65 research outputs found

    Plaqueta decorada de la cueva de El Horno (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria) en su contexto local y regional

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    En la actualidad, uno de los retos más relevantes de la investigación sobre el Paleolítico es el de superar definitivamente el paradigma del yacimiento único, abordando el estudio de las sociedades de cazadores desde una perspectiva regional, tal y como demanda el carácter móvil de las mismas. De hecho, la movilidad debería ser considerada siempre en nuestras estrategias de investigación acerca de los grupos paleolíticos, y no sólo al abordar el estudio de materiales más o menos exóticos. El arte mueble, estudiado desde el punto de vista de las cadenas operativas, aporta datos relevantes para la compresión de las sociedades de cazadores en su territorio. Los resultados del análisis de una plaqueta de arenisca procedente del nivel 2 de El Horno (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria), atribuido al Magdaleniense superior-final, constituyen un buen ejemplo de lo comentado. La cara A de la plaqueta presenta el grabado de una cabeza de probable cierva, un tema poco común a finales del Magdaleniense, cuyo estudio tecnológico ha revelado que se trata de la obra de un artista inexperto. La cara B está grabada y pintada, y los estigmas identificados sugieren la utilización de la plaqueta como mortero para machacar algún material, quizá el propio ocre. En ese sentido, el material presentado aporta elementos de juicio a la reflexión actual acerca de la tradicional dicotomía establecida en el arte mobiliar entre los soportes utilitarios y no utilitarios

    Entanglement, Mixedness, and Spin-Flip Symmetry in Multiple-Qubit Systems

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    A relationship between a recently introduced multipartite entanglement measure, state mixedness, and spin-flip symmetry is established for any finite number of qubits. It is also shown that, within those classes of states invariant under the spin-flip transformation, there is a complementarity relation between multipartite entanglement and mixedness. A number of example classes of multiple-qubit systems are studied in light of this relationship.Comment: To appear in Physical Review A; submitted 14 May 200

    The transformation of irreducible tensor operators under spherical functions

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    The irreducible tensor operators and their tensor products employing Racah algebra are studied. Transformation procedure of the coordinate system operators act on are introduced. The rotation matrices and their parametrization by the spherical coordinates of vector in the fixed and rotated coordinate systems are determined. A new way of calculation of the irreducible coupled tensor product matrix elements is suggested. As an example, the proposed technique is applied for the matrix element construction for two electrons in a field of a fixed nucleus.Comment: To appear in Int. J. Theor. Phy

    Simple model for scanning tunneling spectroscopy of noble metal surfaces with adsorbed Kondo impurities

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    A simple model is introduced to describe conductance measurements between a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) tip and a noble metal surface with adsorbed transition metal atoms which display the Kondo effect. The model assumes a realistic parameterization of the potential created by the surface and a d3z2-r2 orbital for the description of the adsorbate. Fano lineshapes associated with the Kondo resonance are found to be sensitive to details of the adsorbate-substrate interaction. For instance, bringing the adsorbate closer to the surface leads to more asymmetric lineshapes while their dependence on the tip distance is weak. We find that it is important to use a realistic surface potential, to properly include the tunnelling matrix elements to the tip and to use substrate states which are orthogonal to the adsorbate and tip states. An application of our model to Co adsorbed on Cu explains the difference in the lineshapes observed between Cu(100) and Cu(111) surfaces.Comment: 11 pages, 8 eps figure

    Electron transport in a two-terminal Aharonov-Bohm ring with impurities

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    Electron transport in a two-terminal Aharonov-Bohm ring with a few short-range scatterers is investigated. An analytical expression for the conductance as a function of the electron Fermi energy and magnetic flux is obtained using the zero-range potential theory. The dependence of the conductance on positions of scatterers is studied. We have found that the conductance exhibits asymmetric Fano resonances at certain energies. The dependence of the Fano resonances on magnetic field and positions of impurities is investigated. It is found that collapse of the Fano resonances occurs and discrete energy levels in the continuous spectrum appear at certain conditions. An explicit form for the wave function corresponding to the discrete level is obtained.Comment: 25 pages (one-column), 8 figure

