5 research outputs found

    Manifestações Cutâneas do Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico: Desafios Diagnósticos e Estratégias de Manejo

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    Introduction: Cutaneous manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) represent a significant and challenging aspect of this autoimmune disease. This study aims to explore management strategies for these cutaneous manifestations, with the goal of improving understanding and treatment of this complex dermatological condition. Objective: The objective of this study is to analyze management strategies for cutaneous manifestations of SLE, highlighting diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, as well as challenges faced in clinical practice. The intention is to provide a comprehensive overview of available treatment options and identify areas in need of further investigation and development. Methodology: To achieve this objective, a systematic literature review was conducted using specific descriptors related to systemic lupus erythematosus and its cutaneous manifestations. Relevant studies were selected based on pre-defined inclusion criteria, considering their methodological quality and relevance to the topic at hand. Results: Analysis of selected studies revealed a variety of management strategies for cutaneous manifestations of SLE, including topical and systemic treatments, complementary therapies, and preventive measures. Additionally, diagnostic challenges such as overlap with other dermatological conditions, and therapeutic challenges such as the need for more effective treatment options with fewer side effects, were identified. Conclusion: Management of cutaneous manifestations of SLE requires a multidisciplinary and individualized approach, aiming to control disease activity, prevent complications, and improve patients' quality of life. Continuous research and development of new therapies are essential to advance the treatment of this challenging dermatological condition.  Introdução: As manifestações cutâneas do lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (LES) representam uma parte significativa e desafiadora dessa doença autoimune. Este estudo busca explorar as estratégias de manejo dessas manifestações cutâneas, com o objetivo de melhorar a compreensão e o tratamento dessa condição dermatológica complexa. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é analisar as estratégias de manejo das manifestações cutâneas do LES, destacando abordagens diagnósticas, terapêuticas e desafios enfrentados na prática clínica. Pretende-se fornecer uma visão abrangente das opções de tratamento disponíveis e identificar áreas que necessitam de maior investigação e desenvolvimento. Metodologia Para alcançar este objetivo, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura, utilizando descritores específicos relacionados ao lúpus eritematoso sistêmico e suas manifestações cutâneas. Os estudos relevantes foram selecionados com base em critérios de inclusão definidos previamente, considerando sua qualidade metodológica e relevância para o tema em questão. Resultados: A análise dos estudos selecionados revelou uma variedade de estratégias de manejo das manifestações cutâneas do LES, incluindo tratamentos tópicos e sistêmicos, terapias complementares e medidas preventivas. Além disso, foram identificados desafios diagnósticos, como a sobreposição com outras condições dermatológicas, e terapêuticas, como a necessidade de opções de tratamento mais eficazes e com menos efeitos colaterais. Conclusão: O manejo das manifestações cutâneas do LES requer uma abordagem multidisciplinar e individualizada, visando controlar a atividade da doença, prevenir complicações e melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. A pesquisa contínua e o desenvolvimento de novas terapias são fundamentais para avançar no tratamento dessa condição dermatológica desafiadora


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    Psychodermatological diagnosis involves a detailed assessment that combines the patient's clinical history, physical examination of the skin and an analysis of the emotional factors that may be influencing the skin condition. The signs and symptoms of skin conditions vary widely depending on the type and severity of the condition. Some of the most common signs include redness, itching, skin lesions such as spots, blisters or pustules, peeling, pain or tenderness, changes in skin color and the presence of scabs or sores. The objective of this article was to understand the complexity that emotional aspects can directly influence skin diseases. Furthermore, the research seeks to clearly elucidate how to reach an appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Finally, the research showed the importance of working together with dermatologists and psychiatric doctors, so that it is possible to arrive at efficient therapeutic treatment methods.O diagnóstico psicodermatológico envolve uma avaliação detalhada que combina a história clínica do paciente, exame físico da pele e uma análise dos fatores emocionais que podem estar influenciando a condição cutânea. Os sinais e sintomas das doenças de pele variam amplamente, dependendo do tipo e da gravidade da condição. Alguns dos sinais mais comuns incluem vermelhidão, coceira, lesões cutâneas como manchas, bolhas ou pústulas, descamação, dor ou sensibilidade, alterações na cor da pele e a presença de crostas ou feridas. O objetivo deste artigo foi compreender a complexidade que os aspectos emocionais podem influenciar diretamente nas doenças de pele. Além disso, a pesquisa procura elucidar de forma clara como chegar a um diagnóstico e tratamento adequado. Por fim, a pesquisa mostrou a importância do trabalho em conjunto de médicos dermatologistas e psiquiátricas, para que assim seja possível chegar a métodos terapêuticos de tratamento eficientes

    Genomic Surveillance of Yellow Fever Virus Epizootic in São Paulo, Brazil, 2016 – 2018

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    São Paulo, a densely inhabited state in southeast Brazil that contains the fourth most populated city in the world, recently experienced its largest yellow fever virus (YFV) outbreak in decades. YFV does not normally circulate extensively in São Paulo, so most people were unvaccinated when the outbreak began. Surveillance in non-human primates (NHPs) is important for determining the magnitude and geographic extent of an epizootic, thereby helping to evaluate the risk of YFV spillover to humans. Data from infected NHPs can give more accurate insights into YFV spread than when using data from human cases alone. To contextualise human cases, identify epizootic foci and uncover the rate and direction of YFV spread in São Paulo, we generated and analysed virus genomic data and epizootic case data from NHPs in São Paulo. We report the occurrence of three spatiotemporally distinct phases of the outbreak in São Paulo prior to February 2018. We generated 51 new virus genomes from YFV positive cases identified in 23 different municipalities in São Paulo, mostly sampled from NHPs between October 2016 and January 2018. Although we observe substantial heterogeneity in lineage dispersal velocities between phylogenetic branches, continuous phylogeographic analyses of generated YFV genomes suggest that YFV lineages spread in São Paulo at a mean rate of approximately 1km per day during all phases of the outbreak. Viral lineages from the first epizootic phase in northern São Paulo subsequently dispersed towards the south of the state to cause the second and third epizootic phases there. This alters our understanding of how YFV was introduced into the densely populated south of São Paulo state. Our results shed light on the sylvatic transmission of YFV in highly fragmented forested regions in São Paulo state and highlight the importance of continued surveillance of zoonotic pathogens in sentinel species

    Coletânea das experiências de inovação na graduação da Unesp

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