4,500 research outputs found

    Deflation for semismooth equations

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    Variational inequalities can in general support distinct solutions. In this paper we study an algorithm for computing distinct solutions of a variational inequality, without varying the initial guess supplied to the solver. The central idea is the combination of a semismooth Newton method with a deflation operator that eliminates known solutions from consideration. Given one root of a semismooth residual, deflation constructs a new problem for which a semismooth Newton method will not converge to the known root, even from the same initial guess. This enables the discovery of other roots. We prove the effectiveness of the deflation technique under the same assumptions that guarantee locally superlinear convergence of a semismooth Newton method. We demonstrate its utility on various finite- and infinite-dimensional examples drawn from constrained optimization, game theory, economics and solid mechanics.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Shopping Center Saved by Short Aggregate Piers

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    We were faced with an extraordinary geotechnical challenge; our client wanted to support large tilt wa11 buildings and pavements for a 32 acre Commercial Shopping Center on 5 to 8 feet of saturated, I lo 3 blow/foot hydraulically placed fill. To make matters more difficult, the site was in the seismically active Napa Valley. We offered 3 solutions; 2 conventional, and 1 unconventional. Our conventional solutions consisted of: 1) piers founded in the normally consolidated clay below the hydraulic fill, or, 2) over-excavation and replacement of the upper 5 to 8 feet of highly unstable soil. Our unconventional solution consisted of Short Aggregate Piers (Geopier or SAP) to mitigate settlement for moderate building loads. Because of economics, speed and fear of the unknown over-excavation costs, our client chose Geopiers to support the large buildings

    A Comparative Analysis of Human Trafficking: The United States of America (USA) and the Republic of South Africa (RSA)

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    Human trafficking is a serious global problem that transcends international borders and disciplinary boundaries. It presents a conglomeration of problems generally dealt with by public health, criminal justice, social service and immigration agencies. Victim advocates state that millions are victimized each year. The data suggest that law enforcement agencies perceive human trafficking to be of greater, or equal, concern for the myriad of social institutions and participants affected by human trafficking than for law enforcement, itself. Policy recommendations are to refocus the law enforcement response - which may include various approaches that can simultaneously benefit public health - by incorporating an Epidemiological Criminology framework to help to guide the development of more systematic and integrative insight into the world of human trafficking

    Three-Dimensional Molecular Modeling of Bovine Caseins

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    Three-dimensional (3 -D) structures derived from X-ray crystallography are important in elucidating structure- function relationships for many proteins. However, not all food proteins can be crystallized. The casei ns of bovine milk are one class of non-crysta11izable proteins (a, 1-, K-, and /3-). The complete primary and partial secondary structures of these proteins are known, but homologous proteins of known crystallographic structure cannot be found. Therefore , sequence based predictions of secondary structure were made and adjusted to conform with data from Raman and Fourier-transformed infra- red spectroscopy. With this information, 3-D structures for these caseins were built using the Sybyl molecular modeling programs. The K-casein structure contained two anti-parallel P-sheets which are predominately hydrophobic. The a,1-casein structure also contained a hydrophobic domain composed of .B-sheets as well as a hydrophilic domain ; these two are connected by a segment of ex- helix . Both the K- and a,1-caseins represent unrefined models in that they have been manipulated to remove unrealistic bonds but have not been energy-mini mized . Nevertheless the models account for the tendency of these caseins to associate. The .B-casein model appears to follow a divergent structural pattern. When subjected to energy minimization, it yielded a loosely packed structure with an ax.ial ratio of 2 to I, a hydrophobic C-terminal domain , and a hydrophilic N-terminal end. All three casein structures showed good agreement with literature concerning their global biochemical and physico-chemical properties

    Computing multiple solutions of topology optimization problems

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    Topology optimization problems often support multiple local minima due to a lack of convexity. Typically, gradient-based techniques combined with continuation in model parameters are used to promote convergence to more optimal solutions; however, these methods can fail even in the simplest cases. In this paper, we present an algorithm to perform a systematic exploratory search for the solutions of the optimization problem via second-order methods without a good initial guess. The algorithm combines the techniques of deflation, barrier methods and primal-dual active set solvers in a novel way. We demonstrate this approach on several numerical examples, observe mesh-independence in certain cases and show that multiple distinct local minima can be recovered

    Mitigation of Iron and Aluminum Powder Deflagrations via Active Explosion Suppression in a 1 m3 Sphere Vessel

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    Combustible metal dust explosions continue to present a significant threat to metal handling and refining industries. Addition of noncombustible inert material to combustible dust mixtures, through either premixing or high-rate injection as the incipient flame front begins to develop, is common practice for preventative inhibition or explosion protection via active suppression, respectively. Metal dusts demonstrate an extremely reactive explosion risk due to amplified heat of combustion, burning temperature, flame speed, explosibility parameters (KSt and Pmax), and ignition sensitivity. Inhibition efficiency of suppressant agents used for active mitigation is shown to be reliant on fuel explosibility, discrete burning mechanism, and combustion temperature range and thus may be increasingly variable depending on the fuel in question. For this reason, mitigation of metal powder deflagrations at moderate total suppressed pressures (relative to the overall strength of the enclosure) and at low agent concentrations remains challenging. This paper reviews recent metal dust suppression testing in a Fike Corporation’s 1 m3 sphere combustion chamber and evaluates the efficacy of multiple suppression agents (sodium bicarbonate [SBC], sodium chloride [Met-L-X], and monoammonium phosphate [MAP]) for the mitigation of iron and aluminum powder deflagrations at suspended fuel concentrations of 2250 and 500 g/m3, respectively

    Asynchronous student engagement in analysis of climate data achieves learning objectives related to climate change understanding, statistical competence, and climate anxiety

