483 research outputs found

    Perturbation theory for optical excitations in the one-dimensional extended Peierls--Hubbard model

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    For the one-dimensional, extended Peierls--Hubbard model we calculate analytically the ground-state energy and the single-particle gap to second order in the Coulomb interaction for a given lattice dimerization. The comparison with numerically exact data from the Density-Matrix Renormalization Group shows that the ground-state energy is quantitatively reliable for Coulomb parameters as large as the band width. The single-particle gap can almost triple from its bare Peierls value before substantial deviations appear. For the calculation of the dominant optical excitations, we follow two approaches. In Wannier theory, we perturb the Wannier exciton states to second order. In two-step perturbation theory, similar in spirit to the GW-BSE approach, we form excitons from dressed electron-hole excitations. We find the Wannier approach to be superior to the two-step perturbation theory. For singlet excitons, Wannier theory is applicable up to Coulomb parameters as large as half band width. For triplet excitons, second-order perturbation theory quickly fails completely.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures, submtted to JSTA

    Explosions of water clusters in intense laser fields

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    Energetic, highly-charged oxygen ions, Oq+O^{q+} (q6q\leq 6), are copiously produced upon laser field-induced disassembly of highly-charged water clusters, (H2O)n(H_2O)_n and (D2O)n(D_2O)_n, nn\sim 60, that are formed by seeding high-pressure helium or argon with water vapor. ArnAr_n clusters (n\sim40000) formed under similar experimental conditions are found undergo disassembly in the Coulomb explosion regime, with the energies of Arq+Ar^{q+} ions showing a q2q^2 dependence. Water clusters, which are argued to be considerably smaller in size, should also disassemble in the same regime, but the energies of fragment Oq+^{q+} ions are found to depend linearly on qq which, according to prevailing wisdom, ought to be a signature of hydrodynamic expansion that is expected of much larger clusters. The implication of these observations on our understanding of the two cluster explosion regimes, Coulomb explosion and hydrodynamic expansion, is discussed. Our results indicate that charge state dependences of ion energy do not constitute an unambiguous experimental signature of cluster explosion regime.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Adequate symptom relief justifies hepatic resection for benign disease

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term results of partial liver resection for benign liver lesions. METHODS: All patients operated on for benign liver lesions from 1991 to 2002 were included. Information was retrieved from medical records, the hospital registration system and by a telephonic questionnaire. RESULTS: Twenty-eight patients with a median age of 41 years (17–71) were operated on (M/F ratio 5/23). The diagnosis was haemangioma in 8 patients, FNH in 6, HCA in 13 and angiomyolipoma in 1. Eight patients were known to have relevant co-morbidity. Median operating time was 207 minutes (45–360). The morbidity rate was 25% and no postoperative mortality was observed. Twenty-two patients (79%) had symptoms (mainly abdominal pain) prior to surgery. Twenty-five patients were reached for a questionnaire. The median follow up was 55 months (4–150). In 89% of patients preoperative symptoms had decreased or disappeared after surgery. Four patients developed late complications. CONCLUSION: Long-term follow up after liver surgery for benign liver lesions shows considerable symptom relief and patient satisfaction. In addition to a correct indication these results justify major surgery with associated morbidity and mortality

    Molecular dynamics simulations of lead clusters

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    Molecular dynamics simulations of nanometer-sized lead clusters have been performed using the Lim, Ong and Ercolessi glue potential (Surf. Sci. {\bf 269/270}, 1109 (1992)). The binding energies of clusters forming crystalline (fcc), decahedron and icosahedron structures are compared, showing that fcc cuboctahedra are the most energetically favoured of these polyhedral model structures. However, simulations of the freezing of liquid droplets produced a characteristic form of ``shaved'' icosahedron, in which atoms are absent at the edges and apexes of the polyhedron. This arrangement is energetically favoured for 600-4000 atom clusters. Larger clusters favour crystalline structures. Indeed, simulated freezing of a 6525-atom liquid droplet produced an imperfect fcc Wulff particle, containing a number of parallel stacking faults. The effects of temperature on the preferred structure of crystalline clusters below the melting point have been considered. The implications of these results for the interpretation of experimental data is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 18 figues, new section added and one figure added, other minor changes for publicatio

    Sprites in low-frequency radio noise

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    Quality Improvement for Portal Vein Embolization

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    Fibrin sealant is used in many areas of surgery. We present a novel aspect of flap insetting in the ischial region using fibrin spray to seal the transferred tissue. We analyzed 10 patients suffering from decubital ulcers and assessed drainage output, time of drain removal, as well as complications following fasciocutaneous flap surgery. Patients were randomized to receive sprayed fibrin glue (study group) or not (control group) before wound closure. The mean drainage time was 4 +/- 1 days in the study group and 6 +/- 1 days in the control group ( P = 0.06). The mean drainage volume was 100 +/- 20 mL in the study group and 168 +/- 30 mL in the control group ( P < 0.01). Fibrin sealant led to reduced drainage volumes and duration of drainage, indicating a beneficial effect of the application of fibrin glue in fasciocutaneous flap surgery for pressure sore coverage

    Unbiased Global Optimization of Lennard-Jones Clusters for N <= 201 by Conformational Space Annealing Method

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    We apply the conformational space annealing (CSA) method to the Lennard-Jones clusters and find all known lowest energy configurations up to 201 atoms, without using extra information of the problem such as the structures of the known global energy minima. In addition, the robustness of the algorithm with respect to the randomness of initial conditions of the problem is demonstrated by ten successful independent runs up to 183 atoms. Our results indicate that the CSA method is a general and yet efficient global optimization algorithm applicable to many systems.Comment: revtex, 4 pages, 2 figures. Physical Review Letters, in pres

    Spatial distribution of photoelectrons participating in formation of x-ray absorption spectra

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    Interpretation of x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) experiments is often done via analyzing the role of particular atoms in the formation of specific peaks in the calculated spectrum. Typically, this is achieved by calculating the spectrum for a series of trial structures where various atoms are moved and/or removed. A more quantitative approach is presented here, based on comparing the probabilities that a XANES photoelectron of a given energy can be found near particular atoms. Such a photoelectron probability density can be consistently defined as a sum over squares of wave functions which describe participating photoelectron diffraction processes, weighted by their normalized cross sections. A fine structure in the energy dependence of these probabilities can be extracted and compared to XANES spectrum. As an illustration of this novel technique, we analyze the photoelectron probability density at the Ti K pre-edge of TiS2 and at the Ti K-edge of rutile TiO2.Comment: Journal abstract available on-line at http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRB/v65/e20511

    New Tetrahedral Global Minimum for the 98-atom Lennard-Jones Cluster

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    A new atomic cluster structure corresponding to the global minimum of the 98-atom Lennard-Jones cluster has been found using a variant of the basin-hopping global optimization algorithm. The new structure has an unusual tetrahedral symmetry with an energy of -543.665361, which is 0.022404 lower than the previous putative global minimum. The new LJ_98 structure is of particular interest because its tetrahedral symmetry establishes it as one of only three types of exceptions to the general pattern of icosahedral structural motifs for optimal LJ microclusters. Similar to the other exceptions the global minimum is difficult to find because it is at the bottom of a narrow funnel which only becomes thermodynamically most stable at low temperature.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, revte