33 research outputs found

    Health literacy, emotionality, scientific evidence: Elements of an effective communication in public health

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    The importance of healthcare providers' communication abilities is still underestimated. Informing the population on the basis of documented evidence is essential but not enough to induce a change in the beliefs of who is doubtful or does not accept preventive interventions, such as vaccination. Lining up the offer of prevention to the knowledge of the citizens, also improving Health Literacy skills, is a critical step toward their empowerment and behavior change. The 2017 Erice Declaration was drafted to propose to the Institutions and the scientific community the main goals to improve communication and counteract Vaccine Hesitancy, at a very critical time, when mandatory vaccination was introduced in Italy

    COVID-19 and Cities: from Urban Health strategies to the pandemic challenge. A Decalogue of Public Health opportunities

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    Background and aim of the work. The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19, which nowadays has exceeded 2.5 million notified infections in the world and about 200,000 deaths, is a strong reminder that urbanization has changed the way that people and communities live, work, and interact, and it’s necessary to make resilient the systems and local capacities to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. How we can re-design the concept of Public Health in relation to the built environment and the contemporary cities? Methods. According to the previous statements and scenario, aim of this paper is to integrate the Urban Health strategic objectives, focusing the possible responses, both immediate and medium-long term, to the current environmental, social, and economic aspects of the “period” of physical distancing. Results. Immediate Actions are 01. program the flexibility of city schedules; 02. plan a smart and sustainable mobility network; 03. define a neighborhood services’ plan; 04. develop a digitization of the urban context, promoting the smart communities; 05. re-think the accessibility to the places of culture and tourism. Medium-long term Actions are 06. design the indoor flexibility of domestic living spaces; 07. re-think building typologies, fostering the presence of semi-private or collective spaces; 08. renovate the basic care services’ network; 09. integrate the existing environmental emergency plans, with those related to the health emergencies; 10. improve stakeholders’ awareness of the factors affecting Public Health in the cities. Conclusions. The Decalogue of Public Health opportunities may provide a useful basis for Designers (Architects and Urban Planners), Policy Makers, Public Health experts and Local Health Agencies, in promoting actions and policies aimed to transform our cities in healthier and Salutogenic living environments

    Microbiological quality of surface waters of Rome and it’s County from 1890 to 2010: a systematic review of Roman Hygiene School

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    Research on the quality of surface waters has been erformed in Italy during the development of large urban areas, and in Rome this has been the duty of the Istituto di Igiene of the Sapienza University since 1890. Using MedLine - along with traditional consultation of papers printed before 1968 - we identified 100 articles published in the period from 1890-2010. Thirty of them met the inclusion criteria (to have been written by researchers of Roman universities and to contain microbiological information about the surface waters of Rome). The majority of papers identified (46.6%) were published during the Sixties and Seventies, and 30% in the twenty years that followed (1980-1999). The most frequent microbiological descriptors were “Total coliforms” and “Streptococci”. The body of waters most frequently investigated were the river Tiber and the coastal waters around Fiumicino, where the Tiber flows into the Tyrrhenian sea. The quality of surface waters has always been of central interest to the researchers of the Roman School of Hygiene. The excellent quality of past research, and the renovated interest of International Organizations and of the European Union, should encourage public health researchers to persist in this strategic field of investigation which has strong interconnections with the protection of individual well-being and community health, as well as with environmental preservation

