33 research outputs found

    The impact of marketing consultancy on small/medium sized firms

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    This study looks at a programme designed to influence the practice of marketing planning in small/medium sized firms and analyses the impact of marketing planning on the firms when they are provided with such a plan. The study confirms that the incidence of marketing planning in small firms is very low. The results suggest that an evaluation of the programme based only on producing a plan and then implementing it, is inadequate. The real effect of the exercise is also its impact on knowledgeability within firms. Involvement of firms in the marketing planning process increases awareness and knowledgeability of marketing planning. It is argued that the effect will result in the gradual adoption of formal marketing planning by firms. Not only does the experience increase knowledgeability, but the results also indicate that the value of marketing planning to a firm is related to knowledgeability. Firms regard the exercise as valuable if it has had a positive impact on their understanding of marketing and strategic issues. More importantly, increased knowledgeability encourages firms to implement more of the recommendations contained in a plan, which can lead to better performance. The results also indicate that the marketing consultant can have an important role in fostering strategic orientation and marketing awareness in managers of small/medium sized firms. The effectiveness of the programme depends greatly on both the performance of the consultant who prepares the plan and the way the scheme operates

    A imagem de marca: análise das funções de representação e apelo no marketing das marcas: um estudo de caso

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    Apresentação efectuada no Seminário de Marketing Estratégico e Planeamento, 1, Braga, 2000.A presente comunicação procura analisar o funcionamento das marcas no actual contexto de marketing, a partir das noções de comunicação, identidade e, particularmente, imagem de marca

    Hypermarkets versus traditional retail stores - consumers’ and retailers’ perspectives in Braga: a case study

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    Since its appearance in the mid-1980s, the hypermarket is a symbol of modernisation. It has dramatically changed not only the Portuguese traditional retailing structure but also the consumption behaviour. To understand the impact of hypermarkets, two questionnaires were used, one for consumers and the other for traditional retailers. The results show that, for consumers, the hypermarket is the preferred type of retail store, due to convenience (it is more practical) and low prices. The perception of traditional retailers is that the hypermarkets a!ected them negatively. The comparative analysis suggests that, although consumers do not have a negative opinion about traditional retail, they do not share the optimistic vision that traditional retailers have about them-selves.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Consumer and retailer perceptions of hypermarkets and traditional retail stores in Portugal

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    Since its appearance in the mid 1980s, the hypermarket is a symbol of the modernisation of Portugal. It has dramatically changed not only the retailing structure in this country but also Portuguese buying behaviour. To better understand these changes, personal interviews were conducted with 500 Braga consumers. In addition, a mailed survey was administered in the same market to 204 traditional retailers. The results show that, for consumers, the hypermarket is the preferred type of retail store for frequently purchased packaged goods, due to its low prices and convenient one-stop shopping. The perception of traditional retailers is that the hypermarkets affected them negatively. The comparative analysis suggests that, although consumers do not have a negative opinion about traditional retail, they do not share the same favourable opinion that traditional retailers have about themselves.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Market orientation and the synergistic effect of mediating and moderating factors on performance : the case of the fashion cluster

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    It is commonly accepted that a market-oriented behaviour has a positive impact on organizational performance. This study provides additional support for the classical relationship between market orientation and organizational performance and goes further by not only including in the model the mediating role of both the organizational learning and organizational innovation, but also examining the potential moderating impact of the environmental conditions in the previous relationship.The analysis is based on data collected from a sample of 130 Portuguese SME operating in the fashion cluster. Implications and future research questions based on the findings are offered at the conclusion of the paper

    Poderão as percepções éticas dos consumidores influenciar a sua atitude de compra?

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    Se é certo que uma crescente preocupação em torno das questões éticas no domínio do Marketing tem emergido nas últimas décadas (Singhapakdi et al., 1999), também não é menos verdade que há necessidade de uma maior compreensão acerca de quais as percepções e comportamentos dos consumidores em torno desta problemática (Muncy and Vitell, 1992). O objectivo deste estudo é, pois, contribuir para a compreensão acerca de quais as percepções dos consumidores acerca de determinados dilemas de ética e, mais do que isso, compreender de que forma os julgamentos éticos feitos pelos consumidores podem influenciar a sua intenção de compra. Para dar resposta a este objectivo foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa cujos resultados tendem a indicar que os indivíduos dão importância à dimensão ética nas suas decisões de consumo e, logo, esta deve ser considerada quando se discute a atitude de compra do consumidor.Although concerns for ethical problems in Marketing have been increasing over the past decades (Singhapakdi et al., 1999), the comprehension of consumers’ perceptions about the topic calls for further attention (Muncy and Vitell, 1992). The purpose of this study is to contribute to the understanding of consumers’ perceptions and attitudes towards ethical dilemmas and, moreover, see to what extent ethical judgments made by consumers influence their purchase intention. Research has been developed in order to fill in this purpose. Results tend to indicate that individuals are aware of ethical questions in consumption decisions and that must be considered when analyzing their purchase intentions