    Fano Resonances in Electronic Transport through a Single Electron Transistor

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    We have observed asymmetric Fano resonances in the conductance of a single electron transistor resulting from interference between a resonant and a nonresonant path through the system. The resonant component shows all the features typical of quantum dots, but the origin of the non-resonant path is unclear. A unique feature of this experimental system, compared to others that show Fano line shapes, is that changing the voltages on various gates allows one to alter the interference between the two paths.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to PR

    Quantum computers in phase space

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    We represent both the states and the evolution of a quantum computer in phase space using the discrete Wigner function. We study properties of the phase space representation of quantum algorithms: apart from analyzing important examples, such as the Fourier Transform and Grover's search, we examine the conditions for the existence of a direct correspondence between quantum and classical evolutions in phase space. Finally, we describe how to directly measure the Wigner function in a given phase space point by means of a tomographic method that, itself, can be interpreted as a simple quantum algorithm.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Phys Rev

    Theory of output coupling for trapped fermionic atoms

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    We develop a dynamic theory of output coupling, for fermionic atoms initially confined in a magnetic trap. We consider an exactly soluble one-dimensional model, with a spatially localized delta-type coupling between the atoms in the trap and a continuum of free-particle external modes. Two important special cases are considered for the confinement potential: the infinite box and the harmonic oscillator. We establish that in both cases a bound state of the coupled system appears for any value of the coupling constant, implying that the trap population does not vanish in the infinite-time limit. For weak coupling, the energy spectrum of the outgoing beam exhibits peaks corresponding to the initially occupied energy levels in the trap; the height of these peaks increases with the energy. As the coupling gets stronger, the energy spectrum is displaced towards dressed energies of the fermions in the trap. The corresponding dressed states result from the coupling between the unperturbed fermionic states in the trap, mediated by the coupling between these states and the continuum. In the strong-coupling limit, there is a reinforcement of the lowest-energy dressed mode, which contributes to the energy spectrum of the outgoing beam more strongly than the other modes. This effect is especially pronounced for the one-dimensional box, which indicates that the efficiency of the mode-reinforcement mechanism depends on the steepness of the confinement potential. In this case, a quasi-monochromatic anti-bunched atomic beam is obtained. Results for a bosonic sample are also shown for comparison.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, added discussion on time-dependent spectral distribution and corresponding figur

    Negatively Charged Excitons and Photoluminescence in Asymmetric Quantum Well

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    We study photoluminescence (PL) of charged excitons (XX^-) in narrow asymmetric quantum wells in high magnetic fields B. The binding of all XX^- states strongly depends on the separation δ\delta of electron and hole layers. The most sensitive is the ``bright'' singlet, whose binding energy decreases quickly with increasing δ\delta even at relatively small B. As a result, the value of B at which the singlet--triplet crossing occurs in the XX^- spectrum also depends on δ\delta and decreases from 35 T in a symmetric 10 nm GaAs well to 16 T for δ=0.5\delta=0.5 nm. Since the critical values of δ\delta at which different XX^- states unbind are surprisingly small compared to the well width, the observation of strongly bound XX^- states in an experimental PL spectrum implies virtually no layer displacement in the sample. This casts doubt on the interpretation of PL spectra of heterojunctions in terms of XX^- recombination

    Donor states in modulation-doped Si/SiGe heterostructures

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    We present a unified approach for calculating the properties of shallow donors inside or outside heterostructure quantum wells. The method allows us to obtain not only the binding energies of all localized states of any symmetry, but also the energy width of the resonant states which may appear when a localized state becomes degenerate with the continuous quantum well subbands. The approach is non-variational, and we are therefore also able to evaluate the wave functions. This is used to calculate the optical absorption spectrum, which is strongly non-isotropic due to the selection rules. The results obtained from calculations for Si/Si1x_{1-x}Gex_x quantum wells allow us to present the general behavior of the impurity states, as the donor position is varied from the center of the well to deep inside the barrier. The influence on the donor ground state from both the central-cell effect and the strain arising from the lattice mismatch is carefully considered.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure