydroxylated PQ metabolite) and m/z 422 (an apparent glucose conjugate of PQ) metabolites in hepatocytes were strongly suppressed by both QN and CQ, perhaps a reflection of the 2D6 inhibition by these drugs. The formation of the carbamoyl glucuronide of PQ (m/z 480) was not affected by CQ/QN. CONCLUSION: The metabolite-specific interactions in the current studies seem at variance with earlier reports of the dependence of PQ on CYP2D6 metabolism, and enhanced PQ anti-malarial activity/reduced toxicity in the presence of CQ/QN. These results suggest a complex picture in which CQ/QN may shift metabolite pathway balances towards a profile that retains efficacy, while reducing the formation or availability of toxic metabolites to erythrocytes. Alternatively, these drugs may alter transport or distribution of PQ metabolites in a fashion that reduces toxicity while maintaining efficacy against the parasite

    Formation primaquine-5, 6-orthoquinone, the putative active and toxic metabolite of primaquine via direct oxidation in human erythrocytes

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    Copyright © 2019 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Short precorneal residence time and poor transocular membrane permeability are the major challenges associated with topical ocular drug delivery. In the present research, the efficiency of the electrolyte-triggered sol-to-gel-forming system of natamycin (NT) transfersomes was investigated for enhanced and prolonged ophthalmic delivery. Transfersomes were optimized by varying the molar ratios of phospholipid, sorbitan monostearate (Span) and tocopheryl polyethylene glycol succinate (TPGS). NT transfersome formulations (FNs) prepared with a 1:1 molar ratio of phospholipid-to-Span and low levels of TPGS showed optimal morphometric properties, and were thus selected to fabricate the in situ gelling system. Gellan gum-based (0.3% w/v) FN-loaded formulations (FNGs) immediately formed an in situ gel in the simulated tear fluid, with considerable viscoelastic characteristics. In vitro cytotoxicity in corneal epithelial cells and corneal histology studies demonstrated the ocular safety and cytocom-patibility of these optimized formulations. Transcorneal permeability of NT from these formulations was significantly higher than in the control suspension. Moreover, the ocular disposition studies of NT, from the FNs and FNGs, in New Zealand male albino rabbits demonstrated the superiority of the electrolyte-sensitive FNGs in terms of NT delivery to the ocular tissues

    Differential kinetic profiles and metabolism of primaquine enantiomers by human hepatocytes

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    BACKGROUND: The clinical utility of primaquine (PQ), used as a racemic mixture of two enantiomers, is limited due to metabolism-linked hemolytic toxicity in individuals with genetic deficiency in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. The current study investigated differential metabolism of PQ enantiomers in light of the suggestions that toxicity and efficacy might be largely enantioselective. METHODS: Stable isotope (13)C-labelled primaquine and its two enantiomers (+)-PQ, (−)-PQ were separately incubated with cryopreserved human hepatocytes. Time-tracked substrate depletion and metabolite production were monitored via UHPLC–MS/MS. RESULTS: The initial half-life of 217 and 65 min; elimination rate constants (λ) of 0.19 and 0.64 h(−1); intrinsic clearance (Cl(int)) of 2.55 and 8.49 (”L/min)/million cells, which when up-scaled yielded Cl(int) of 6.49 and 21.6 (mL/min)/kg body mass was obtained respectively for (+)- and (−)-PQ. The extrapolation of in vitro intrinsic clearance to in vivo human hepatic blood clearance, performed using the well-stirred liver model, showed that the rate of hepatic clearance of (+)-PQ was only 45 % that of (−)-PQ. Two major primary routes of metabolism were observed—oxidative deamination of the terminal amine and hydroxylations on the quinoline moiety of PQ. The major deaminated metabolite, carboxyprimaquine (CPQ) was preferentially generated from the (−)-PQ. Other deaminated metabolites including PQ terminal alcohol (m/z 261), a cyclized side chain derivative from the aldehyde (m/z 241), cyclized carboxylic acid derivative (m/z 257), a quinone-imine product of hydroxylated CPQ (m/z 289), CPQ glucuronide (m/z 451) and the glucuronide of PQ alcohol (m/z 437) were all preferentially generated from the (−)-PQ. The major quinoline oxidation product (m/z 274) was preferentially generated from (+)-PQ. In addition to the products of the two metabolic pathways, two other major metabolites were observed: a prominent glycosylated conjugate of PQ on the terminal amine (m/z 422), peaking by 30 min and preferentially generated by (+)-PQ; and the carbamoyl glucuronide of PQ (m/z 480) exclusively generated from (+)-PQ. CONCLUSION: Metabolism of PQ showed enantioselectivity. These findings may provide important information in establishing clinical differences in PQ enantiomers

    Enantioselective metabolism of primaquine by human CYP2D6

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    BACKGROUND: Primaquine, currently the only approved drug for the treatment and radical cure of Plasmodium vivax malaria, is still used as a racemic mixture. Clinical use of primaquine has been limited due to haemolytic toxicity in individuals with genetic deficiency in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Earlier studies have linked its therapeutic effects to CYP2D6-generated metabolites. The aim of the current study was to investigate the differential generation of the CYP2D6 metabolites by racemic primaquine and its individual enantiomers. METHODS: Stable isotope (13)C-labelled primaquine and its two enantiomers were incubated with recombinant cytochrome-P450 supersomes containing CYP2D6 under optimized conditions. Metabolite identification and time-point quantitative analysis were performed using LC-MS/MS. UHPLC retention time, twin peaks with a mass difference of 6, MS-MS fragmentation pattern, and relative peak area with respect to parent compound were used for phenotyping and quantitative analysis of metabolites. RESULTS: The rate of metabolism of (+)-(S)-primaquine was significantly higher (50% depletion of 20 ΌM in 120 min) compared to (−)-(R)-primaquine (30% depletion) when incubated with CYP2D6. The estimated V(max) (ÎŒmol/min/mg) were 0.75, 0.98 and 0.42, with K(m) (ÎŒM) of 24.2, 33.1 and 21.6 for (±)-primaquine, (+)-primaquine and (−)-primaquine, respectively. Three stable mono-hydroxylated metabolites, namely, 2-, 3- and 4-hydroxyprimaquine (2-OH-PQ, 3-OH-PQ, and 4-OH-PQ), were identified and quantified. 2-OH-PQ was preferentially formed from (+)-primaquine in a ratio of 4:1 compared to (−)-primaquine. The racemic (±)-primaquine showed a pattern similar to the (−)-primaquine; 2-OH-PQ accounted for about 15–17% of total CYP2D6-mediated conversion of (+)-primaquine. In contrast, 4-OH-PQ was preferentially formed with (−)-primaquine (5:1), accounting for 22% of the total (−)-primaquine conversion. 3-OH-PQ was generated from both enantiomers and racemate. 5-hydroxyprimaquine was unstable. Its orthoquinone degradation product (twice as abundant in (+)-primaquine compared to (−)-primaquine) was identified and accounted for 18–20% of the CYP2D6-mediated conversion of (+)-primaquine. Other minor metabolites included dihydroxyprimaquine species, two quinone-imine products of dihydroxylated primaquine, and a primaquine terminal alcohol with variable generation from the individual enantiomers. CONCLUSION: The metabolism of primaquine by human CYP2D6 and the generation of its metabolites display enantio-selectivity regarding formation of hydroxylated product profiles. This may partly explain differential pharmacologic and toxicologic properties of primaquine enantiomers
