17 research outputs found

    Initial salinity tolerance and ion-osmotic parameters in juvenile Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, Brandt, 1833

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    The salinity tolerance, hematological and hydromineral regulation capabilities of juvenile Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) were investigated in different ages and sizes in freshwater (FW: 0.05) but differed in experimental media (p0.05). However, the results showed that the above parameters in fish fingerlings did not return to initial values in the new environment and then physiological changes happened

    A comparative survey of abundance and biomass of Caspian Sea macrobenthos in coastal waters of Mazandaran Province

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    Caspian Sea macrobenthos was surveyed every two months from December 2007 to October 2008, in the west, east and central parts of Mazandaran province waters. Each area was sampled with 3 replicates at 2 depths of 5 and 10m by Van Veen grab. Five different classes were recognized, including Polychaeta (52.7%), Oligochaeta (27.8%), Bivalvia (12%), Cnistacea (7.5%) and Insects (0.07%). Total mean (LSD) abundance and biomass were 2727± 1303 individual/m2 and 88.9±22.93, respectively. The Polychaeta demonstrated the highest abundance and Bivalvia had the highest biomass. The highest abundance of macrobenthos was found in eastern and the highest biomass in western coasts of Mazandaran. In August 2008, macrobenthos abundance showed higher values. In October, remarkable difference was observed between the abundance of Polychaeta and other macrobenthos organisms. According to Kniskal-Wallis test, abundance and biomass of the entire macrobenthos classes except Insects, showed a significant difference between sampling months (P<0.05). Macrobenthos biomass had no significant difference among the three areas whereas abundance demonstrated a significant difference within these areas (P< 0.05)

    Feasibility study of white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, culture in earthen ponds using brackish water of the Caspian Sea

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    Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) post-larvae 12 were obtained from Bushehr province and reared at the Caspian Sea Ecological Research Institute (Mazandaran, Iran) in summer 2012 using brackish water of the Caspian Sea. Prior to start of the experiment, post-larvae were gradually adapted to brackish water. The shrimp was stocked in a 1000 m2 earthen pond with a stocking density of 31 individual/m2. The earthen pond was in quarantine without discharge valve. During the rearing period, there was no water exchange. The shrimp was reared for 85 days. The average daily growth, final mean weight, feed conversion ratio and final yield were 0.31±0.04 g, 21.11±0.71 g, 0.79 and 531 kg, respectively. The results showed that L. vannamei can growth well in brackish water of Caspian Sea (salinity of 11.1±0.7 ppt and temperature of 28.67±0.72 °C) in Mazandaran province from July to September

    Seasonal and regional distribution of phytoplankton in the southern Caspian Sea

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    Seasonal distribution of species composition, cell abundance and biomass of phytoplankton of the Caspian Sea were investigated in 2005. This survey were fulfilled in 6 transects and 26 stations A total of 260 samples were collected during winter to autumn in the southern part of Caspian Sea. Totally, 163 species of phytoplankton were identified (71 species Bacillariophyta, 31 species Chlorophyta, 27 species Cyanophyta, 21 species Pyrrophyta, and 13 species Euglenophyta). Cell abundance and biomass of Bacillariophyta were high in centre, while biomass and cell abundance of Pyrrophyta were dominant in the middle as well as parts of the Sea, respectively. The overall total average of cell abundance and biomass of phytoplankton were 56.30± 30.97 ×106cells/m3 and 221.70±75.87 mg/m3, respectively. Bacillariophyta accounted for 47% in cell abundance, and Pyrrophyta consisted of 53% of the phytoplankton biomass. Maximum phytoplankton population was recorded in winter due to Bacillariophyta and the maximum biomass in spring due to Pyrrophyta. The maximum density of Bacillariophyta was in winter and autumn while maximum biomass was observed in spring due to bigger size of Bacillariophyta such as Rhizosolenia calcar avis and Nitzschia sigmoidea followed by Pyrrophyta with high cell abundance throughout the year

    Hydrology, Hydrobiology and environmental pollution in the southern of Caspian Sea

