62 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Ikatan Finansial , Sosial dan Struktural terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah Dimediasi Variabel Corporate Image (Studi Kasus Bank Negara Indonesia (Bni) Cabang Undip Semarang

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    Effect of relationship model integration, financial bonding, social bonding and structural bonding to the customer loyalty at Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Branch UNDIP Semarang. The location of this research is the city Semarang, purposive sample using sampling, the number of samples in this study as many as 100 customers of Bank BNI, testing of hypotheses in this research using descriptive analysis and regression analysis with path analysis with 5% significance level. The purpose of this study is to investigatege, financia bondingl, socialbonding and structural bonding customes through its corporate image as a mediating variable on customer loyalty Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) UNDIP semarang

    Pengaruh Nilai Pelanggan Dan Hambatan Berpindah Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Serta Implikasi Pada Perpindahan Merek Studi Pada Mahasiswa Fisip Undip Semarang Pengguna Kartu Prabayar Im3 PT. Indosat Tbk.

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    Prepaid card Indosat IM3 is widely used by costumers to communicate. The many providers of SIM card results in the expectation of the provider to have loyal customers that will not switch to the other providers. The result of this research demonstrates that the variable of customer value and switching barrier have significant and positive impact toward customer loyalty; customer loyalty significantly influences brandswitching.The researcher suggests the followings to the company: (a) improving customer value by improving the benefit of the product by offering new inovative product with high speed access and lower error rate, (b) increasing the barrier to brandswitching by, for example, providing higher value product compared to that of the competitor, (c) creating cost barrier which is different from the competitor\u27s and having a variety of products offered to the customers; (d) increasing customers\u27 loyalty by providing products or service that meets customers\u27 need and creating harmonious relationship between the customers and the service provider. Kartu Prabayar Indosat IM3 banyak digunakan oleh pelanggan untuk berkomunikasi. Banyak provider yang menawarkan produkkepada konsumen melalui kartu SIM, sehingga penyedia jasa selain mengharapkan pelanggan yang sudah ada memiliki loyalitas yang tinggi, juga hambatan beralih yang tinggi untuk berpindah ke operator lain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel nilai pelanggan dan hambatan berpindah berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan; loyalitas pelanggan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Perpindahan Merek. Peneliti menyarankan Perusahaan untuk: (a) meningkatkan nilai pelanggan melalui peningkatan manfaat produk dengan memberikan tawaran produk baru yang inovatif, kecepatan akses yang tinggi, dan tingkat kesalahan semakin kecil; (b) meningkatkan hambatan berpindah pelanggan antara lain adalah produk yang mampu memberikan nilai lebih tinggi bagi pelanggan dibanding pesaing; (c) menciptakan hambatan biaya yang berbeda dengan provider pesaing, memiliki keanekaragaman produk yang ditawarkan kepada pelanggan; (d) peningkatan loyalitas pelanggan dengan cara memberikan produk atau jasa sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelanggan dan menciptakan hubungan yang harmonis di antara pelanggan dengan provider penyedia jasa

    Upaya Memenangkan Persaingan USAha melalui Wirausaha Pemasaran/marketing Entrepreneur

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    In today's global era entrepreneur means all product are handled itself starts from the purchase of ra materials, production processes and yield a product and proudced to be marketed to consumers, but entrepreneurial products can evolve into an entrepreneurial marketing. Entrepreneurial marketing does not have to produce their own but can take products from various product entrepreneuris and not tied to a specific product but rather an entrepreneurial free cooperation of various entrepreneurial product. Marketed products may vary from handicraft products, food, garments, artwork, creative industries from various regions, provices or even between countries that live marketing entrepreneurs to market these products. The focus of entrepreneurial marketing is not a product, but the market, entrepreneurial succes if it is able to market products to consumers and consumers to become customers satisfield loyal. marketing entrepreneurs is 1)risk factors received relatively small compared to entrepreneurial product and 2)the capital invested relative factor smaller than it needs to be done is 3) factors make network marketing, sample marketing entrepreneurs start finance, banking, branding, packaging and marketing channel distribution. Entrepreneur forward to spearhead improving national economy

    Pengaruh Country of Origin Dan Brand Image Terhadap Intention Behavior Melalui Word of Mouth Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Pada Mahasiswa S1 Pengguna Smartphone Samsung Di Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Diponegoro)

