505 research outputs found

    Magnetic order in a spin-1/2 interpolating kagome-square Heisenberg antiferromagnet

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    The coupled cluster method is applied to a spin-half model at zero temperature (T=0T=0), which interpolates between Heisenberg antiferromagnets (HAF's) on a kagome and a square lattice. With respect to an underlying triangular lattice the strengths of the Heisenberg bonds joining the nearest-neighbor (NN) kagome sites are J10J_{1} \geq 0 along two of the equivalent directions and J20J_{2} \geq 0 along the third. Sites connected by J2J_{2} bonds are themselves connected to the missing NN non-kagome sites of the triangular lattice by bonds of strength J10J_{1}' \geq 0. When J1=J1J_{1}'=J_{1} and J2=0J_{2}=0 the model reduces to the square-lattice HAF. The magnetic ordering of the system is investigated and its T=0T=0 phase diagram discussed. Results for the kagome HAF limit are among the best available.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Multilevel models of age-related changes in facial shape in adolescents

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    Here we study the effects of age on facial shape in adolescents by using a method called multilevel principal components analysis (mPCA). An associated multilevel multivariate probability distribution is derived and expressions for the (conditional) probability of age-group membership are presented. This formalism is explored via Monte Carlo (MC) simulated data in the first dataset; where age is taken to increase the overall scale of a three-dimensional facial shape represented by 21 landmark points and all other “subjective” variations are related to the width of the face. Eigenvalue plots make sense and modes of variation correctly identify these two main factors at appropriate levels of the mPCA model. Component scores for both single-level PCA and mPCA show a strong trend with age. Conditional probabilities are shown to predict membership by age group and the Pearson correlation coefficient between actual and predicted group membership is r = 0.99. The effects of outliers added to the MC training data are reduced by the use of robust covariance matrix estimation and robust averaging of matrices. These methods are applied to another dataset containing 12 GPA-scaled (3D) landmark points for 195 shapes from 27 white, male schoolchildren aged 11 to 16 years old. 21% of variation in the shapes for this dataset was accounted for by age. Mode 1 at level 1 (age) via mPCA appears to capture an increase in face height with age, which is consistent with reported pubertal changes in children. Component scores for both single-level PCA and mPCA again show a distinct trend with age. Conditional probabilities are again shown to reflect membership by age group and the Pearson correlation coefficient is given by r = 0.63 in this case. These analyses are an excellent first test of the ability of multilevel statistical methods to model age-related changes in facial shape in adolescents

    The frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the honeycomb lattice: J1J_{1}--J2J_{2} model

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    We study the ground-state (gs) phase diagram of the frustrated spin-1/2 J1J_{1}--J2J_{2} antiferromagnet with J2=κJ1>0J_{2}=\kappa J_1>0 (J1>0J_{1}>0) on the honeycomb lattice, using the coupled-cluster method. We present results for the ground-state energy, magnetic order parameter and plaquette valence-bond crystal (PVBC) susceptibility. We find a paramagnetic PVBC phase for κc1<κ<κc2\kappa_{c_1}<\kappa<\kappa_{c_2}, where κc10.207±0.003\kappa_{c_1} \approx 0.207 \pm 0.003 and κc20.385±0.010\kappa_{c_2} \approx 0.385 \pm 0.010. The transition at κc1\kappa_{c_1} to the N\'{e}el phase seems to be a continuous deconfined transition (although we cannot exclude a very narrow intermediate phase in the range 0.21κ0.240.21 \lesssim \kappa \lesssim 0.24), while that at κc2\kappa_{c_2} is of first-order type to another quasiclassical antiferromagnetic phase that occurs in the classical version of the model only at the isolated and highly degenerate critical point κ=1/2\kappa = 1/2. The spiral phases that are present classically for all values κ>1/6\kappa > 1/6 are absent for all κ1\kappa \lesssim 1.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    The frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the honeycomb lattice: A candidate for deconfined quantum criticality

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    We study the ground-state (gs) phase diagram of the frustrated spin-1/2 J1J_{1}-J2J_{2}-J3J_{3} antiferromagnet with J2=J3=κJ1J_{2} = J_{3} =\kappa J_1 on the honeycomb lattice, using coupled-cluster theory and exact diagonalization methods. We present results for the gs energy, magnetic order parameter, spin-spin correlation function, and plaquette valence-bond crystal (PVBC) susceptibility. We find a N\'eel antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase for κ<κc10.47\kappa < \kappa_{c_{1}} \approx 0.47, a collinear striped AFM phase for κ>κc20.60\kappa > \kappa_{c_{2}} \approx 0.60, and a paramagnetic PVBC phase for κc1κκc2\kappa_{c_{1}} \lesssim \kappa \lesssim \kappa_{c_{2}}. The transition at κc2\kappa_{c_{2}} appears to be of first-order type, while that at κc1\kappa_{c_{1}} is continuous. Since the N\'eel and PVBC phases break different symmetries our results favor the deconfinement scenario for the transition at κc1\kappa_{c_{1}}