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    The project investigates the relationship between the biological parameters (phytoplankton, zooplankton, Macrobenthic and the comb jelly Mnemiopsis leidyi) and environmental parameters, nutrients and environmental pollutant (oil, pesticides, heavy metals, and detergents) in water and sediment, at the southern part of Caspian Sea in 2009-2010. Sampling was performed in four seasons (spring, summer, autumn and winter) and in eight transects perpendicular to the coast in Astara, Anzali, Sefidroud, Tonekabon, Noshahr, Babolsar, Amir Abad and Turkmen. Samples were collected from depths of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 meters and the different layers. The relationship between biological and environmental parameters surveyed through parametric and multivariate methods. Based on the result, the annual mean of environmental parameters and nutrients concentration at euphotic layer such as water temperature, salinity, pH, transparency, DO%, ammonium, nitrate, inorganic nitrogen (DIN), organic nitrogen (DON), inorganic phosphorus (DIP), organic phosphorus (DOP) and soluble silicon (DSi) were 17.82±0.32 (ºC), 11.35±0.10 (g/l), 8.43±0.01 (m), 126±1 (%), 3.76±0.19 (µM), 1.55±0.07 (µM), 4.81±0.13 (µM), 29.88±0.66 (µM), 0.24±0.01 (µM), 0.62±0.02 (µM), 8.22±0.22 (µM), respectively. Meanwhile, annual mean of environmental pollutant such as TPH, OCPs and LAS in water were 12.33±1.76 (µg/l), (µg/l), 0.048±0.003 (mg/l), respectively and for TPH and OCPS in sediment were recorded 33.07±9.36 (µg/g) and 2.64±0.34 (µg/g), respectively. In addition, annual mean of heavy metals such as Ni, Hg, Pb and Cd at water were 4.01±0.01 (µg/l), 0.64±0.01 (µg/l), 15.0±0.1 (µg/l) and ND respectively, and in sediment were obtained 43.77±3.55 (µg/g), 0.13±0.29 (µg/g), 14.14±1.07 (µg/g) and 0.07±0.06 (µg/g), respectively. Abundance annual mean of biological parameters such as phytoplankton, zooplankton and M. leidyi were 143±12 (million cells/m^3), 6548±700 (individuals/m^3) and 86±10 (individuals /m^3) respectively, and for biomass were 548±41 (mg/m^3), 60±9 (mg/m^3), 5.06±0.65 (g/m^3). Abundance and biomass annual mean of macrobenthic were 5970±460 (individuals/m^2) and 44±10 (g/m^2), respectively. The stratification of water column was strongly based on gradient of water temperature and the rule of salinity was low in this area. According to mono and multivariate statistical analysis, the southern of Caspian Sea experienced four seasons without any overlapping based on environmental parameters and nutrients. In 2009-10, the nitrogen concentration was higher than previous years and showed a decrease in the amount of inorganic phosphorus in the study area. Therefore, the system has been lead to phosphorus limitation. No limitations of the DSi in the Caspian ecosystem had caused the dominance of bacillriophyta phylum during spring, autumn and winter. However in summer (highest seasonal mean temperature) which held the most DIP, the cyanophyta was dominant phylum. During spring and winter, the abundance of zooplankton was maximized and conversely the minimum values observed during summer and autumn with growth increasing of M. leidyi. By now, M.leidyi has been preferred the time with highest temperature or salinity during year. However with considering PCA analysis result and high ability of the organism to adaptation, the M.leidyi will probably to growth and reproduce at lower temperature and salinity than now in this area. Result showed that during summer and autumn only abundance of two of six main zooplankton groups namely Copepoda and Cirripedia were noticeable. The other zooplankton groups were low due to high consumption by different predators or were influenced by environmental factors. The dynamics population of M.leidyi is used to consider as first explanation of the