6 research outputs found

    Performance of a laboratory von Hámos type x-ray spectrometer in x-ray absorption spectroscopy study on 3d group metals

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    With the recent progress regarding the development of x-ray instrumentation, compact x-ray spectrometers are becoming more and more popular as they allow x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and x-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) studies at the research institutes laboratories. Such setups provide a cost-effective tool for routine sample characterization with unlimited access and are of great utility in feasibility studies preceding the experiments at synchrotrons and x-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs). Herein, we present the operation and capabilities of the von Hamos type x-ray spectrometer in x-ray absorption spectra measurement for various 3d metal elements. Results allowed us to establish the photon counting performance of the setup, demonstrating a possible range of applications of the in-house x-ray spectroscopy apparatus

    Synthesis of plasmonic copper nanoparticles dedicated for analysis using novel X-ray spectroscopy techniques

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    Tematyka niniejszej pracy dotyczy syntezy nanocząstek miedzi jak również konstrukcji i optymalizacji układu dostarczania próbki umożliwiającego ich analizę w postaci ciekłej wykorzystując technikę spektroskopii absorpcyjnej promieniowania rentgenowskiego.Otrzymane metodą termicznej redukcji struktury miedzi zobrazowano przy użyciu skaningowej transmisyjnej mikroskopii elektronowej. Przyłączenie do powierzchni wytworzonych obiektów zastosowanych w syntezie środków opłaszczających: kwasu oleinowego i oleiloaminy zweryfikowano za pomocą pomiarów fourierowskiej spektroskopii w podczerwieni. Właściwości optyczne nanocząstek miedzi zbadano wykorzystując spektroskopię UV-VIS. W ramach przeprowadzonych badań podjęto także próby przeskalowania procedury omawianej syntezy w celu umożliwienia preparatyki większej ilości materiału do przyszłych potencjalnych aplikacji.Przygotowany prototypowy system dostarczania próbki, wytwarzający cienką warstwę cieczy o różnych grubościach, zamontowany przy układzie do spektroskopii rentgenowskiej przetestowano, wykonując pomiary na zdyspergowanych w wodzie destylowanej nanocząstkach tlenku cynku. Wyznaczone widma absorpcyjne otrzymane dla odmiennych stężeń próbek pozwoliły określić optymalne warunki badań, dla których osiągnięto wyniki o jakości zbliżonej do rezultatów uzyskanych przy zastosowaniu promieniowania synchrotronowego Zaprezentowane w pracy działania umożliwią badania monitorujące in situ zmiany właściwości fizykochemicznych suspencji wytworzonych nanocząstek miedzi w zależności od warunków otoczenia. Skonstruowany i zoptymalizowany układ dostarczania próbek w przyszłości zostanie zastosowany przy eksperymentach wykorzystujących laser na swobodnych elektronach.The aim of this thesis was to synthesize copper nanoparticles and to design and optimize liquid sample delivery system for in situ analysis using X-ray absorption spectroscopy technique.The nanoparticles were prepared via thermal reduction method and their morphology was studied by scanning transmission electron microscopy. Adsorption of capping agents used in the synthesis (oleic acid and oleylamine) to the particles’ surface was verified by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy measurements. The optical properties were examined using UV-VIS absorption spectroscopy. Attempts of scaling up the procedure of the synthesis were also made in order to increase the amount of the prepared material for future potential applications.The constructed prototype sample delivery system utilizes formation of a liquid jet of different thicknesses. The setup was installed at the lab-based X-ray spectrometer and tested using suspensions of zinc oxide nanoparticles in distilled water. The acquired absorption spectra were of high quality (comparable to the one achieved using synchrotron source) and allowed to determine optimal measurement conditions for the system.The results presented in this Master’s thesis allow future in situ physicochemical characterization of the suspension of copper nanoparticles in various conditions. Designed liquid sample delivery system will be used for experiments at X-ray free electron laser

    Characteristics of fluorescent modified polimeric nanocapsules

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    Niniejsza praca obejmuje badania nad fluorescencyjnie modyfikowanymi kapsułami polimerowymi z ciekłym rdzeniem wytworzonymi metodą emulsyfikacji ultradźwiękami, które mogą znaleźć zastosowanie w diagnostyce medycznej i jako systemy dostarczania substancji leczniczych.Umieszczenie barwnika w polimerowej otoczce pozwala na monitorowanie procesu transportu medykamentów do nieprawidłowo funkcjonujących narządów. Powłoki kapsuł wykonano z dwóch typy biopolimerów: chitozanu i hialuronianu sodu. Jako ciekły rdzeń zastosowano kwas oleinowy. Zmodyfikowany kationowo chlorkiem glycidylotrimetyloamiowym chitozan szczepiono hydrofobowymi grupami dodecylowymi, aby zapewnić stabilność układu olej-otoczka. W tym samym celu hialuronian sodu poddano modyfikacji łańcuchami oktadecylowymi. Przyłączenie się hydrofobowych grup potwierdzono za pomocą spektroskopii IR. Modyfikację fluorescencyjną przeprowadzono poprzez przyłączenie do polimerów izotiocyjanianu fluoresceiny (w przypadku chitozanu) i izotiocyjanianu rodaminy B (hialuronian sodu), co zostało zbadane, wykorzystując spektroskopię fluorescencyjną, spektroskopię UV-VIS (ilościowe oznaczenie barwników) i mikroskopię konfokalną. Morfologię kapsuł zobrazowano skaningową mikroskopię elektronową. Przeprowadzono także pomiary rozmiarów średnicy hydrodynamicznej i potencjału Zeta w zależności od czasu magazynowania nośników.Zaprezentowane w pracy wyniki badań pozwoliły określić typowe właściwości nośnika (takie jak wielkość i stabilność), sprawdzając czy kapsuły bazujące na hydrofobowych pochodnych chitozanu i hialuronianu sodu zmodyfikowanych fluorescencyjnie są w stanie pełnić rolę nośnika substancji bioaktywnych, przy jednoczesnym odpowiednim oznakowaniu, umożliwiającym lokalizację transportera.The aim of this thesis was to characterize oil-core nanocapules based on polymeric shells modified with fluorescent dyes. These type of nanocarriers, thanks to their unique properties, could be used as a drug delivery system (DDS) or as markers in medical diagnosis.The capsules were prepared using an ultrasound-assisted emulsification method. Chitosan and sodium hyaluronate were used as biopolymeric shells. To improve the stability of the oil-shell system cationic derivative of chitosan was hydrophobically modified with n-dodecyl groups and hydrophobic octadecyl groups were attached to hyaluronate. Formation of the hydrophobic derivatives was confirm through IR spectroscopy measurments. Fluorescent modification of the polymers was performed using two dyes: fluorescein isothiocyanate (for chitosan) and Rhodamine B isothiocyanate (for hyaluronate). Characteristic of polymers’ optical properties were examined via UV-VIS absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence spectrosopy and confocal microscopy measurments. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and dynamic light scatter (DLS) technique were applied to estimate the sizes of the capsules and their stability was checked by the zeta potential measurments.Characteristics of fluorescent modified polymeric capsules that were shown in this work provided informations about stability, size and fluorescence of these carriers which can be used to estimate their ability to perform a function of monitoring drug delivery processes

    High resolution off resonant spectroscopy as a probe of the oxidation state

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    Currently, chemistry and physics are strongly dependent on the concept of the oxidation state. While the formal oxidation state is easily evaluated, the real physical oxidation state value is often difficult to determine and significantly varies from the formal values. Determination of the ionization threshold in X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES) relies on the absorption edge position and sometimes poses limitations, mainly due to the edge resonances. Moreover, the lower energy states can be probed only within x-soft or XUV photons providing only surface state information of probed materials. Here, we employ high energy resolution off-resonant spectroscopy to determine both 1s and 3p binding energies of Fe-based materials and therefore correlate to their physical oxidation state. The results are compared to the ones obtained with classical X-ray absorption, X-ray emission, and photoelectron spectroscopies. The observed differences in binding energies are discussed in a frame of initial and final state interactions with the atom's electronic configurations. The presented methodology is discussed towards potential use to single-shot experiments and application at X-ray free-electron lasers. Alternatively, core level X-ray emission spectroscopy can be used, but the emission line positions are strongly affected by spin-orbit interaction. However, due to the energy transfer from the photon to the excited core electron, the same information as in XANES is probed in high energy resolution off-resonant spectroscopy (HEROS). Based on the Kramers–Heisenberg theory, we propose a new approach for ionization threshold determination which is free of the limitations encountered in XANES-based determination of the core state energy. Namely, the value of core state energy can be determined analytically using a few HEROS spectra recorded with significantly higher spectral resolution. This approach provides a basis for the universal physical oxidation state determination method

    Correction: High resolution off resonant spectroscopy as a probe of the oxidation state

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    Correction for ‘High resolution off resonant spectroscopy as a probe of the oxidation state’ by Michal Nowakowski et al., J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2022, 37, 2383–2391, https://doi.org/10.1039/D2JA00232A.The authors regret an error in the grant number of J. S. and R. F. as detailed in the Acknowledgements section. The correct grant number is 2020/37/B/ST3/00555.The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers

    High resolution off resonant spectroscopy as a probe of the oxidation state

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    Currently, chemistry and physics are strongly dependent on the concept of the oxidation state. While the formal oxidation state is easily evaluated, the real physical oxidation state value is often difficult to determine and significantly varies from the formal values. Determination of the ionization threshold in X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES) relies on the absorption edge position and sometimes poses limitations, mainly due to the edge resonances. Moreover, the lower energy states can be probed only within x-soft or XUV photons providing only surface state information of probed materials. Here, we employ high energy resolution off-resonant spectroscopy to determine both 1s and 3p binding energies of Fe-based materials and therefore correlate to their physical oxidation state. The results are compared to the ones obtained with classical X-ray absorption, X-ray emission, and photoelectron spectroscopies. The observed differences in binding energies are discussed in a frame of initial and final state interactions with the atom's electronic configurations. The presented methodology is discussed towards potential use to single-shot experiments and application at X-ray free-electron lasers. Alternatively, core level X-ray emission spectroscopy can be used, but the emission line positions are strongly affected by spin-orbit interaction. However, due to the energy transfer from the photon to the excited core electron, the same information as in XANES is probed in high energy resolution off-resonant spectroscopy (HEROS). Based on the Kramers–Heisenberg theory, we propose a new approach for ionization threshold determination which is free of the limitations encountered in XANES-based determination of the core state energy. Namely, the value of core state energy can be determined analytically using a few HEROS spectra recorded with significantly higher spectral resolution. This approach provides a basis for the universal physical oxidation state determination method