    L’anziano attivo. Proposte e riflessioni per la terza e la quarta età

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    Il problema della senilità si pone ormai in Italia, come in tutte le società avanzate, in termini assai diversi dal passato. I saggi compresi nel presente volume intervengono su tutti gli aspetti della senilità - da quelli psicologici, sanitari e affettivi a quelli assistenziali, economici e giuridici - per suggerire indicazioni operative e possibili soluzioni.- Indice #4- Prefazione, Marcello Pacini #10- Introduzione, Giuliano Urbani #12- Prima parte Per una nuova concezione della condizione anziana #20- L’età del tempo libero, Norberto Bobbio #22- L’anziano protagonista in una società che cambia, Gian Maria Capuani e Giannino Piana #26- La piccola immortalità, Nando dalla Chiesa #36- L’anziano come risorsa sociale: il volontariato dopo la pensione, Fausto Melloni #44- Seconda Parte Aspetti sociali della condizione anziana #62- Psicogerontologia: attualità e nuove prospettive, Maria Antonietta Aveni Casucci #64- L’invecchiamento della popolazione italiana in un contesto internazionale, Antonio Golini e Agostino Lori #82- L’anziano e l’innovazione tecnologica, Francesco Jovane e Roberto Groppetti #114- La tutela giuridica dell’anziano, Luigi Mengoni #128- La salute dell’anziano: valutazione dei meccanismi di plasticità, Renzo Rozzini, Angelo Bianchetti e Marco Trabucchi #140- Lavoratori anziani: ambivalenza e interventi, Harris T. Schrank e Joan M. Waring #156- Il medico e l’anziano, Carlo Vergani #176- La normalità incerta, Virginio Oddone e Fabrizio Fabris #188- Il quadro organizzativo per una corretta assistenza socio-sanitaria alla popolazione anziana, Gaetano Maria Fara #200- Terza Parte Le tendenze della riflessione #216- La condizione degli anziani in Italia, Claudio Calvaruso #218- Anziani attivi: un possibile esempio di nuova centralità del sociale, Vincenzo Cesareo #228- Appendice Un contributo di ricerca #246- Figli adulti e genitori anziani: una nuova relazione tra le generazioni, Giovanna Rossi #24

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    Population ageing: impacts on the satisfaction of social demand and medical needs // L'invecchiamento della popolazione: riflessi sulla soddisfazione delle esigenze socio-assistenziali

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    L'articolo descrive le problematiche sanitarie connesse all'invecchiamento della popolazione, ponendo una particolare attenzione alle esigenze organizzativo-assistenziali ed alle tipologie di strutture sanitarie disponibili, con particolare riferimento alla Residenze Sanitarie Assistenziali ed alla loro progettazione

    Hospital environments and epidemiology of healthcare-associated infections

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    Oggi, gli ospedali si trovano ad affrontare sfide difficili: una percentuale crescente di pazienti immunologicamente vulnerabili spesso colpiti da malattie che richiedono un livello elevato e complesso di assistenza sanitaria; tecnologie mediche e modelli sanitari in rapida evoluzione; e restrizioni di bilancio. Tutte queste funzionalità interferiscono con l'assistenza sanitaria e possono modificare il rischio di contrarre infezioni associate all'assistenza sanitaria (ICA). Pertanto, la prevenzione dell'HCAI è una priorità assoluta per i sistemi sanitari. Gli autori descrivono l'origine umana e ambientale degli HCAI, concentrandosi sulla modalità di trasmissione di quei patogeni presenti nell'aria, compresa la nuova visione derivata dalle recenti acquisizioni sull'epidemiologia della SARS e dell'Ebola. Descrivono anche lo stato dell'arte sulla concentrazione di microrganismi (dose infettiva) necessaria per determinare un HCAI e il ruolo svolto da altri fattori di virulenza. Infine, vengono descritte le misure di controllo efficaci utilizzate per la prevenzione della trasmissione di agenti patogeni nell'aria, concentrandosi principalmente sulla valutazione del rischio e sul controllo delle infezioni.Today, hospitals are facing difficult challenges: increasing proportion of immunologically vulnerable patients often affected by diseases requiring high complex level of healthcare; rapidly evolving medical technologies and healthcare models; and budget restrictions. All these features interfere with healthcare and can modify the risk of acquiring healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs). Therefore, HCAI prevention is a high priority for healthcare systems. Authors describe human and environmental origin of HCAIs, focusing on the modality of transmission of those airborne pathogens, including the new insight derived from the recent acquisitions about SARS and Ebola epidemiology. They also describe the state of the art about microorganism concentration (infective dose) required to determine a HCAI and the role played by other virulence factors. Finally, the effective control measures used for the prevention of airborne pathogen transmission are described, focusing mainly on the risk assessment and infection control