8 research outputs found

    The Impact of Individualized Music Therapy on the Behavior of Agitation in Elderly Patients with Alzheimer Living in Nursing Homes

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    Background and objective: Music therapy is a non- expensive, non- invasive and applicable nursing intervention that can be applied by nurses and family caregivers in different situations. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of selected music on agitation behaviors of elderlies who are suffering from Alzheimer disease and residing at selected nursing homes of Tehran city. Methods: The present study was performed in a Semi-experiential.  34 elderly individuals with Alzheimer who show agitation behaviors were selected and they were randomly divided to two groups: intervention group (n=17) and control group (n=17). The individualized music was collected on CDs based on the elderly peoples’ preferences or if they suffered from severe cognitive impairment, their families were asked to select the music. Subsequently the individualized music was played by headphone in three sessions per week, afternoon and each session lasted for 20-30 minutes during 1.5 month for intervention group. For control group, no intervention was taken and they only received routine daily care measures of nursing homes. Data was gathered in 4 times for groups: Pre Test, Post Test1 (after 9 sessions), Post Test 2(after 18 sessions) and follow up step (a month after intervention). The tools for collecting data include: demographic inventory, Cohen- Mansfield’s Agitation Inventory (1986) and Abbreviated mental test (1972). The data were analyzed by MANOVA/ANOVA test on p 0.05), while after execution of intervention, significant difference was observed in all three measurement stages (p < 0.05). Conclusion: This study supports the effect of individualized music on reduction of agitation behaviors of elderly people who are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and reside in nursing homes. Paper Type: Research Article

    The effectiveness of handling training on stress and quality of life among mothers of children with cerebral palsy aged 4-12 years old

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    Introduction: It is common for parents with cerebral palsy children to expose further stress and affect all aspects of their quality of life. This study was carried out in order to determine the effectiveness of handling training program on the stress and quality of life of mothers with children with cerebral palsy. Materials and Methods: This control trial study was performed with two groups of experimental (n = 29) and control (n = 25) were selected by randomized convenience sampling method. Data collection tools included demographic questionnaire, SF-36 quality of life, the Resource and Stress Questionnaires. All data collected before and after three months of intervention. Statistical analysis was carried out by SPSS, version 16. Results: The mother’s mean age in control and intervention groups were 32.8 (SD = 4.9) and 35.3 (SD = 4.4) years respectively. Also, children’s mean age in control and intervention groups were 6.2 (SD = 2.1) and 7 (SD = 2.8) years. There was a significant difference in quality of life after intervention between two groups (P 0.05). Also, there was a statistically significant difference between all dimensions of stress measures in two groups (P < 0.05). Conclusion: According to these findings, handling training program reduced stress and enhanced the quality of life of mothers with children with cerebral palsy in this study. Keywords: Quality of life, Stress, Cerebral palsy, Handling training, Caregiver

    The effect of education of self care behaviors based on family-centered empowerment model in type II diabetes

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    AbstractBackground and aim:  Type II diabetes, can be controlled by medical treatment and self care behaviors, however the patients often fail to comply with self care behaviors. Concerning the role of family in supporting patients’ self care behaviors, the aim of this study is to determine the effect of a family –centered education of self care behaviors based on family- centered empowerment model on patients with type II diabetes.Methods and materials:  The quasi-experimental design carried out on 40 patients with type II diabeteswho were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. The education of self care behaviors in four domains (nutrition, physical activity and exercise, medications, complications and foot care) for intervention group and their families was performed. Data were collected by a valid and reliable questionnaire. The scores of self care behaviors before and after the education were measured. Data were analyzed by the SPSS16 software. Findings:  Prior to education, there was no significant difference between self-care behaviors scores in both intervention and control groups (p&gt;0/05). After education, self-care behaviors of the intervention group in total scores and also in all domains were increased and statistically were significant (p &lt;0/05), while there was no significant change in the control group.Conclusion:  The findings showed that this education method improved self -care behaviors among patients with type II diabetes. These results can be used in the other chronic diseases and different levels of nursing care.Keywords: Education, family-centered empowerment model, diabetes, self-care REFERENCES Alhany F (2004). [ Design and evaluation of family- centered empowerment model for prevention of iron   deficiency], Ph. D Thesis in Nursing. Univercity of Tarbiat Modares, 2004. (Persian). American Diabetes Association(2004). 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    The Evaluation of Marital Adjustment of the Addicts in Isfahan NA Groups and Their Couples

