5 research outputs found

    Hemorrhagic parapneumonic effusion in a 64 year-old patient as the first symptom of hemophilia B

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    Hemophilia B is an inherited, X chromosome-linked disease. It is usually diagnosed in childhood, sometimes in adolescence. The commonest symptoms include spontaneous or post-traumatic bleeding into the joints and/or muscles, as well as mucosal bleeding. Respiratory symptoms are rarely reported. We present the case of a 64 year-old man in whom bloody parapneumonic effusion (hemothorax) was the first symptom of hemophilia B. The reason for prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) found on admission has not been elucidated. Since antibiotic therapy and pleural tube thoracostomy with intrapleural streptokinase were found to be ineffective, video-assisted thoracic surgery was performed with the right lung decortication. Post-operative treatment was complicated by massive pleural bleeding requiring two subsequent thoracotomies. Additional blood tests revealed factor IX deficiency and resulted in hemophilia B being diagnosed. The presented case proves that hereditary bleeding disorders may be diagnosed even in late adulthood. Intrapleural bleeding related to pneumonia and pleural inflammation might be the first presenting symptom. Hemophilia should be considered as a potential cause of APTT prolongation, even in an elderly patient with atypical presentation. Explaining the reason for APTT prolongation before the surgical procedure could have allowed to avoid severe bleeding in the described patient.Hemofilia B jest chorob膮 uwarunkowan膮 genetycznie, zwi膮zan膮 z chromosomem X. Rozpoznawana jest najcz臋艣ciej w dzieci艅stwie lub m艂odo艣ci, a do jej typowych objaw贸w nale偶膮 samoistne lub zwi膮zane z urazem krwawienia do mi臋艣ni i staw贸w, a tak偶e krwawienia z b艂on 艣luzowych. Objawy ze strony uk艂adu oddechowego s膮 rzadko opisywane. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przypadek 64-letniego m臋偶czyzny, u kt贸rego krwisty wysi臋k parapneumoniczny (spe艂niaj膮cy kryteria hemothorax) by艂 objawem prowadz膮cym do rozpoznania hemofilii. Stwierdzone przy przyj臋ciu do szpitala wyd艂u偶enie APTT nie zosta艂o wyja艣nione w pierwszej fazie hospitalizacji. Pr贸by leczenia powik艂anego wysi臋ku parapneumonicznego antybiotykami, drena偶em i fibrynoliz膮 wewn膮trzop艂ucnow膮 okaza艂y si臋 nieskuteczne. Nawracaj膮ce po zabiegu wideotorakoskopowej dekortykacji prawego p艂uca krwawienie do op艂ucnej sk艂oni艂o do podj臋cia rozszerzonych bada艅 uk艂adu krzepni臋cia. Na podstawie ich wynik贸w stwierdzono obni偶on膮 aktywno艣膰 czynnika IX i rozpoznano 艂agodn膮 posta膰 hemofilii B. Przedstawiony przypadek dowodzi, 偶e wrodzony niedob贸r czynnika IX mo偶e by膰 rozpoznany nawet w p贸藕nym wieku, a pierwsze objawy skazy krwotocznej mog膮 dotyczy膰 uk艂adu oddechowego. Dlatego te偶 hemofili臋 nale偶y uwzgl臋dni膰 w diagnostyce przyczyn wyd艂u偶onego APTT tak偶e u os贸b w starszym wieku. Wyja艣nienie przyczyny wyd艂u偶enia APTT przed planowanym zabiegiem operacyjnym pozwoli艂oby unikn膮膰 ci臋偶kich powik艂a艅 pooperacyjnych u opisanego przez nas chorego

    Diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis based on the fineneedleaspirationsamplesanalysis

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    Tuberculous lymphadenitis is one of the most common extrapulmonary manifestations of tuberculosis. The most common lymph nodes involved are in the cervical region. Lymphadenitis due to M. tuberculosis generally presents with enlarging neck lymph nodes over weeks or months associated with fever, weight loss and fatigue. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) of affected lymph nodes has been shown to yield a high sensitivity and specificityinthe diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis. Specimens should be examined cytologically, as well as by AFB smear and cultures. The time between the onset of symptoms, clinical presentation and final diagnosis is often too long.We present a case of 60 years old man with tuberculous lymphadenitis, initially suspected of lymphoproliferative disease

    Diagnosis of Tuberculous Lymphadenitis Based on the Fine Needle Aspiration Samples Analysis

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    Tuberculous lymphadenitis is one of the most common extrapulmonary manifestations of tuberculosis. The most common lymph nodes involved are in the cervical region. Lymphadenitis due to M. tuberculosis generally presents with enlarging neck lymph nodes over weeks or months associated with fever, weight loss and fatigue. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) of affected lymph nodes has been shown to yield a high sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis. Specimens should be examined cytologically, as well as by AFB smear and cultures. The time between the onset of symptoms, clinical presentation and final diagnosis is often too long. We present a case of 60 years old man with tuberculous lymphadenitis, initially suspected of lymphoproliferative disease

    Hemorrhagic Parapneumonic Effusion in a 64 Year-Old Patient as the First Symptom of Hemophilia B

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    Hemophilia B is an inherited, X chromosome-linked disease. It is usually diagnosed in childhood, sometimes in adolescence. The commonest symptoms include spontaneous or post-traumatic bleeding into the joints and/or muscles, as well as mucosal bleeding. Respiratory symptoms are rarely reported. We present the case of a 64 year-old man in whom bloody parapneumonic effusion (hemothorax) was the first symptom of hemophilia B. The reason for prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) found on admission has not been elucidated. Since antibiotic therapy and pleural tube thoracostomy with intrapleural streptokinase were found to be ineffective, video-assisted thoracic surgery was performed with the right lung decortication. Post-operative treatment was complicated by massive pleural bleeding requiring two subsequent thoracotomies. Additional blood tests revealed factor IX deficiency and resulted in hemophilia B being diagnosed. The presented case proves that hereditary bleeding disorders may be diagnosed even in late adulthood. Intrapleural bleeding related to pneumonia and pleural inflammation might be the first presenting symptom. Hemophilia should be considered as a potential cause of APTT prolongation, even in an elderly patient with atypical presentation. Explaining the reason for APTT prolongation before the surgical procedure could have allowed to avoid severe bleeding in the described patient