Caspian ecosystem happening, however the interaction of different factors such as temperature, salinity, nutrients and predators determine the dynamic of biological parameters. Based on statistical analysis, feeding behavior of zooplankton species was not same in different seasons and was strongly dependent on the phytoplankton structure (species diversity and population). In other words, the classical boundary of phytoplankton species to, edible and suppressed, non-edible and unaffected and finally non-edible, enhanced species was not possible. Copepoda can act as filter-feeder and raptorial-feeder. So Copepoda compare to Cladocera (generally filter- feeder and sometimes raptorial feeder) and Rotifera (mostly suspension feeding and sometimes raptorial feeder) had more chances and opportunities for the achievement food and it support them for dominanane in all seasons. Anthropogenic and eutrophication effect on the structure and function of plankton community and it reflected on ratio of phyto/zoo biomass. Seasonal increasing of different groups of zooplankton were done through their life cycles in 2009-10, but mostly phytoplankton abundance increased several folds than zooplankton populations. This trend made the ratio of phyto/zoo biomass at 10, 4, and14 during spring, summer and autumn, respectively. In summer, with stratification of water column and dominant of Cyanophyta, grazing pressure by herbivores zooplankton was low. However in winter due to the zooplankton population growth, the ratios reached to 11, and declined with 1.3 folds compare to autumn. Because of severe decreasing of zooplankton biomass in 2009-10 compare to years before introduction of M.leidiy in to the Caspian Sea, the ratio of phyto/zoo biomass increased from "less than" 5 "to more than 10" Top-down control of zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton populations was clear in the years before the introduction of M.leidyi in to the Caspian Sea. But in 2009-10 zooplankton Shannon index reduced and phytoplankton Shannon index increased. In other word higher functional diversity at the lower trophic level (phytoplankton) increased the probability of successful defense against top-down control from zooplankton and phytoplankton abundance controled mainly by nutrients materials (down-top control). Seasonal macrobenthos abundance showed the maximum values in summer and minimum in the cold season (winter). The polychaeta had the highest proportion of abundance compare to others main orders (oligochaeta and crustacea). The dominance of deposit feeder species of polychaeta indicates to high level of organic matter in sediment and trophic status of ecosystem. Result of CCA analysis showed that three dominant orders had different behavior respect to environmental and sediments characteristics. The oligochaeta order was directly related to sediments characteristics (TOM) and inverse relationship with environmental parameters at most seasons. In contrast, polychaeta order was linked with environmental parameters in most seasons. Crustacea order was related to the both of them. Two orders of oligochaeta and crustacea were also related directly to OCPs and inverse relationship with TPH and heavy metals. In the other words, the two orders were more affected by TPH and heavy metals in this area. As a last point, increasing of trophic level from oligotrophic to the meso–eutrophic status, an increase of DO% from 105 percent to 120 percent, phytoplankton Shannon index increasing, zooplankton Shannon index decreasing, entrance of the potentially invasive species to the list of dominant phytoplankton species, increasing of phyto/zooplankton biomass ratio from less than 5 to more than 10 and also increasing of deposit feeder species abundance of macrobenthos are some evidences that indicate to disturbance and stress condition of the Caspian Sea

