76 research outputs found

    Autism spectrum traits in normal individuals : a preliminary VBM analysis

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    In light of the new DSM-5 autism spectrum disorders diagnosis in which the autism spectrum reflects a group of neurodevelopmental disorders existing on a continuum from mild to severe expression of autistic traits, and recent empirical findings showing a continuous distribution of autistic traits in the general population, our voxel based morphometry study compares normal individuals with high autistic traits to normal individuals with low autistic traits. We hypothesize that normal individuals with high autistic traits in terms of empathizing and systemizing [high systemizing (HS)/low empathizing (LE)] share brain irregularities with individuals that fall within the clinical autism spectrum disorder. We find differences in several social brain network areas between our groups. Specifically, we find increased gray matter (GM) volume in the orbitofrontal cortex, the cuneus, the hippocampus and parahippocampus and reduced GM volume in the inferior temporal cortex, the insula, and the amygdala in our HS/LE individuals relative to our HE/LS (low autistic traits in terms of empathizing and systemizing) individuals

    Neurobiology and crime : a neuro-ethical perspective

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    Current neurobiological research in the field of criminology focuses on the neurobiological characteristics associated with antisocial behavior, the prediction of antisocial behavior later in life based on neurobiological risk factors, and the ways in which neurobiological factors interact with psychological and environmental risk factors. Although the use of neurobiological knowledge has the potential to make several criminal justice practices more objective and humane, it may involve practices that are challenging with respect to stigma, neuro-determinism, autonomy and mental liberty. Four main areas of interest can be identified where neurobiology plays or could play a role: (1) criminological research focused on understanding criminal behavior, (2) the (early) detection/prediction of and intervention in deviant behavior, (3) criminal proceedings: to assess responsibility and inform sentencing, and (4) forensic rehabilitation and treatment settings. In this paper, I discuss the main ethical dilemmas that arise when considering the use of recent neurobiological advances in these areas

    Outstanding questions concerning the regulation of enhancement devices

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    The authors (Maslen et al., 2014) propose to regulate cognitive enhancement devices (CEDs) as medical devices. Extending medical device regulations to CEDs raises some important questions that need to be adequately addressed before it makes sense to pursue this path. A first problem concerns the definition of ‘cognitive enhancement’ and ‘CEDs’. Where does treatment end and enhancement begin? Secondly, since most CEDs such as neurofeedback and transcranial direct current stimulation are currently performed by non-medical health care providers, how will this regulation impact the current practice, and which requirements need to be put in place to regulate their use? Thirdly, distributive justice issues present an obvious ethical limitation. Fourthly, if CEDs are indeed prescribed off-label similar to the off-label prescription of psychopharmacological enhancers by MDs, this will pose problems regarding a lack of sufficient knowledge and expertise due to the highly specialized nature of CEDs. And finally, are we faced with unnecessary worries and unrealistic hopes when it comes to CEDs? In sum, we propose to regulate them regarding product safety and restrict them to competent adult use including professional oversight where indicated
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