88 research outputs found

    Maturity, age and growth of Oreochromis karongae (Teleostei: cichlidae) in Lake Malawi and Lake Malombe

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    Size-at-50% maturity, age and growth, of Oreochromis (Nyasalapia) karongae (‘chambo’) in Lakes Malawi and Malombe were studied. Similar size-at-50% maturity and growth patterns were found for populations in Lake Malawi, but differences were observed for Lake Malombe populations, suggesting that current chambo fisheries management regulations, based on findings from the southern part of Lake Malawi, may be applicable to the central and southern parts of that lake, but not to Lake Malombe


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    This study investigated the influence of Teachers’ instructional strategies and students’ learning styles on academic achievement in physics among Kenyan high school students. A quasi–experimental pre-test post–test non-equivalent control group design was employed to investigate how three teachers' instructional strategies (guided-inquiry, cooperative learning and direct instruction) and three learning styles (visual, auditory and kinaesthetic) influence academic achievement in Physics practical work while controlling for gender. The target population was all form three Physics students in Navakholo Sub-County area of Kakamega County. A sample size of five hundred and nineteen (519) form three physics students were selected through multistage sampling procedures (purposive sampling, proportionate stratified random sampling and simple random sampling). One null hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance to guide the study. Physics Achievement Tests 1 and 2 (PAT1 & PAT2) and Learning Style Questionnaire. Teachers’ Instructional Guides on Guided-Inquiry (TIGITS), Cooperative (TIGCTS) and Direct Instructional Strategy (TIGDITS) were used to collect data. Validity and reliability of the instruments were assessed. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), Multiple Classification Analysis (MCA) and Scheffe multiple comparison test were used to analyse the data. Findings revealed, a significant effect on the academic achievement of physics students taught with different instructional strategies considering their different learning styles. Recommendations were provided.  Article visualizations

    The Role of School Quality Assurance in Improving Curriculum Implementation in Secondary Schools in Tanzania

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    The purpose of the study was to assess the role of school quality assurance in improving curriculum implementation in secondary schools in Tanzania. Specifically, the study intended to determine strategies used by SQAs to enhance secondary school curriculum implementation and examined the usefulness of school quality assurance reports in improving secondary school curriculum implementation. The study employed a cross-sectional descriptive design to collect data from 166 respondents using interview guides, questionnaires and documentary review. The study reveals that: SQAs insisted on the use of academic documents as well as conducting internal school quality assurance as the strategies to improve curriculum implementation and the SQA report gives an overall picture of the position of the school in the aspects of curriculum implementation. It was concluded that SQAs play a great role in ensuring proper implementation of the curriculum in schools, however, SQA alone could not be an adequate factor for improving curriculum implementation. Keywords: school quality assurance, curriculum implementation DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-2-10 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Prop-2-yn-1-yl 4,6-di-O-acetyl-2,3- dideoxy-a-D-erythro-hex-2-enopyranoside

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    The absolute structure of the title compound, C13H16O6, was determined. The pyranosyl ring adopting an envelope conformation. The acetyl groups are located in equatorial positions. The crystal structure features weak C—H O interactions

    Retino-hypothalamic regulation of light-induced murine sleep

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    The temporal organization of sleep is regulated by an interaction between the circadian clock and homeostatic processes. Light indirectly modulates sleep through its ability to phase shift and entrain the circadian clock. Light can also exert a direct, circadian-independent effect on sleep. For example, acute exposure to light promotes sleep in nocturnal animals and wake in diurnal animals. The mechanisms whereby light directly influences sleep and arousal are not well understood. In this review, we discuss the direct effect of light on sleep at the level of the retina and hypothalamus in rodents. We review murine data from recent publications showing the roles of rod-, cone- and melanopsin-based photoreception on the initiation and maintenance of light-induced sleep. We also present hypotheses about hypothalamic mechanisms that have been advanced to explain the acute control of sleep by light. Specifically, we review recent studies assessing the roles of the ventrolateral preoptic area (VLPO) and the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). We also discuss how light might differentially promote sleep and arousal in nocturnal and diurnal animals respectively. Lastly, we suggest new avenues for research on this topic which is still in its early stages

    Phenyl 4,6-di-O-acetyl-2,3-dide­oxy-1-thio-α-d-erythro-hex-2-enopyran­oside

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    The pyranosyl ring in the title compound, C16H18O5S, adopts an envelope conformation, with the acetyl groups in equatorial positions. In the crystal, weak C—H⋯O inter­actions link the molecules into chains

    Management of Reduced Bone Mineral Density in HIV: Pharmacological Challenges and the Role of Exercise

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    Low bone mineral density is becoming more common among people living with HIV following the use of current antiretroviral therapy drugs such as tenofovir. Although pharmacological therapies used to treat low bone mineral density are associated with adverse effects and may increase the pill burden in people living with HIV who are already burdened by antiretroviral therapy drugs, non-pharmacological strategies to prevent and treat reduced bone mineral density resulting from antiretroviral therapy drugs in people living with HIV have not been fully explored. Despite evidence that exercise is effective in increasing bone mineral density, effects of exercise on low bone mineral density resulting from antiretroviral therapy drugs in HIV infected individuals are still unknown. This review highlights gaps in the strategies used to manage reduced bone mineral density resulting from antiretroviral therapy drugs and focuses on exercise as an alternative or adjunctive strategy

    Communal Land Tenure Security for Widows in the Eenhana Constituency of the Ohangwena Region, Namibia

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    Namibia is characterized by a history of discriminatory customary practices against women with regards to access to land, rights over land, and security of land tenure. Since independence in 1990, the country has adopted policies and legislative frameworks to bring about gender equality in all spheres of life, including the transformation of land tenure rights. These policies and acts give effect to the constitutional provisions that accord both men and women equal opportunities for access to land, rights over land and security of tenure. Widows are a particularly singled-out social group for legal protection, land security and rights to land enjoyed during their spouses’ lifetimes, and are granted protection, at least on paper, from discriminatory practices such as unlawful land evictions. This article evaluates and analyses the current status of land tenure security for widows in the Eenhana Constituency of the Ohangwena Region in Namibia. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative methods through questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions with widows, as well as key informant interviews with Communal Land Board representatives, members of the traditional authorities, as well as the Ministry of Land Reform’s regional office officials. Through this case study, the findings establish that even though Namibia acclaims progressive policies and legislative frameworks on gender equality, there are still pockets of discrimination against widows where they continue to be at risk of losing their land rights in some of Namibia’s communal areas. Addressing the land tenure insecurities and a guarantee of legal land rights for widows is key to reducing vulnerabilities within female-headed households in the communal areas. Traditional authorities remain a key governance structure in communal areas, particularly in relation to access to land, and land rights inheritance issues, amongst others. Similarly, the Communal Land Boards are statutory institutions mandated to ensure implementation of the provisions of the Communal Land Reform Act of 2002, including the protection of land rights for widows. The study therefore recommends three main measures: the removal of all forms of discriminatory customary practices against widows; continued awareness-raising initiatives on the rights of widows; and full implementation of legal provisions for the protection of widows’ land rights and security of tenure