    Evaluate the impact of dietary herbal appetizer on the growth performance of growth out shrimps (Liptopenaeus vannamei)

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    The main goal of the current study is to evaluate the impact of dietary herbal appetizer on the growth performance of growth out shrimp. This project was conducted at Caspian sea research institute of ecology from 2014 to 2016. Totally 180shrimps with an average weight of 2 g were randomly distributed to 9 fiberglass tanks with area and depth of 1m^2 and of 0.6 m. The experiment lasted for eight weeks and the shrimp were fed by three different diets as follows: 1. Commercial pellet contained no herbal additive (control diet) 2. Commercial pellet contained 1% herbal appetizer and 3. Commercial pellet contained 2% herbal appetizer. The results showed that prawn weight gains for diet 1 , 2 and 3 were 6.28, 5.68 and 6.07 respectively. The estimated growth rate was 2.34g for control diet, 2.22g for 1% inclusion of the additive and 2.28g for 2% inclusion of the additive. Results also showed that inclusion of the additive did not change statistically average final weight (p>0.05). A larger weight gain was observed at 0% additive inclusion although this was not statistically different with other treatments. In conclusion, with regard to the observed results, herbal appetizer administration cannot improve growth, feed conversion rate and weight gain in common carps

    Determination of pollution condition in Babolroud River from viewpoint of pesticides and agrochemicals fertilizers

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    Babolroud River is one of the important rivers for fisheries and environmental aspect that locared in center part of Mazandaran province. The river has a span of 92 km starting from Albourz mountainous and end up at the southern part of Caspian Sea. This study was done for five months (3rd Feb. through 5th July, 2008) for the better understanding of pollution situation such as organophosphorous, organochlorine pesticides and agrochemical fertilizer that drainage from paddy fields and horticultures to the river. A total of three main sites for pesticides and plus five sub-sites for drainage were selected for observation in three different regions of the river (mountainous, plain and estuary). The organochlorine and organophosphorous pesticides measured by GC (ECD and TSD detectors) with US-EPA (508) and AOAC procedure and agrochemical fertilizer parameters were measured by ASTM method. The maximum concentrations of aldrin, lindane, heptachlor epoxyde, DDE and β- BHC (period 1), δ- BHC and endrin (peiod 2), heptachlor and DDT (period 3), α- BHC (period 3 & 4), dieldrin (period 4) were 6.02, 0.85, 0.51, 0.50, 0.22, 0.35, 0.23, 0.50, 0.46, 0.19 and 0.16 µg/l, respectively. The maximum concentrations of four components of organophosphorous such as Diazinon and Chlorpyrifos (period 1), Malathion (period 2), Azinphos methyl (period 3) were 1.36, 0.46, 0.44 and 2.56 µg/l, respectively. The maximum amounts of tree components of parameters of agrochemichals fertilizers indictor such as total nitrogen (period 2, sub-site 5), total phosphorus and orthophosphate (period 4, sub-site 5) and organo-phosphorus (period 3, sub-site 4) were 5990, 1290, 1220 and 336 µg/l, respectively. The maximum concentrations of organochlorine pesticides components in sediments of the river such as lindane (period 2, site 2), δ- BHC (period 1 site 3), α- endosulfan (period 1, site 2), endrin and heptachlor epoxide (period 2, site 2) and DDE (period 2, site 1) were 0.99 0.54, 0.29, 0.19 and 0.19 µg/l, respectively. The maximum concentrations of organochlorine pesticides components in fish tissue of the river such as endosulfan sulfate, lindane, endrin, δ- BHC and DDE were 0.32, 0.29 0.27, 0.25 and 0.21 µg/l, respectively

    A study on environmental pollutants (Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), heavy metals, hydrocarbons and surfactants) in the southern part of Caspian Sea

