361 research outputs found

    Enhanced bias stress stability of a-InGaZnO thin film transistors by inserting an ultra-thin interfacial InGaZnO:N layer

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    Amorphous indium-gallium-zinc oxide (a-IGZO) thin film transistors (TFTs) having an ultra-thin nitrogenated a-IGZO (a-IGZO:N) layer sandwiched at the channel/gate dielectric interface are fabricated. It is found that the device shows enhanced bias stress stability with significantly reduced threshold voltage drift under positive gate bias stress. Based on x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurement, the concentration of oxygen vacancies within the a-IGZO:N layer is suppressed due to the formation of N-Ga bonds. Meanwhile, low frequency noise analysis indicates that the average trap density near the channel/dielectric interface continuously drops as the nitrogen content within the a-IGZO:N layer increases. The improved interface quality upon nitrogen doping agrees with the enhanced bias stress stability of the a-IGZO TFTs.This work was supported in part by the State Key Program for Basic Research of China under Grant Nos. 2010CB327504, 2011CB922100, and 2011CB301900; in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 60936004 and 11104130; in part by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province under Grant Nos. BK2011556 and BK2011050; and in part by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions

    On the Role of Non-Localities in Fundamental Diagram Estimation

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    We consider the role of non-localities in speed-density data used to fit fundamental diagrams from vehicle trajectories. We demonstrate that the use of anticipated densities results in a clear classification of speed-density data into stationary and non-stationary points, namely, acceleration and deceleration regimes and their separating boundary. The separating boundary represents a locus of stationary traffic states, i.e., the fundamental diagram. To fit fundamental diagrams, we develop an enhanced cross entropy minimization method that honors equilibrium traffic physics. We illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach by comparing it with the traditional approach that uses local speed-density states and least squares estimation. Our experiments show that the separating boundary in our approach is invariant to varying trajectory samples within the same spatio-temporal region, providing further evidence that the separating boundary is indeed a locus of stationary traffic states

    Slicing Recognition of Aircraft Integral Panel Generalized Pocket

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    AbstractTo automatically obtain a machining area in numerical control (NC) programming, a data model of generalized pocket is established by analyzing aircraft integral panel characteristics, and a feature recognition approach is proposed. First, by reference to the practical slice-machining process of an aircraft integral panel, both the part and the blank are sliced in the Z-axis direction; hence a feature profile is created according to the slicing planes and the contours are formed by the intersection of the slicing planes with the part and its blank. Second, the auxiliary features of the generalized pocket are also determined based on the face type and the position, to correct the profile of the pocket. Finally, the generalized pocket feature relationship tree is constructed by matching the vertical relationships among the features. Machining feature information produced by using this method can be directly used to calculate the cutter path. The validity and practicability of the method is verified by NC programming for aircraft panels

    Electrical instability of amorphous indium-gallium-zinc oxide thin film transistors under monochromatic light illumination

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    The electrical instability behaviors of a positive-gate-bias-stressed amorphous indium-gallium-zinc oxide (a-IGZO) thin film transistor(TFT) are studied under monochromatic light illumination. It is found that as the wavelength of incident light reduces from 750 nm to 450 nm, the threshold voltage of the illuminated TFT shows a continuous negative shift, which is caused by photo-excitation of trapped electrons at the channel/dielectric interface. Meanwhile, an increase of the sub-threshold swing (SS) is observed when the illumination wavelength is below 625 nm (∼2.0 eV). The SS degradation is accompanied by a simultaneous increase of the field effect mobility (μFE) of the TFT, which then decreases at even shorter wavelength beyond 540 nm (∼2.3 eV). The variation of SS and μFE is explained by a physical model based on generation of singly ionized oxygen vacancies (Vo⁺) and double ionized oxygen vacancies (Vo²⁺) within the a-IGZO active layer by high energy photons, which would form trap states near the mid-gap and the conduction band edge, respectively.This work was supported by the State Key Program for Basic Research of China under Grant Nos. 2010CB327504, 2011CB922100, 2011CB301900; the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 60825401, 60936004, 11104130, BK2011556, and BK2011050

    What Are the New Challenges of the Current Cancer Biomarkers?

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    Biomarkers are emerging research filed in the past decade. Even though numerous biomarkers were reported, the efficiency of cancer therapy remains low. So the question emerges as to how much can we trust the current biomarkers on cancer therapy? In this upcoming chapter, we would like to illustrate the outcomes of classical cancer therapies on advanced pancreatic cancer disclosed successful, neutral and failed in clinical trials. The analysis will be carried on the perspective interdisciplinary on the biomarkers including anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, biochemistry, history path and development of pharmacy. Particular in-depth insight may open a window for new researches and lighting the therapies

    Carbon Nanofibers Modified Graphite Felt for High Performance Anode in High Substrate Concentration Microbial Fuel Cells

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    Carbon nanofibers modified graphite fibers (CNFs/GF) composite electrode was prepared for anode in high substrate concentration microbial fuel cells. Electrochemical tests showed that the CNFs/GF anode generated a peak current density of 2.42 mA cm−2 at a low acetate concentration of 20 mM, which was 54% higher than that from bare GF. Increase of the acetate concentration to 80 mM, in which the peak current density of the CNFs/GF anode greatly increased and was up to 3.57 mA cm−2, was seven times as that of GF anode. Morphology characterization revealed that the biofilms in the CNFs/GF anode were much denser than those in the bare GF. This result revealed that the nanostructure in the anode not only enhanced current generation but also could tolerate high substrate concentration

    Integrated analysis identifies microRNA-195 as a suppressor of Hippo-YAP pathway in colorectal cancer

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    Figure S2. KEGG cell signaling pathway was shown for HIPPO pathway. The most significantly enriched by the predicted targets of miR-195 (P = 6.47E-05). Red frame shows the predicted miR-195 targets. (TIF 83 kb