3,138 research outputs found

    Detecting Gluino-Containing Hadrons

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    When SUSY breaking produces only dimension-2 operators, gluino and photino masses are of order 1 GeV or less. The gluon-gluino bound state has mass 1.3-2.2 GeV and lifetime > 10^{-5} - 10^{-10} s. This range of mass and lifetime is largely unconstrained because missing energy and beam dump techniques are ineffective. With only small modifications, upcoming K^0 decay experiments can study most of the interesting range. The lightest gluino-containing baryon (uds-gluino) is long-lived or stable; experiments to find it and the uud-gluino are also discussed.Comment: 13 pp, 1 figure (uuencoded). Descendant of hep-ph/9504295, hep-ph/9508291, and hep-ph/9508292, focused on experimental search techniques. To be published in Phys Rev Let

    Vibration effects on heat transfer in cryogenic systems Quarterly progress report no. 1, Jun. 1 - Aug. 31, 1966

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    Vibration effects on natural convection and fluid transport properties in cryogenic system

    Interacting Dark Matter and Dark Energy

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    We discuss models for the cosmological dark sector in which the energy density of a scalar field approximates Einstein's cosmological constant and the scalar field value determines the dark matter particle mass by a Yukawa coupling. A model with one dark matter family can be adjusted so the observational constraints on the cosmological parameters are close to but different from what is predicted by the Lambda CDM model. This may be a useful aid to judging how tightly the cosmological parameters are constrained by the new generation of cosmological tests that depend on the theory of structure formation. In a model with two families of dark matter particles the scalar field may be locked to near zero mass for one family. This can suppress the long-range scalar force in the dark sector and eliminate evolution of the effective cosmological constant and the mass of the nonrelativistic dark matter particles, making the model close to Lambda CDM, until the particle number density becomes low enough to allow the scalar field to evolve. This is a useful example of the possibility for complexity in the dark sector.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures; added a reference and a minor correctio

    Experiments to Find or Exclude a Long-Lived, Light Gluino

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    Gluinos in the mass range ~1 1/2 - 3 1/2 GeV are absolutely excluded. Lighter gluinos are allowed, except for certain ranges of lifetime. Only small parts of the mass-lifetime parameter space are excluded for larger masses unless the lifetime is shorter than ~ 2 10^{-11} (m_{gluino}/ GeV) sec. Refined mass and lifetime estimates for R-hadrons are given, present direct and indirect experimental constraints are reviewed, and experiments to find or definitively exclude these possibilities are suggested.Comment: 27 pp, latex with 1 uufiled figure, RU-94-35. New version amplifies discussion of some points and corresponds to version for Phys. Rev.

    Time variation of fundamental couplings and dynamical dark energy

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    Scalar field dynamics may give rise to a nonzero cosmological variation of fundamental constants. Within different scenarios based on the unification of gauge couplings, the various claimed observations and bounds may be combined in order to trace or restrict the time history of the couplings and masses. If the scalar field is responsible for a dynamical dark energy or quintessence, cosmological information becomes available for its time evolution. Combining this information with the time variation of couplings, one can determine the interaction strength between the scalar and atoms, which may be observed by tests of the Weak Equivalence Principle. We compute bounds on the present rate of coupling variation from experiments testing the differential accelerations for bodies with equal mass and different composition and compare the sensitivity of various methods. In particular, we discuss two specific models of scalar evolution: crossover quintessence and growing neutrino models.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures; minor typos & added references, to be published in JCA

    Comment on "Correlation between Compact Radio Lout Quasars and Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays"

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    In a recent paper, Farrar and Biermann argue that there is a strong correlation between the direction of the five highest-energy cosmic-ray events and compact, radio-loud quasars. This Comment shows that this analysis contains several inconsistencies and errors so that the significance of any such correlation is certainly greatly overestimated and perhaps nonexistent.Comment: 2 pages, REVTE

    An ecological approach to problems of Dark Energy, Dark Matter, MOND and Neutrinos