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    Objectives: This study intends to evaluate Marital Adjustment of the addicts in Isfahan NA groups and their couples. Methods: In this cross-sectional analytic-descriptive study, two centers were randomly selected among all of the NA groups in Isfahan in 2012. In the next stage, 40 addicts (both male and female) who were randomly selected from each center as well as their couples were asked to participate in the present study. Thus, 124 participants who were 62 couples took part in this study. The research data were collected through the questionnaire based on demographics information of the participants and the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (Spanir, 1976). Finally, SPSS software 16 was employed to analyze the data. Results: The findings of this study indicate that 82% of addicts and their couples are unadjustable and only 18% of them are adjustable. The participants&rsquo; education is from elementary to high school. The mean of their age is 31.3 years, the mean of the couples&rsquo; marriage duration is 9.65 years, the mean of their age gap is 4.35 years, the mean of their addiction duration is 9.65 years and the mean of their number of children is 1.2. In addition, most of the addicts in this study (52.97%) use a combination of drugs and the others use only an especial substance as a dominant drug. Discussion: The results show that Marital Adjustment in addicts and their couples faces major problems and based on the prevalence of addiction requires more attention and it is essential to design and implement interventions in order to enhance Marital Adjustment of the addicts and their couples considering the critical age of 30 to 40 years old. Besides, it is necessary to recognize ways of interventions in educated addicts' family and also to design interventions for uneducated NA groups with high school educational level or lower than that

    Designing a Valid & Reliable Tool for Assessing the Occupational Therapist\'s Clinical Competency

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    Objective: The aim of study was to design a valid and reliable tool for assessing the occupational therapists’ clinical competency. Materials & Methods: It was a tool-making study. Many clinical competency statements were extracted from evidences and with two expert-panels helped to emerge a questionnaire with sixty-six statements in seven categories. Face and content validity were confirmed by Lawshe method. Reliability was confirmed by pilot study, test-retest and internal consistency. Results: Occupational therapists’ clinical competency assessment tool was made with 54 questions in seven categories (critical thinking, practice process, effective communication, professional responsibilities, management of practice environment, practice knowledge, engage in professional development). Face and content validity confirmed by 15 experts CVR=0.84. Reliability (stability) was approved by pilot study, test-retest and Pierson correlation coefficient 0.995 and Cronbach’s alpha 0.973 confirmed internal consistency. Conclusion: Appropriate tool to assess the occupational therapists’ clinical competency was made with 54 statements in seven categories. Its validity was approved by Lawshe method and reliability was approved by pilot study in 30 people

    Effect of arch support insole on plantar pressure distribution in females with mild and moderate hallux valgus

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    Objective: Hallux Valgus is one of the most foot deformities which increase plantar pressure beneath big toe and first metatarsal. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of foot orthosis on plantar pressure distribution in subjects with mild and moderate Hallux Valgus. Materials & Methods: in this quasi-experimental study, females 16 with Hallux Valgus were recruited. Plantar pressure in 8 area of foot was measured by Pedar-X insole when wearing standard shoe only shoe with foot orthosis and shoe with foot orthosis after a month of using orthosis. Data were analyzed by repeated measure analysis of variance test. Results: using foot orthosis for a month leaded to decrease pressure in the big toe (P<0/019) first metatarsal and 3-5 metatarsals (P<0.001) and also increased pressure in medial mid foot (P<0.001). Conclusion: Foot orthosis decreased peak pressure in fore foot and increased it in medial mid foot. Therefore redistribute plantar pressure to the more normal pattern in Hallux Valgus subjects. So it could be one of the effective methods to prevent the progression of this deformity in its initial steps of formation

    Organizational Learning Capability Assessment and It’s Barriers and Facilitators View Point of Staff in Rehabilitation Centers in Tehran 2012

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    Objective: The objective of this research was to investigate the organizational learning capability and it’s barriers and facilitators from Rehabilitation centers employees point of view in Tehran in 1391. Materials & Methods: This study was descriptive – analytical and was conducted sectional. Statistical population include Rehabilitation centers staff in Tehran in 2012 that samples were randomly selected from centers and sample size was 278 (including 64 mels,148 females). For data gathering , barriers and facilitators of organizational learning and organizational learning capability questionnaires were used. Data were analyzed by using SPSS software Results: Results indicated high significant organizational learning capability among rehabilitation center staffs. (SD=41/5, M=2/156). Organizational learning capability was significantly negative relation with Organizational learning barriers. (P&le0/01, gama=-0/6). But relation between Organizational learning capability and Organizational learning facilitators was not statistically significant (P>0/05, gama=-0/16). Conclusion: The results showed organizational learning capability in rehabilitation centers staff in Tehran was high value .the most important barrier of learning organization was day to day pressure of work and the most important facilitator of this was an appreciation of strengths and weaknesses in learning between rehabilitation centers staff. So due to promoting organizational productivity it is necessary to paying attention to it’s barriers and making plans for removing or reducing them and increasing organizational learning facilitators in rehabilitation centers is offered