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    Learning in asynchronous online environments has gained importance over the last several decades, and educational environment shifts from the COVID-19 pandemic appear to have increased this need. Science educators and students need information about which approaches work in the asynchronous environment where informal feedback tends to be reduced, compared to other teaching modalities. In this study, we asynchronously implemented a learning module across 5 institutions that guided students (N = 199) from prescriptive data analysis through guided inquiry and eventually to open inquiry. The module focuses on the science behind climate change. Students work with the same authentic data sets used by professional scientists to examine geologic history and causes of climate change. By analyzing contemporary atmospheric carbon dioxide and temperature data and then using the 800,000-year record available from the Vostok ice core proxy record of atmospheric properties, students identify the causes of climate change and discover the unprecedented nature of recent atmospheric changes. Using a pre/post-module assessment, we demonstrate improvement in students’ understanding of climate change processes and statistical methods used to analyze data. However, there was no evidence that the module develops students’ scientific reasoning about the relationship between causation and correlation. Students maintained that correlation is not causation, even when a robust causal mechanism (i.e., the greenhouse effect) explains the link between atmospheric carbon dioxide and temperature. Finally, our analysis indicated that generally, anxiety about climate change was reduced during the module, such that students become less anxious about the climate change the more they learn about it. However, science-denying students experienced much higher anxiety about climate change than students who accepted the scientific consensus about climate change. Climate science-dissenting students were so few in this study that a statistical comparison was not possible, but this intriguing finding warrants further investigation of the role of anxiety in science denial. Mainly, this study demonstrates how asynchronous online learning environments can indeed support the achievement of learning objectives related to conducting authentic science, such as increasing understanding of climate change and statistical concepts, all while not provoking anxiety about climate change

    Comparison of the diagnostic accuracy of three current guidelines for the evaluation of asymptomatic pancreatic cystic neoplasms.

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    Asymptomatic pancreatic cysts are a common clinical problem but only a minority of these cases progress to cancer. Our aim was to compare the accuracy to detect malignancy of the 2015 American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), the 2012 International Consensus/Fukuoka (Fukuoka guidelines [FG]), and the 2010 American College of Radiology (ACR) guidelines.We conducted a retrospective study at 3 referral centers for all patients who underwent resection for an asymptomatic pancreatic cyst between January 2008 and December 2013. We compared the accuracy of 3 guidelines in predicting high-grade dysplasia (HGD) or cancer in resected cysts. We performed logistic regression analyses to examine the association between cyst features and risk of HGD or cancer.A total of 269 patients met inclusion criteria. A total of 228 (84.8%) had a benign diagnosis or low-grade dysplasia on surgical pathology, and 41 patients (15.2%) had either HGD (n = 14) or invasive cancer (n = 27). Of the 41 patients with HGD or cancer on resection, only 3 patients would have met the AGA guideline\u27s indications for resection based on the preoperative cyst characteristics, whereas 30/41 patients would have met the FG criteria for resection and 22/41 patients met the ACR criteria. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value of HGD, and/or cancer of the AGA guidelines were 7.3%, 88.2%, 10%, and 84.1%, compared to 73.2%, 45.6%, 19.5%, and 90.4% for the FG and 53.7%, 61%, 19.8%, and 88% for the ACR guidelines. In multivariable analysis, cyst size \u3e3 cm, compared to ≤3 cm, (odds ratio [OR] = 2.08, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.11, 4.2) and each year increase in age (OR = 1.07, 95% CI = 1.03, 1.11) were positively associated with risk of HGD or cancer on resection.In patients with asymptomatic branch duct-intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms or mucinous cystic neoplasms who underwent resection, the prevalence rate of HGD or cancer was 15.2%. Using the 2015 AGA criteria for resection would have missed 92.6% of patients with HGD or cancer. The more inclusive FG and ACR had a higher sensitivity for HGD or cancer but lower specificity. Given the current deficiencies of these guidelines, it will be important to determine the acceptable rate of false-positives in order to prevent a single true-positive

    The effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness of cytisine versus varenicline for smoking cessation in an Australian population: a study protocol for a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial

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    Smoking cessation medications are effective but often underutilised because of costs and side effects. Cytisine is a plant-based smoking cessation medication with over 50 years of use in Central and Eastern Europe. While cytisine has been found to be well-tolerated and more effective than nicotine replacement therapy, direct comparison with varenicline have not been conducted. This study evaluates the effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness of cytisine compared with varenicline.Two arm, parallel group, randomised, non-inferiority trial, with allocation concealment and blinded outcome assessment.Australian population-based study.Adult daily smokers (N=1266) interested in quitting will be recruited through advertisements and Quitline telephone-based cessation support services.Eligible participants will be randomised (1:1 ratio) to receive either cytisine capsules (25-day supply) or varenicline tablets (12-week supply), prescribed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended dosing regimen. The medication will be mailed to each participant's nominated residential address. All participants will also be offered standard Quitline behavioural support (up to six 10-12 minute sessions).Assessments will be undertaken by telephone at baseline, 4- and 7-months post-randomisation. Participants will also be contacted twice (two and four weeks post-randomisation) to ascertain adverse events, treatment adherence and smoking status. The primary outcome will be self-reported 6-month continuous abstinence from smoking, verified by carbon monoxide at 7-month follow-up. We will also evaluate the relative safety and cost-effectiveness of cytisine compared with varenicline. Secondary outcomes will include self-reported continuous and 7-day point prevalence abstinence and cigarette consumption at each follow-up interview.If cytisine is as effective as varenicline, its lower cost and natural plant-based composition may make it an acceptable and affordable smoking cessation medication that could save millions of lives worldwide
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