2 research outputs found

    Regional Investment Attractiveness: Rating to 134 Regencies/Cities in Indonesia & Problems on Business Environment

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    Committed to bring regional autonomy policy to a more meaningful existence, KPPOD (Regional Autonomy Watch) again comes up with result of another rating. This time, statistical aspects and dynamic aspects were combined to better rate autonomous regions and capture their real dynamics. Our focuses remain two: policy variables and endowment variables. Policy variables are grouped into two factors, namely institutional factor and sociopolitical factor; endowment variables into three: regional economy, labor and productivity, and physical infrastructure. For the whole, 42 indicators were employed here, each with its value different from others from the perception of business community. The research includes 134 regions, consisting of 97 regencies and 37 cities spread in 26 provinces in Indonesia. Data used in the analysis of indicators were primary and secondary, qualitative and quantitative. Valuation of variables and processing of data were done using AHP (The Analytic Hierarchy Process) method

    Daya Tarik Investasi Kabupaten/Kota di Indonesia: Peringkat 134 Kabupaten/Kota di Indonesia & Gambaran Permasalahan Dunia Usaha

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    Selain perwujudan demokratisasi, dan pelembagaan hubungan pemerintahan pusat – daerah dan antar daerah, kesejahteraan rakyat menjadi salah satu dari tiga tujuan utama otonomi daerah; hal ini berarti bahwa dari segi ekonomi, keberhasilan otonomi daerah diukur dari sejauhmana warga daerah mendapat akses ekonomi yang lebih dari masa sebelumnya. Berbagai tolok ukur bisa digunakan dalam hal akses ekonomi itu, namun ukuran yang sangat jelas adalah keterserapan tenaga kerja secara langsung serta multiplier effect yang muncul dari adanya investasi