    O efeito sinergético da aprendizagem organizacional e inovação na relação estrutural orientação para o mercado - performance: o caso da indústria portuguesa da moda

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    It is commonly accepted that a market-oriented behaviour has a positive impact on organizational performance. However, few researchers have examined the potential mediating role of the organizational learning and organizational innovation in the classical relationship of market orientation and performance. Additionally, fewer studies have analysed the potentially moderating effect of environment conditions on the above-mentioned relationship and none has simultaneously examined the role of the aforementioned constructs on organizational performance. The main objective of this paper is to propose a conceptual framework which examines not only the potential impact of each construct on organizational performance but also analyses eventual synergetic effects on both constructs (market orientation and organizational performance). The conceptual framework will furthermore consider and integrate the impact of environmental conditions on the main relationship examined

    Valores de los jóvenes y responsabilidad social corporativa en las decisiones de compra: un estudio empírico en España y Portugal

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    La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) está adquiriendo un notable interés en la investigación y práctica del marketing. Parece apuntarse una mayor conciencia sobre la necesidad de lograr resultados en una triple dimensión: económica, medioambiental y social. Sin embargo, existen escasas investigaciones sobre la RSC que permitan corroborar esta afirmación desde la perspectiva del consumidor. El presente trabajo, en el ámbito hispano-luso, pretende contribuir en la comprensión de las percepciones del consumidor sobre la RSC y su influencia en el comportamiento de compra. Concretamente, se plantean cuatro objetivos: evaluar el grado de conocimiento de los jóvenes españoles y portugueses sobre la RSC, analizar la importancia de la RSC en las decisiones de compra, conocer los valores de los jóvenes que potencialmente contribuyen a la adopción de criterios de RSC en sus decisiones de compra, y analizar las percepciones de jóvenes universitarios sobre las actividades afines a la RSC.Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming the subject of considerable interest in both marketing research and practice. Popular wisdom in the area tells us consumers are increasingly more concerned with corporate activities, not just in an economic sense, but in terms of their environmental and social impact as well. There are very few studies, however, able to corroborate this statement. With this study we attempt to fill this gap by focusing on the consumer perceptions of CSR and their influence on purchasing behaviour. The paper thus aims to: analyse the level of knowledge of CSR by Spanish and Portuguese young consumers on the perception of socially responsible companies, measure the importance of CSR dimensions on consumer purchasing decisions, assess the effect of consumers’ values on the utilization of CSR dimensions on consumer purchasing decisions, and analyse consumer perceptions of the activities of companies deemed socially responsible

    Academic job satisfaction and motivation : findings from a nationwide study in Portuguese higher education

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    Published online: 31 Jul 2014Academic staff is a key resource in higher education institutions (HEIs) and therefore has a major role in the achievement of the objectives of these institutions. Satisfied and well-motivated academic staff can build a national and international reputation for themselves and their institutions. Moreover, the performance of academic staff impacts student learning. In this context, the study of academic staff job satisfaction and motivation to perform their professional activities becomes crucial, especially as higher education is traversed by multiple changes. The purpose of this paper is to present and analyze the findings of a nationwide study on satisfaction and motivation of academics. All academics working in Portuguese HEIs were invited to complete a survey online. The data obtained from 4529 academics were extensively analyzed and findings are presented here along with their implications for HEIs in Portugal.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Uma Análise da Satisfação e da Motivação dos Docentes no Ensino Superior Português

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    O pessoal docente é um recurso fundamental nas instituições de ensino superior tendo um papel determinante na prossecução dos objectivos da instituição. A satisfação no trabalho é importante na revitalização da motivação dos docentes e manter vivo o seu entusiasmo. A literatura revela que o conceitode satisfação no trabalho é constituído por um conjunto complexo de variáveis que interagem numa miríade de formas. Explicações simplistas e ingénuas da satisfação no trabalho abundam em todos os sectores de actividade. A mais típica é a crença errónea de que os incentivos remuneratórios per secriarão níveis de motivação efectivos e, como tal, satisfação global no trabalho. Existem variáveis intrínsecas relacionadas com o crescimento e desenvolvimento pessoal, e factores extrínsecos associados à segurança no ambiente de trabalho. Existe também uma evidência ampla e bastante óbvia de que asatisfação profissional está relacionada com a motivação dos trabalhadores. Embora se tenham realizado diversos estudos a nível mundial, muito pouco é conhecido no contexto do ensino superior em Portugal sobre esta temática. Este artigo apresenta um estudo em curso em Portugal - PTDC/ESC/67784/2006– Estudo da Satisfação e Motivação dos Académicos no Ensino Superior Português (ESMAESP), financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, que visa identificar os factores que se relacionam com a satisfação e a motivação do pessoal docente.Palavras-Chave: Satisfação no trabalho; motivação; docentes; ensino superior