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    This research is based on the growth of International and multinational markets which is potential to make the growth of foreign products entering Indonesia, especially in electronic gadgets such as a smartphone in particular. This phenomenon characterized by increasing number of users smartphone in the world from years 2013-2018. Smartphone samsung is currently a market leader in Indonesia, but from years 2012-2015 the number of Samsung smartphone product sales in Semarang has decreased each year.The purpose of this research is to know the influence of country of origin and brand image against intention behavior through word of mouth as an intervening variable. This research type is explanatory research, with the techniques of datacollection through the questionnaire. Sampling techniques using a purposive sampling technique. The sample in this research are 100 respondents which is a Samsung smartphone use.This research using techniques of quantitative analysis. Quantitative analysis using the test validity, reliability tests, coefficient of correlation, simple regression analysis,the determination coefficient, significance tests (two directions), and analysis of sobel.The results of the research indicate that there is a positive influence of the variable country of origin and brand image against variables intention behavior and variable word of mouth. Based on the results of the analysis of sobel, known that there is a positive influence of the variable country of origin against intention behavior through word of mouth and there was also a positive influence on brand image against the intention of the variable behavior through word of mouth. Then the variable word of mouth can be said to be a partial mediation variables

    Pengaruh Destination Branding dan Produk Wisata terhadap Niat Berkunjung Kembali melalui Word Of Mouth (Studi Kasus pada Objek Wisata Alam Goa Kreo Semarang)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Destination Branding and Tourism Products on Visiting Intentions through Word of Mouth in Goa Kreo Attraction Object. This type of research is eksplanatory research, where data collection techniques used are questionnaires, Sample selected amounted to 100 people with accidental sampling and purposive sampling. The respondents are visitors of Goa Kreo Tourism Object who have been to Goa Kreo and know Kreo Goa information from other people. Based on the above, the researcher suggested that the management of Goa Kreo Tourism Object improves the tourism product, which is to increase the direction of the road to Goa Kreo, improve the tourist attraction, improve the facilities and be more active in offering guide to the visitors, and clarify the employee job desk, Tourist visit in Goa Kreo

    Pengaruh Nilai Utilitarian Dan Ketidakpuasan Terhadap Perpindahan Merek Melalui Variety Seeking Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Pada Mahasiswa SI FISIP UNDIP Yang Pernah Menggunakan Smartphone Samsung Dan Berpindah Ke Merek Lain)

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    This research based on the high growth of smartphone business development, this phenomenon is characterized with increasing number of smartphone brand that released by smartphone vendor that offer a lot of new features of its products. Samsung smartphone nowadays being a market leader in Indonesia and in the world, however in 2012-2015 samsung\u27s market share always decreased throughout the year while at the same time market share\u27s rival competitor such as Xiaomi, Oppo, Asus and etc always increased. The sole purpose of the research is to find out the effect of utilitarian value and dissatisfaction to brand switching through see variety seeking as intervening variable. The type of the research is explanatory research, with data collecting technique with questionnaire and interview. Data collecting sampel using pusposive sampling technique. Sample in this research is 100 respondents that used SAMSUNG smartphone and switched to another brand. This research use a qualitative and quantitave technique analysis. Quantitative analysis use validity test, realibility test, correlation coefficient, simple and multiple regression analysis, determination coefficient, signification test (two direction), and two steps regression.The results showed that there are positive effect utilitarian value and dissatisfaction to variety seeking, and variety seeking has a positive impact to brand switching. Based on the two steps regression analysis showed utilitarian value variable and dissatisfaction has an effect to variety seeking,. Next, variety seeking variable has an effect to brand switching

    Pengaruh Harga Dan Citra Destinasi Terhadap Niat Berkunjung Kembali Melalui Kepuasan (Studi Pada Wisatawan Domestik Kebun Raya Bogor)

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    Travelling has become a part of some Indonesian's needs nowadays. Enterprises of tourism industry compete to increase the number of visit by reaching out the tourist's satisfaction which associated with revisit intention. It's what Bogor Botanical Garden does too, but there is a fluctuate decline of visitor number in 2011 until 2015. The aim of this study is determining the effect of price and destination image towards revisit intention through satisfaction in Bogor Botanical Garden. The type of this research is explanatory research with questionnaires and interview. The amounts of sample are 100 domestic tourists whom age is at least 17 years old. This study uses qualitative and quantitative analysis technique. Quantitative analysis is using validity test, reliability test, the coefficient of correlation, the coefficient of determination, simple and multiple regression analysis, t test one tail, two stages regression and sobel test uses Preacher's Tool. The result shows that there is a positive effect of price and destination image partially towards satisfaction and satisfaction has positive effect towards revisit intention. The result of two stages regression shows that price has bigger effect than destination image towards satisfaction, and satisfaction affects revisit intention. Then, satisfaction has a role as mediation that indicates an indirect effect of price and destination image towards revisit intention. The suggestions for Bogor Botanical Garden are determining competitive price which appropriate to facility, making kind of festival or event, putting employees inside Bogor Botanical Garden and redecorating the museum
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