22 research outputs found

    A fatal case of COVID-19-associated meningoencephalitis in a patient coinfected with influenza A

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    We report a case of COVID-19-associated meningoencephalitis with a fatal outcome in a male patient with concomitant influenza A, who had been hospitalized at the beginning of 2022, in the Northeastern region of Brazil. He died due to cardiopulmonary arrest after developing status epilepticus on the third day of hospitalization. The SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected in cerebrospinal fluid and Influenza A was detected in the nasopharyngeal swab. Meningoencephalitis due to COVID-19 is a rare manifestation and physicians must be aware of this complication, mainly during the pandemic. In viral co-circulation situations, the possibility of respiratory coinfections should be remembered

    Self-Limited Cytomegalovirus Infection During Natalizumab Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

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    Natalizumab is indicated as monotherapy for the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis; it prevents outbreaks and delays the progression of physical disability. Here, we report the case of a 30-year-old patient with multiple sclerosis receiving natalizumab as monotherapy who subsequently developed self-limited cytomegalovirus disease. Cytomegalovirus infection has been reported during treatment with natalizumab, and in this study, we use new techniques to analyze the possible association of cytomegalovirus infection with natalizumab

    COVID-19-associated meningoencephalitis in a Brazilian patient: case report and literature review

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    The global pandemic of COVID-19 is caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which often causes flu-like symptoms and can progress to severe respiratory illness. Thus, as the disease spreads, COVID-19 cases have multiplied across the world, and manifestations involving multiple systems have been described. We report a case of COVID-19-associated meningoencephalitis in a Brazilian male patient who presented with seizures and altered mental status. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of COVID-19-associated meningoencephalitis in Brazil. COVID-19-associated meningoencephalitis is a rare manifestation of this viral infection and clinicians should be aware of this possible complication

    Streptococcus constellatus causing concomitant extra and intracranial abscesses complicated with sagittal sinus thrombosis

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    Streptococcus constellatus is a gram-positive coccus member of the Streptococcus anginosus group (SAG). It can be found in the oral flora, and may cause abscess more commonly in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and heart. Brain abscesses are severe neurological infections with high mortality rates. Streptococcus species other than S. pneumoniae are rare causes of brain abscesses. This case report highlights a severe case of extra and intracranial abscesses due to S. constellatus in an immunocompetent host

    Meningitis caused by Capnocytophaga canimorsus in a COVID-19 patient: a rare complication of dog bites

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    Capnocytophaga canimorsus is a gram-negative rod that is part of the commensal microbiota of dogs’ and cats’ mouths. In this case, we report an 85-year-old man with COVID-19 who had his right arm bitten by a dog. His symptoms were impaired consciousness, agitation and aggressive behavior. Physical examination revealed neck stiffness and Brudzinski’s sign. The cerebrospinal fluid culture was compatible with Capnocytophaga canimorsus. He required intensive care and received a 14-day prescription of meropenem. After 40 days of hospitalization, the patient was fully recovered and was discharged. This case highlights the importance of physician and microbiologist be awareness of this disease, mainly in patients with neurological symptoms after a dog or cat bite


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    Introdução/Objetivos: A covid-19 afetou populaçÔes em todo o mundo como uma das principais causas de morbimortalidade na atualidade. Em perĂ­odos sazonais hĂĄ a circulação de vĂ­rus respiratĂłrios, sendo possĂ­vel que as coinfecçÔes elevem o potencial de internamento, principalmente, em indivĂ­duos que evoluem com sĂ­ndrome respiratĂłria aguda grave (SRAG). Esse estudo objetiva descrever as caracterĂ­sticas clĂ­nico-epidemiolĂłgicas de pacientes com coinfecção covid-19/Influenza internados no Hospital SĂŁo JosĂ© de Doenças Infecciosas (HSJ). MĂ©todos: Estudo transversal de pacientes adultos internados com a coinfecção confirmada por mĂ©todo molecular (Allplexℱ SARS-CoV-2/FluAFluB/RSV Assay ou Painel respiratĂłrio Filmarray Multiplex), em amostras respiratĂłrias, no HSJ, entre 2022-2023. Resultados: No perĂ­odo do estudo, foram identificados dez pacientes com a coinfecção covid-19/Influenza. Seis pacientes eram do sexo masculino, e quatro do sexo feminino. A mediana de idade foi de 54 anos [IIQ 43 – 62]. Sete pacientes eram procedentes de Fortaleza-CE. Nove tinham comorbidades, sendo as comorbidades mais comuns hipertensĂŁo arterial sistĂȘmica (n = 3), diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (n = 3) e infecção pelo HIV (n = 2). Os pacientes com HIV apresentavam imunossupressĂŁo avançada (linfĂłcitos T CD4+ < 50 cel/mm3). InformaçÔes sobre vacinação para covid-19 estavam presentes em sete pacientes, dos quais, quatro (57%) haviam sido vacinados. Os sintomas mais comuns Ă  admissĂŁo foram: febre (70%), tosse (60%), dispneia (40%) e hipoxemia (30%). Seis pacientes foram admitidos com SRAG. Nove pacientes necessitaram de suporte de oxigĂȘnio, sendo quatro por cateter nasal de baixo fluxo, dois por mĂĄscara reservatĂłrio, e trĂȘs por ventilação mecĂąnica invasiva. Nove pacientes realizaram tomografia computadorizada de tĂłrax. Os principais achados foram: opacidades em vidro fosco (44,5%), derrame pleural (44,5%), consolidaçÔes (33,4%) e atelectasias (33,4%). Cinco pacientes evoluĂ­ram para Ăłbito; trĂȘs por pneumonia associada Ă  ventilação mecĂąnica (PAV), um por choque sĂ©ptico e outro por histoplasmose disseminada. ConclusĂŁo: Apesar do nĂșmero pequeno de pacientes deste estudo devemos estar atentos Ă  gravidade e Ă s potenciais complicaçÔes desta coinfecção respiratĂłria. É possĂ­vel, que tenhamos muitos mais casos, porĂ©m o acesso aos mĂ©todos moleculares com alvo em mĂșltiplos agentes, ainda Ă© difĂ­cil para a população em geral

