2 research outputs found

    Restoration public works in Brazil : the costs analysis based on Federal Decree 7983/2013

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    The Brazilian Federal Decree 7.983/2013 lays down rules and criteria for the preparation of costs reference of works and engineering services, contractors and executed with federal funds, in addition to verification criteria of costs and the priority use of the National System of Costs Survey and Indexes of Construction - SINAPI, as the cost base reference. The guidelines established by the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts - TCU, in particular the judgments 2.369/2011 and 2.622/2013, set the limits for all indirect costs - Budget Different Income – BDI. Restoration public works, executed with federal funds, must conform with the Federal Decree 7983/2013 and with the Federal Court of Accounts. How to do it if this kind of works is so particular and different from usual civil construction works? This paper intend to discuss if these requirements are possible to apply in restoration works and how to adapt this application, considering the particularities of this type of work. The proposed methodology, for analyzing the costs, includes the use of the following tools: ABC curve of services, evaluation of the BDI, criteria of the Federal Decree, use of SINAPI reference and other costs bases. It is possible that preservation institutes and designer professionals find a way to reduce distortions between different regions of the country and systematize cost compositions of restoration services. This article has the objective to disseminate the discussion about the similarities and the differences between restoration and civil construction works and to present a possible way to analyze the costs, and discuss the need to develop a cost reference to this type of public work in Brazil

    The Monumenta Program and its implementation in Cachoeira

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2018.A cidade de Cachoeira, situada às margens do rio Paraguaçu no Recôncavo baiano, é um local economicamente ativo desde o século XVI, por ser o ponto de ligação entre Salvador e o Sertão nordestino. Além de ser um importante entreposto comercial, a região abrigou mais de 300 engenhos de cana-de-açúcar entre os séculos XVI e XIX. Ao longo desse período, várias edificações foram construídas em estilo colonial, levando a cidade a ser reconhecida, pela sua beleza arquitetônica, como a pérola do Recôncavo. Seu apogeu, tanto econômico como arquitetônico e cultural ocorreu no século XIX, em decorrência da riqueza advinda das culturas da cana-de-açúcar e do fumo, além do intenso comércio no entreposto. Na década de 1930, com a construção da rodovia Salvador-Feira de Santana, a cidade deixou de ser o elo de ligação com o sertão, impactando diretamente na sua economia. Cachoeira foi elevada a patrimônio nacional em 1971 com o tombamento do seu conjunto urbano pelo Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional – IPHAN. Tendo em vista o processo econômico e histórico que resultou num rico legado arquitetônico, a cidade fez parte de dois programas estratégicos, nas décadas de 1970 e 2000, de recuperação do patrimônio cultural do governo federal. Portanto, o objetivo desta pesquisa é estudar os ciclos de formulação da política pública do Programa Monumenta, sua implementação e avaliação em Cachoeira.The city of Cachoeira, located on the banks of the Paraguaçu River in the Bahia Recôncavo, has been an economically active place since the 16th century, since it is the point of connection between Salvador and the Northeastern wilderness. In addition to being an important commercial warehouse, the region sheltered more than 300 sugarcane mills between the 16th and 19th centuries. Throughout this period, several buildings were built in colonial style, leading the city to be recognized, for its architectural beauty, as the pearl of the Recôncavo. Its apogee, both economic and architectural and cultural occurred in the nineteenth century, due to the wealth of sugar cane and tobacco, and the intense trade in the warehouse. In the 1930s, with the construction of the Salvador-Feira de Santana highway, the city ceased to be the link with the hinterland, affecting directly on its economy. The National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN) elevated Cachoeira to national patrimony in 1971 with the fall of its urban set. In view of the economic and historical process that resulted in a rich architectural legacy, the city was part of two strategic programs in the 1970s and 2000s to recover the cultural heritage of the federal government. Therefore, the objective of this research is to study the cycles of public policy formulation of the Monumenta Program, its implementation and evaluation in Cachoeira