    The Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice with arbitrary spin: A high-order coupled cluster treatment

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    Starting with the sqrt{3} x sqrt{3} and the q=0 states as reference states we use the coupled cluster method to high orders of approximation to investigate the ground state of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice for spin quantum numbers s=1/2,1,3/2,2,5/2, and 3. Our data for the ground-state energy for s=1/2 are in good agreement with recent large-scale density-matrix renormalization group and exact diagonalization data. We find that the ground-state selection depends on the spin quantum number s. While for the extreme quantum case, s=1/2, the q=0 state is energetically favored by quantum fluctuations, for any s>1/2 the sqrt{3} x sqrt{3} state is selected. For both the sqrt{3} x sqrt{3} and the q=0 states the magnetic order is strongly suppressed by quantum fluctuations. Within our coupled cluster method we get vanishing values for the order parameter (sublattice magnetization) M for s=1/2 and s=1, but (small) nonzero values for M for s>1. Using the data for the ground-state energy and the order parameter for s=3/2,2,5/2, and 3 we also estimate the leading quantum corrections to the classical values.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    An Ancient Wolf, Canus lupus, Den and Associated Human Activity in the Southwestern Yukon Territory

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    The recovery of an ancient hunting artifact in an active Wolf den indicates that Wolf denning sites may be reused for many centuries. It also suggests that traditional practices of predator management by humans may have great antiquity

    Spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on an anisotropic kagome lattice

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    We use the coupled cluster method to study the zero-temperature properties of an extended two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet formed from spin-1/2 moments on an infinite spatially anisotropic kagome lattice of corner-sharing isosceles triangles, with nearest-neighbor bonds only. The bonds have exchange constants J1>0J_{1}>0 along two of the three lattice directions and J2κJ1>0J_{2} \equiv \kappa J_{1} > 0 along the third. In the classical limit the ground-state (GS) phase for κ<1/2\kappa < 1/2 has collinear ferrimagnetic (N\'{e}el') order where the J2J_2-coupled chain spins are ferromagnetically ordered in one direction with the remaining spins aligned in the opposite direction, while for κ>1/2\kappa > 1/2 there exists an infinite GS family of canted ferrimagnetic spin states, which are energetically degenerate. For the spin-1/2 case we find that quantum analogs of both these classical states continue to exist as stable GS phases in some regions of the anisotropy parameter κ\kappa, namely for 0<κ<κc10<\kappa<\kappa_{c_1} for the N\'{e}el' state and for (at least part of) the region κ>κc2\kappa>\kappa_{c_2} for the canted phase. However, they are now separated by a paramagnetic phase without either sort of magnetic order in the region κc1<κ<κc2\kappa_{c_1} < \kappa < \kappa_{c_2}, which includes the isotropic kagome point κ=1\kappa = 1 where the stable GS phase is now believed to be a topological (Z2\mathbb{Z}_2) spin liquid. Our best numerical estimates are κc1=0.515±0.015\kappa_{c_1} = 0.515 \pm 0.015 and κc2=1.82±0.03\kappa_{c_2} = 1.82 \pm 0.03

    A Recursive Method of the Stochastic State Selection for Quantum Spin Systems

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    In this paper we propose the recursive stochastic state selection method, an extension of the recently developed stochastic state selection method in Monte Carlo calculations for quantum spin systems. In this recursive method we use intermediate states to define probability functions for stochastic state selections. Then we can diminish variances of samplings when we calculate expectation values of the powers of the Hamiltonian. In order to show the improvement we perform numerical calculations of the spin-1/2 anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice. Examining results on the ground state of the 21-site system we confide this method in its effectiveness. We also calculate the lowest and the excited energy eigenvalues as well as the static structure factor for the 36-site system. The maximum number of basis states kept in a computer memory for this system is about 3.6 x 10**7. Employing a translationally invariant initial trial state, we evaluate the lowest energy eigenvalue within 0.5 % of the statistical errors.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Excited states of quantum many-body interacting systems: A variational coupled-cluster description

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    We extend recently proposed variational coupled-cluster method to describe excitation states of quantum many-body interacting systems. We discuss, in general terms, both quasiparticle excitations and quasiparticle-density-wave excitations (collective modes). In application to quantum antiferromagnets, we reproduce the well-known spin-wave excitations, i.e. quasiparticle magnons of spin ±1\pm 1. In addition, we obtain new, spin-zero magnon-density-wave excitations which has been missing in Anserson's spin-wave theory. Implications of these new collective modes are discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure