8 research outputs found

    Knowledge Gaps and Research Priorities on the Health Effects of Heatwaves: A Systematic Review of Reviews

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    Although extreme weather events have played a constant role in human history, heatwaves (HWs) have become more frequent and intense in the past decades, causing concern especially in light of the increasing evidence on climate change. Despite the increasing number of reviews suggesting a relationship between heat and health, these reviews focus primarily on mortality, neglecting other important aspects. This systematic review of reviews gathered the available evidence from research syntheses conducted on HWs and health. Following the PRISMA guidelines, 2232 records were retrieved, and 283 reviews were ultimately included. Information was extracted from the papers and categorized by topics. Quantitative data were extracted from meta-analyses and, when not available, evidence was collected from systematic reviews. Overall, 187 reviews were non-systematic, while 96 were systematic, of which 27 performed a meta-analysis. The majority evaluated mortality, morbidity, or vulnerability, while the other topics were scarcely addressed. The following main knowledge gaps were identified: lack of a universally accepted definition of HW; scarce evidence on the HW-mental health relationship; no meta-analyses assessing the risk perception of HWs; scarcity of studies evaluating the efficacy of adaptation strategies and interventions. Future efforts should meet these priorities to provide high-quality evidence to stakeholders

    Toward Future Automatic Warehouses: An Autonomous Depalletizing System Based on Mobile Manipulation and 3D Perception

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    This paper presents a mobile manipulation platform designed for autonomous depalletizing tasks. The proposed solution integrates machine vision, control and mechanical components to increase flexibility and ease of deployment in industrial environments such as warehouses. A collaborative robot mounted on a mobile base is proposed, equipped with a simple manipulation tool and a 3D in-hand vision system that detects parcel boxes on a pallet, and that pulls them one by one on the mobile base for transportation. The robot setup allows to avoid the cumbersome implementation of pick-and-place operations, since it does not require lifting the boxes. The 3D vision system is used to provide an initial estimation of the pose of the boxes on the top layer of the pallet, and to accurately detect the separation between the boxes for manipulation. Force measurement provided by the robot together with admittance control are exploited to verify the correct execution of the manipulation task. The proposed system was implemented and tested in a simplified laboratory scenario and the results of experimental trials are reported

    Technical and Functional Validation of a Teleoperated Multirobots Platform for Minimally Invasive Surgery

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    Nowadays Robotic assisted Minimally Invasive Surgeries (R-MIS) are the elective procedures for treating highly accurate and scarcely invasive pathologies, thanks to their abil- ity to empower surgeons\u2019 dexterity and skills. The research on new Multi-Robots Surgery (MRS) platform is cardinal to the development of a new SARAS surgical robotic platform, which aims at carrying out autonomously the assistants tasks during R- MIS procedures. In this work, we will present the SARAS MRS platform validation protocol, framed in order to assess: (i) its technical performances in purely dexterity exercises, and (ii) its functional performances. The results obtained show a prototype able to put the users in the condition of accomplishing the tasks requested (both dexterity- and surgical-related), even with rea- sonably lower performances respect to the industrial standard. The main aspects on which further improvements are needed result to be the stability of the end effectors, the depth per- ception and the vision systems, to be enriched with dedicated virtual fixtures. The SARAS\u2019 aim is to reduce the main surgeon\u2019s workload through the automation of assistive tasks which would benefit both surgeons and patients by facilitating the surgery and reducing the operation time

    Knowledge Gaps and Research Priorities on the Health Effects of Heatwaves: A Systematic Review of Reviews

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    Although extreme weather events have played a constant role in human history, heatwaves (HWs) have become more frequent and intense in the past decades, causing concern especially in light of the increasing evidence on climate change. Despite the increasing number of reviews suggesting a relationship between heat and health, these reviews focus primarily on mortality, neglecting other important aspects. This systematic review of reviews gathered the available evidence from research syntheses conducted on HWs and health. Following the PRISMA guidelines, 2232 records were retrieved, and 283 reviews were ultimately included. Information was extracted from the papers and categorized by topics. Quantitative data were extracted from meta-analyses and, when not available, evidence was collected from systematic reviews. Overall, 187 reviews were non-systematic, while 96 were systematic, of which 27 performed a meta-analysis. The majority evaluated mortality, morbidity, or vulnerability, while the other topics were scarcely addressed. The following main knowledge gaps were identified: lack of a universally accepted definition of HW; scarce evidence on the HW-mental health relationship; no meta-analyses assessing the risk perception of HWs; scarcity of studies evaluating the efficacy of adaptation strategies and interventions. Future efforts should meet these priorities to provide high-quality evidence to stakeholders