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    Modern astronomical data on galaxy and cosmological scales have revealed powerfully the existence of certain dark sectors of fundamental physics, i.e., existence of particles and fields outside the standard models and inaccessible by current experiments. Various approaches are taken to modify/extend the standard models. Generic theories introduce multiple de-coupled fields A, B, C, each responsible for the effects of DM (cold supersymmetric particles), DE (Dark Energy) effect, and MG (Modified Gravity) effect respectively. Some theories use adopt vanilla combinations like AB, BC, or CA, and assume A, B, C belong to decoupled sectors of physics. MOND-like MG and Cold DM are often taken as opposite frameworks, e.g. in the debate around the Bullet Cluster. Here we argue that these ad hoc divisions of sectors miss important clues from the data. The data actually suggest that the physics of all dark sectors is likely linked together by a self-interacting oscillating field, which governs a chameleon-like dark fluid, appearing as DM, DE and MG in different settings. It is timely to consider an interdisciplinary approach across all semantic boundaries of dark sectors, treating the dark stress as one identity, hence accounts for several "coincidences" naturally.Comment: 12p, Proceedings to the 6-th Int. Conf. of Gravitation and Cosmology. Neutrino section expande

    Recalculation of Proton Compton Scattering in Perturbative QCD

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    At very high energy and wide angles, Compton scattering on the proton (gamma p -> gamma p) is described by perturbative QCD. The perturbative QCD calculation has been performed several times previously, at leading twist and at leading order in alpha_s, with mutually inconsistent results, even when the same light-cone distribution amplitudes have been employed. We have recalculated the helicity amplitudes for this process, using contour deformations to evaluate the singular integrals over the light-cone momentum fractions. We do not obtain complete agreement with any previous result. Our results are closest to those of the most recent previous computation, differing significantly for just one of the three independent helicity amplitudes, and only for backward scattering angles. We present results for the unpolarized cross section, and for three different polarization asymmetries. We compare the perturbative QCD predictions for these observables with those of the handbag and diquark models. In order to reduce uncertainties associated with alpha_s and the three-quark wave function normalization, we have normalized the Compton cross section using the proton elastic form factor. The theoretical predictions for this ratio are about an order of magnitude below existing experimental data.Comment: Latex, 23 pages, 13 figures. Checked numerical integration one more way; added results for one more proton distribution amplitude; a few other minor changes. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Correlation between Compact Radio Quasars and Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays

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    Some proposals to account for the highest energy cosmic rays predict that they should point to their sources. We study the five highest energy events (E>10^20 eV) and find they are all aligned with compact, radio-loud quasars. The probability that these alignments are coincidental is 0.005, given the accuracy of the position measurements and the rarity of such sources. The source quasars have redshifts between 0.3 and 2.2. If the correlation pointed out here is confirmed by further data, the primary must be a new hadron or one produced by a novel mechanism.Comment: 8 pages, 3 tables, revtex. with some versions of latex it's necessary to break out the tables and latex them separately using article.sty rather than revtex.st

    A New Gauge for Computing Effective Potentials in Spontaneously Broken Gauge Theories

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    A new class of renormalizable gauges is introduced that is particularly well suited to compute effective potentials in spontaneously broken gauge theories. It allows one to keep free gauge parameters when computing the effective potential from vacuum graphs or tadpoles without encountering mixed propagators of would-be-Goldstone bosons and longitudinal modes of the gauge field. As an illustrative example several quantities are computed within the Abelian Higgs model, which is renormalized at the two-loop level. The zero temperature effective potential in the new gauge is compared to that in RÎľR_\xi gauge at the one-loop level and found to be not only easier to compute but also to have a more convenient analytical structure. To demonstrate renormalizability of the gauge for the non-Abelian case, the renormalization of an SU(2)-Higgs model with completely broken gauge group and of an SO(3)-Higgs model with an unbroken SO(2) subgroup is outlined and renormalization constants are given at the one-loop level.Comment: 24 pages, figures produced by LaTeX, plain LaTeX, THU-93/16. (Completely revised. Essential changes. New stuff added. To appear in Phys.Rev.D.
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