    Development of and mutations for integrase inhibitor resistance in a patient undergoing treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis: A case report

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    Background: Failure of first-line regimens with dolutegravir, a high genetic barrier antiretroviral of the integrase inhibitor class, although uncommon, tends to increase in prevalence due to broader use. Objective: To describe the clinical case of an HIV/Tuberculosis coinfected patient who developed Human Immunodeficieny Virus (HIV) treatment failure during dolutegravir therapy. Case report: Male, 29 years old, presented with a right cervical mass, dry cough, and hyporexia, which lasted 2 weeks. Diagnostic tests were positive for tuberculosis and HIV. The viral load was 437,927 cp/mL (Log = 5.64). Antiretroviral therapy was initiated with Tenofovir/Lamivudine and Dolutegravir (TDF/3TC and DTG), the latter at a dose of 50 mg/day, as was a regimen for tuberculosis. After 8 months, therapeutic failure was verified. Genotyping was requested, with detection of the H51Y and E157Q mutations in the integrase. Conclusion: Attention when determining the antiretroviral therapy treatment regimen of HIV/TB coinfected patients is paramount. Poor adherence to antiretroviral therapy and follow-up may have contributed to treatment failure and resistance


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    Introdução: A Mpox Ă© uma doença zoonĂłtica causada por um ortopoxvĂ­rus, que apresenta aspectos semelhantes a varĂ­ola humana. Em 2022, a OMS declarou a doença uma emergĂȘncia de saĂșde pĂșblica global.A viremia de Mpox pode estar elevada em pacientes imunossuprimidos, levando a uma variedade de manifestaçÔes clĂ­nicas. Relatamos dois casos de Mpox grave em pacientes imunossuprimidos pelo HIV. O presente estudo foi aprovado pelo ComitĂȘ de Ă©tica do Hospital SĂŁo Jose de Doenças Infecciosas (HSJ) (CAAE 63920522.9.0000.5044). Descrição do caso: Caso 1: Homem de 39 anos com HIV hĂĄ 13 anos, uso irregular de TARV, T-CD4+:20 cel/mL e CV:1019 cĂłpias, apresentou-se com quadro lesĂ”es vesiculares umbilicadas perianais associadas a dor e secreção purulenta. ApĂłs 3 semanas, novas lesĂ”es bolhosas e pĂĄpulo-crostosas apareceram nos membros e na face. RT-PCR para Monkeypox foi detectado. Devido infecção secundĂĄria, foi realizado antibioticoterapia de amplo espectro, mas persistiu com secreção purulenta no canal anal. Durante a evolução, as lesĂ”es na face evoluĂ­ram tornaram-se Ășlceras e crostas do tipo cornu cutĂąneo. 5 meses depois, o paciente persistia com surgimento de novas lesĂ”es disseminadas, sendo optado pela realização de Tecovirimat por 2 semanas, iniciando-se o processo de cicatrização. Atualmente, apresenta LT-CD4+: 64 cĂ©lulas/mL, e ainda persiste com lesĂ”es crostosas em membros superiores. RT-PCR persistiu detectado com valores de baixo cycle threshold. Caso 2: Homem, 29 anos, com HIV hĂĄ 9 anos, uso irregular de TARV, com LT-CD4:61 cel/mL e CV:41 cĂłpias, apresentava lesĂ”es cutĂąneas bolhosas polimĂłrficas nos membros superiores e dorso. RT-PCR para Monkeypox foi detectado. ApĂłs um mĂȘs, surgiram lesĂ”es coalescentes e dolorosas em lĂĄbio superior, dorso, membros superiores e inferiores e genitais, que evoluĂ­ram para lesĂ”es concĂȘntricas no reto. Foi submetido a laparotomia, sendo necessĂĄria colostomia, apĂłs visualização de lesĂŁo endoluminal endurecida no retossigmoide. Evoluiu a Ăłbito devido a choque sĂ©ptico refratĂĄrio. ComentĂĄrios: Pessoas vivendo com HIV/AIDS com imunossupressĂŁo grave tĂȘm risco aumentado de Mpox grave. Os principais achados sĂŁo mais de 100 lesĂ”es de pele, lesĂ”es necrĂłticas, persistentes ou resistentes ao tratamento, instabilidade hemodinĂąmica ou sepse. Ambos os pacientes foram internados devido a dor intensa relacionada a lesĂ”es da mucosa anal que requeriam suporte adequado e alĂ­vio da dor, alĂ©m de terapia antimicrobiana para infecçÔes bacterianas secundĂĄrias

    Meningitis due to Streptococcus suis in Two Patients with Occupational Exposure from Northeastern Brazil

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    Streptococcus suis is an emerging zoonotic agent that causes bacterial meningitis. S. suis is an encapsulated Gram-positive, facultative anaerobic bacterium. This infection usually manifests in humans as meningitis, endocarditis, septicemia, and/or arthritis. The primary groups at risk for S. suis infection are individuals occupationally exposed to pigs and/or pork, for example, farmers, butchers, and hunters. Herein, we report two cases of meningitis related to S. suis with occupational exposure from the CearĂĄ state, northeastern Brazil