    The efficacy of fasting regimens on health outcomes: a systematic overview

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    INTRODUCTION: Fasting can be defined as abstinence or reduction from food, drink, or both, for a defined period. There are many different types of fasting regimens, such as Ramadan fasting, Intermittent fasting, Christian Orthodox fasting. The aim of this overview is to provide an exhaustive summary on the beneficial effects and harms associated with fasting regimens and discuss mechanisms by which this non - pharmacological approach might lead to improve human health.EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: A systematic search was performed on MEDLINE (PubMed), Embase, Cochrane Library and CINHAL. We included systematic reviews (SRs) that report on impact of different types of fasting regimens on health. Selection of SRs, data extraction and quality assessment were undertaken in duplicate.EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: A total of 21 SRs were included. Cumulatively, 97 health outcomes were identified. Of them, cardiovascular risk factors were the most frequently analyzed. Ramadan fasting is associated with significant improvements in body weight and visceral lean mass, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c), and with reductions in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c) and total cholesterol (T-chol), especially in cardiac patients. Similarly, reviews on Intermittent and Orthodox fasting proved benefits of those on weight, BMI, lipidic and glucose profile, inflammatory markers.CONCLUSIONS: Fasting regimens showed potential beneficial effects on several health indicators in adult populations. Nevertheless, evidence on some specific health dimensions (cognitive function, well-being, quality of life) is limited. Thus, in the future, further RCTs or cohort studies with good methodological quality and larger sample sizes are warranted to better understand the underlying biological mechanism and the benefits on multidimensional aspects of health

    A Quantitative Benefit-Risk Analysis of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccine among People under 60 in Italy

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    The Oxford-AstraZeneca ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 is a vaccine against the COVID-19 infection that was granted a conditional marketing authorization by the European Commission in January 2021. However, following a report from the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) of European Medicines Agency, which reported an association with thrombo-embolic events (TEE), in particular disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST), many European countries either limited it to individuals older than 55-60 years or suspended its use. We used publicly available data to carry out a quantitative benefit-risk analysis of the vaccine among people under 60 in Italy. Specifically, we used data from PRAC, Eudravigilance and ECDC to estimate the excess number of deaths for TEE, DIC and CVST expected in vaccine users, stratified by age groups. We then used data from the National Institute of Health to calculate age-specific COVID-19 mortality rates in Italy. Preventable deaths were calculated assuming a 72% vaccine efficacy over an eight-month period. Finally, the benefit-risk ratio of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination was calculated as the ratio of preventable COVID-19 deaths to vaccine-related deaths, using Monte-Carlo simulations. We found that among subjects aged 20-29 years the benefit-risk (B-R) ratio was not clearly favorable (0.70; 95% Uncertainty Interval (UI): 0.27-2.11). However, in the other age groups the benefits of vaccination largely exceeded the risks (for age 30-49, B-R ratio: 22.9: 95%UI: 10.1-186.4). For age 50-59, B-R ratio: 1577.1: 95%UI: 1176.9-2121.5). Although many countries have limited the use of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine, the benefits of using this vaccine clearly outweigh the risks in people older than 30 years. Study limitations included risk of underreporting and that we did not provide age-specific estimates. The use of this vaccine should be a strategic and fundamental part of the immunization campaign considering its safety and efficacy in preventing COVID-19 and its complications

    Linear MPC-based Motion Planning for Autonomous Surgery

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    Within the context of Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery (R-MIS), we propose a novel linear model predictive controller formulation for the coordination of multiple autonomous robotic arms. The controller is synthesized by formulating a linear approximation of non-linear constraints, which allows the controller to be both computationally faster and better performing due to the increased prediction horizon allowed within the real-time control requirements for the proposed surgical application. The solution is validated under the expected constraints of a surgical scenario in which multiple laparoscopic tools must move and coordinate in a shared environment