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    At the present study, the environmental pollutants such as organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), heavy metals, hydrocarbons and surfactants were done during 22 months (Sept. 2009 through May 2011) located in southern part of Caspian Sea with longitude and latitude 48°-54° N and 36°-39° E, respectively. The aims of this study were to determine the seasonal pollutants matters in water layers and bed sediments of eight transect (24 stations) and the results are as follow: The maximum seasonal percentage range of OCPs were detected in spring water samples from 10, 50, and 50m depths such as (DDD, δ-BHC, heptachlor epoxide, endrin aldehyde),(DDD) and (aldrin, β-endosulfan) compounds about 62.5, 75 and 100%, respectively. The maximum seasonal residues fluctuation of OCPs were determined in spring water samples from 10, 50, and 50m depths such as aldrin (Babolsar station), aldrin (Tonekabon station) and heptachlor epoxide (Astara station) compounds about 5.03, 3.08 and 31.43 µg/l, respectively. The maximum percentage range of OCPs were detected in sediments samples from 10, 50, and 50m depths such as aldrin and α-BHC (winter), α-BHC (summer and winter) and aldrin (summer) compounds about 100, 75 and 87.5%, respectively. The maximum residues fluctuation of OCPs were determined in sediments samples from 10, 50, and 50m depths such as α-BHC (summer in Nushahr station), α-BHC (summer in Sefidroud station) and α-BHC (winter in Tonekabon station) and compounds about 5.96, 3.77 and 3.07 µg/l, respectively. The fluctuation and distribution of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) concentration in different water layers samples were reduced from summer>spring> fall > winter, respectively. Also this trend occurred for bed sediments and reduced from winter > summer, respectively. The mean concentrations of TPHs in water samples of all seasons, regions, depths and transects were less than maximum permissible concentration (MPC). In this research, a comparison of TPHs with EPA standards shown that the desile range organic (DRO) was close to EPA standards such as TPHs and also 95 percent of water data were less than MPC. But gasoline range organic (GRO) concentrations in all stations were less than the amount of EPA standard. A comparison of TPHs concentration in sediments shown that the concentration of all stations were less than of national research council (NRC) range except west part. The maximum annual mean concentrations of Hg and Pb elements were detected in surface station (50m) at Nushahr and Amirabad transects. The most water data of Cd, Pb and Hg elements in comparison with critical concentrations with Europe, the USA and Japan standards were less than amounts of those standards. The distribution and abundance of Cd, Pb, Hg and Ni elements in water samples were detected 98, 96, 77 and 6%, respectively less than the ISQGs (Interim marine sediment quality guidelines) standards. In sediments samples, the mean and maximum concentration of Hg element detected in winter in comparison with ISQGs standards was more. But the concentrations of Cd and Pb in sediments samples of all stations were low and less than of ISQGs standards. The maximum concentration of linear alkyl benzene sulfonate (LAS) from spring through winter in Anzali (spring), Tonekabon (summer), Anzali (fall) and Nushahr (winter) were 0.07, 0.45, 0.145 and 0.087 mg/l, respectively. The maximum concentrations of LSA were detected in spring and fall in west part and summer and winter in middle part. But the lower concentration was occurred in west of southern part of Caspian Sea. According to standards of surfactants and comparison with LAS concentration of this study were less than the critical points

    Study on environmental of Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) ponds culture with brackish water of Caspian Sea

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    Different studies on Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) has performed in Iran, but less noted in water quality conditions. Water quality, in addition to creating optimal environment for the growth of vannamei shrimp, as well as cause the live food production and improve economic performance are produced. This study was conducted to evaluate the water quality environment vannamei shrimp in the south of Caspian Sea (Mazandaran province) and in the Caspian Ecology Research Center. The results showed that the enrichment of water out of the ponds, can provide favorable conditions for water quality in the culture of vannamei shrimp with different densities. As a result, Mazandaran province environmental conditions (particularly temperature and salinity of the Caspian Sea) has perfectly suited for optimal growth vannamei shrimp. Therefore, vannamei shrimp (PL12) achieved a final individual weight of 21.1gr in a period culture of 85-day with a density of 35 ind/m^2. Also, The nutrients and water quality parameters (Temperature: 27.4±1.79 ° C, Transparency: 10.7±1.2 cm, Salinity: 10.57±0.78 psu, pH: 8.42±0.38, Dissolved Oxygen 8.04±1.35 mg per liter) were within normal limits during the culture period

    Evaluate the impact of dietary herbal appetizer on the growth performance of growth out common carp (Cyprinus carpio)

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    The main goal of the current study is to evaluate the impact of dietary herbal appetizer on the growth performance of growth out common carp. This project was conducted at Caspian sea research institute of ecology from 2013 to 2014. Totally 186 common carps with an average weight of 126.3 g were randomly distributed to 9 fiberglass tanks with area and depth of 16m2 and of 0.6 m. The experiment lasted for eight weeks and the fish were fed by three different diets as follows: 1. Commercial pellet contained no herbal additive (control diet) 2. Commercial pellet contained 1% herbal appetizer and 3. Commercial pellet contained 2% herbal appetizer. The results showed that common carp weight gains for diet 1 , 2 and 3 were 51.6, 49.3 and 57.6g respectively. The estimated growth rate was 39.03g for control diet, 40.03g for 1% inclusion of the additive and 48.65g for 2% inclusion of the additive. Results also showed that inclusion of the additive did not change statistically average final weight (p>0.05). A larger weight gain was observed at 2% additive inclusion although this was not statistically different with other treatments. In conclusion, with regard to the observed results, herbal appetizer administration cannot improve growth, feed conversion rate and weight gain in common carps