24 research outputs found

    Correlation between T2 relaxation time and liver steatosis grade.

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    Scatter plot of T2 relaxation time versus subjective assessment of liver steatosis grade reveals weak correlation.</p

    The position of a region of interest (ROI) on the T2 map of liver.

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    Representative axial multi-echo gradient and spin echo (TE = 17 ms) T2 MRI imaging (a) and T2 map (b) of one SD rat illustrating the position of ROIs in the liver. Each ROI is located at the center of the largest cross-section of the liver and avoids artifacts, bile ducts, large blood vessels, and focal liver damage. Each ROI is first placed on the TE = 17 ms image and then copied to the same area of the T2 map. Three ROIs are placed in different positions on the same axial image.</p

    Perl’s iron stain for rats with different stages of liver fibrosis, where (A)–(D) correspond to stages 1–4 (original magnification, 200 x).

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    The histology stain indicates that the ratio of hemosiderin (blue stain, white arrow) increases gradually as the liver fibrosis stage advances.</p

    The T2 relaxation times were compared among rats with different histologically determined iron grades based on a Mann–Whitney <i>U</i>-test.

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    The T2 relaxation times were compared among rats with different histologically determined iron grades based on a Mann–Whitney U-test.</p

    S1 File -

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    Research data for the 40 study rats.

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    Research data for the 40 study rats.</p

    T2 relaxation time and histology.

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    Bar graph representation: the horizontal bar represents the median, and the box represents the interquartile range. Based on the pairwise comparison between the liver T2 relaxation time and four histologically determined grades of liver iron, there were significant differences in T2 relaxation time between rats with different iron grades, except between grades 0 and 1 and between grades 1 and 2. *P .05 and **P > 0.05.</p

    Correlation between T2 relaxation time and liver fibrosis stage.

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    Scatter plot of T2 relaxation time versus subjective assessment of liver fibrosis stage reveals a moderately negative correlation.</p

    Correlation between T2 relaxation time and histologic iron grade.

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    Scatterplot of T2 relaxation time versus subjective assessment of histologic iron grade reveals a strong correlation.</p