24 research outputs found


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    Kapagen merupakan alat pembangkit listrik yang terdiri dari berapa bagian yaitu, Akumulator, Inverter, Induktor, Grounding Elektroda, Charger akumulator dan terminal beban. Pembangkit listrik kapagen berfungsi untuk mengubah arus listrik searah 12 VDC menjadi arus bolak-balik 220 VAC dengan frekuensi 50 Hz, penggunaan grounding pada alat kapagen sebagai filter frekuensi ke beban, untuk mengurangi daya reaktif yang ditimbulkan oleh beban induktif, jadi grounding merupakan kapasitor menggunakan beban material tembaga dan seng dengan dielektrik matrial pasir, tanah di campur dengan bahan elektrolisis garam dapur (NACL) sehingga grounding dapat menstabilkan tegangan listrik yang terkoneksi dengan beban.Pembangkit listrik kapagen befungsi sebagai  pembangkit listrik alternatif yang aman terhadap tegangan lebih maupun keluaran daya listrik. Tujuan dari penelitian menganalisa efisiensi dari penggunaan inverter pada pembangkit listrik kapagen dengan menggunakan grounding. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan terdiri dari 4 tahapan : 1). Diagram rangkaian kapagen,  2). Penentuan alat dan bahan, 3). Instalasi alat, 4).Pengujian alat. Perhitungan jumlah daya beban pada pembangkit listrik kapagen dengan menggunakan grounding 1155.25 Watt Effisiensi dari daya inverter terhadap pemakaian sebuah beban 85,7%.Tegangan terminal grounding konstan/stabil sebesar 0.8 Volt,  kapasitas arus yang mengalir ke beban tergantung dari daya beban yang terpasang pada inverter


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    Following to the rapid indrustry, where many major indrustries using electric motors and other electricalequipment that is inductive, so that the reactive power consumption increase. For indrustrial low power factorcannot be avoided because each motors has variable load. Induction motors with a full load can provide highpower factor, but when the motor is low, its power factor will decrease. Its condition can be overcome by usingcapacitors. Capacitors are mounted paralell to the motor can be used to improve the power factor. The value ofthe capacitors depends on the reactive power generated by the motor. Component reactive power inductiveshould be reduced and the reduction can be done by adding capacitor. The reduction process can occur becausethe load is inductive and capasitive its opposite direction due to its reactive power into a small and show that at22 % load power factor improvment occurs 0.5151 into 0.5174

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    Not AvailableAgriculture is the mainstay of the Indian economy where about 65-70 percent of the population is dependent on it for their livelihood. Therefore, the climate change has direct effect on India. There is a strong evidence to suggest that change in climate has been occurring during the past 100 years. The mean global temperatures increased by 0.6OC during last 100 years and warmest summers were observed in the last decade of the 20th century and first decade of 21st century. This is mainly attributed to the increased concentration levels of GHGs, viz. Co2, CH4, N2O and CFCs. If the emissions of GHGs are continued at the current rate, the average global surface temperature would rise form 0.6 to 2.5OC in the next fifty years and between 1.4 to 5.8OC by the end of the 21st century. A slight warming trend of 0.4OC over the last 100 years has been noticed over the Indian sub-continent and the changes were found to be more significant during winter. The spatial variability of air temperatures over the country indicated warming in peninsular region while north-west India has exhibited cooling trend. On the rainfall variability over the country, the data did not show any significant trend. However, increase in frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as droughts, floods or unseasonal rainfall are noticed. Sub-divisional rainfall trends during the recent decades indicated decreasing rainfall trends in north-east-region while increasing trends are noticed in north-west and north India. Projected scenarios for the Indian sub-continent indicated a warming to the extent of 3.5 to 5.5OC by 2080s and more warming is expected in winter than in summer season. Similarly, a marginal increase in rainfall of 7 to 10 percent is predicted over the sub-continent by 2080. The climate change can influence crop yields. Higher temperatures are likely to alter the fertility status of soils significantly. Additional application of fertilizers may be needed to counteract the adverse processes. Conditions will be more favourable for the proliferation of weeds, insect -pests and diseases in the warmer climates and crop damages are likely to increase. The expected rise in sea level may range from 10 to 50 cm by 2050 and may pose a serious threat to agriculture in low lying coastal areas. Cultivars with a better use of N can reduce surplus N-fertilizer inputs thus protecting the environment by reducing N2O emissions and thus mitigating climate change. Biological nitrification inhibition or suppressing nitrification by such genes, which are available in some tropical grasses, may pave the way for genetically engineered development of cultivars. Integrated farming systems, intercropping, INM and IPM practices as well as integrated watershed management practices are required to be adopted to manage the adverse effects of climate change in India.Not Availabl

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    Edited Book on "Fifty Years of Arid Zone Research in India"Edited Book on "Fifty Years of Arid Zone Research in India"Not Availabl

    Changing Climatic Scenarios and Strategies for Drought Management in the Indian Arid Region

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    Western Rajasthan constitutes 62% of the 0.32 million km2 that make up the hot Indian arid region (Figure 1). The average annual rainfall of the area varies from less than 100 mm (coefficient of variation [CV] = 70%) in the western parts to just above 500 mm (CV = 40%) in the eastern parts of arid Rajasthan. During July and August, the eastern parts of the arid region have an assured crop growing period of 12–15 weeks, whereas the western parts mostly depend on the vagaries of the southwest monsoon. The annual potential evapotranspiration rates are 3–8 times higher than the annual rainfall, resulting in extreme water deficits and aridity conditions in the region (Figure 2). Pearl millet, which is a principal cereal crop of the arid region, needs about 90 days for its maturity, and any weather aberrations after sowing result in considerable reduction in crop yields. Agricultural droughts have been found to occur in the region in 25%–48% of the years during 1901 to 1995, with a frequency and intensity varying from one location to another, severely affecting food and fodder production

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    Book on Dimensions of research in arid zoneBook on Dimensions of research in arid zoneNot Availabl

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    Paper presented in National Conference an Demension of Environmental stress in India”, December 1-3, 1997. Department of Geology, Facultry of Science, M.S. Univerrity of Baroda.Not AvailableNot Availabl

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    Technical Bulletin on "Research activities of CAZRI"Technical Bulletin on "Research activities of CAZRI"Not Availabl

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    Technical Bulletin on "Agro-Ecological Zones of North-Western Hot Arid Region of India"Technical Bulletin on "Agro-Ecological Zones of North-Western Hot Arid Region of India"Not Availabl

    Effect of microclimatic physical factors on in vitro morphogenesis of plants: a systematic review

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    Abstract Biotechnology has revolutionized plant propagation by providing plant tissue culture as a rising alternative platform to conventional methods. In the present scenario, plant tissue culture becomes the key technique for the large-scale production and conservation of germplasm, maintenance of genetic stability, and meets out the economic demands of plant and plant products. It is the science of artificially growing test tube plantlets under optimized microclimatic conditions isolated from the external environment. This micro-scale environment resembles the natural environment consisting of culture vessels, humidity, gases, light irradiation, spectrum, temperature, nutritional media, and its constituents as major growth-affecting factors. The efficient architectural development of any genotype depends on these factors and requires a specifically optimized climate. Here, we are reviewing the interaction of physical factors of in vitro artificial climate including culture vessel, light, and temperature with the developing plantlets. The outcomes can increase the understanding of the developmental response of plants toward their environment in the recently changing climatic conditions. Further, this can also eliminate the challenges of cost, labor, and timings and introduce the advancements of efficient large-scale production of plant and plant products which will be effective in fulfilling the population demands