499 research outputs found

    Some development in Urdu poetry since 1936

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    This work is devoted to discuss the developments in Urdu poetry since 1936.A brief account of the developments in poetical language, various verse-forms and themes of Urdu poetry till Iqbal (1877-1938) has been given in the introductory chapter. The second chapter is on the poetical language of Urdu poetry. In it, the Influence of English language, the use of Hindi words and phrases and the employment of colloquial vocabulary in Urdu poetry of the last thirty years is discussed at some length. In the third chapter on metres, a general account of the use of metres in Urdu poetry is given. In addition, some recent attempts to write poetry with disregard to metres are discussed, a "relative frequency table of metres" is also prepared and Included in this chapter. The fourth chapter deals with various traditional and new verse-forms of Urdu poetry. They are both defined and distinguished from each other. In the fifth and sixth chapters, a number of themes of Urdu poetry since 1936, such as the influence of Communism, the Independence of the sub-Continent of India and Pakistan and its aftermath. Communal Riots of 1947, writings on social evils and customs and on peace and war, historical and allegorical themes, humorous and satirical poetry, the influence of religion, recent Indo-Pakistani War, and psychological themes Including sex, escapism, scepticism, an Individual’s predicaments, imprisonment of the present moment and so on are discussed at length The final chapter is that of the conclusion


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    Farm Management,

    Kinetika raspodjele kanamicina u mula.

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    The disposition kinetics of kanamycin was investigated following an injection of a single intravenous dose 5 mg/kg body mass in healthy adult female mules. Blood samples collected at various time intervals post-medication were analyzed for kanamycin by microbiological assay. The plasma drug concentration versus time data was best fitted by a biexponential expression. Macro-kinetic parameters were computed for a two-compartment open model. Values for distribution half-life (t1/2á)) and elimination half-life (t1/2 ß) were 0.18 ± 0.26 and 4.39 ± 0.68 h, respectively. The apparent volume of distribution (Vd) was 0.64 ± 0.17 L/kg. Total body clearance (ClB) of the drug was 1.66 ± 0.22 ml/min.kg. Existing dosage of 5 mg/kg body mass at 24 h intervals does not maintain the desired minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) at the end of proposed dosing intervals. Calculated optimal dosage regimen for kanamycin in mules was 8.73 and 7.45 mg/kg body mass for priming and maintenance, respectively, for a dosage interval of 12 h to maintain the concentration of 2 μg/ml in blood.Istražena je farmakokinetika raspodjele kanamicina u zdravih, odraslih mula nakon jednokratne intravenske primjene u dozi 5 mg/kg tjelesne mase (t.m.) u zdravih odraslih mula. Uzorci krvi uzeti u različitim vremenskim razmacima bili su pretraženi na količinu kanamicina mikrobiološkim testom. Koncentracija lijeka u plazmi u odnosu na vrijeme najviše je odgovarala bieksponencijalnoj krivulji. Za izračunavanje farmakokinetièkih pokazatelja rabljen je dvoprostorni otvoreni model. Rezultati su pokazali da je poluvrijeme raspodjele lijeka (t1/2α) iznosilo 0.18 ± 0.26, a poluvrijeme eliminacije (t1/2β) 4.39 ± 0.68 sati. Prividni volumen raspodjele lijeka (Vd) bio je 0.64 ± 0.17 l/kg, a ukupni klirens (ClB) 1.66 ± 0.22 ml/min/kg. Dozom 5 mg/kg t.m. jedanput na dan nije postignuta željena minimalna inhibicijska koncentracija (MIC) na kraju doznog razmaka. Izračunato je da je optimalna udarna doza kanamicina za mule iznosila 8.73, a doza održavanja 7.45 mg/kg t.m. Pritom se lijek mora primjenjivati svakih 12 sati da bi se postigla koncentracija u krvi 2 mg/ml