180 research outputs found

    A Conceptual diagram of the threshold-delay model based on Eqs. 1, 2, and 3 [11].

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    <p>(A) is the relationship between δt (the magnitude of the increase in the response) and yt–1 (the previous state of the response variable), where ymax is the maximum potential value of the response variable and δ* is the maximum potential response increase; (B) is the relationship between δ* and rainfall size at lag τ (days). RL is the lower threshold below which rain events do not stimulate a response. RU is the upper threshold above which rain events than do not yield additional benefits; and (C) provides a hypothetical response curve.</p

    Percentage increase in NDVI, from the day before rain to the day of peak NDVI, in response to different rainfall size classes.

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    <p>Letters above columns represent significantly different treatments (Tukey's HSD test, P<0.05). 5–10 mm: n = 20; others: n = 12. The observations used for these analyses come from both the Terra and Aqua satellites.</p

    Patterns of mean temperature in response to rainfall pulses.

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    <p>Patterns of mean temperature in response to rainfall pulses.</p

    Characteristics of vegetation and soil.

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    <p>Characteristics of vegetation and soil.</p

    Choice of precipitation events.

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    <p>NRDBRE: No-rain days before rainfall events; NRDARE: No-rain days after rainfall events. Like “20.8 (11; 9; 2; 0.6)” in the rainfall event size column means the continuous four rainy days' data observed and we treated as independent rainfall size.</p

    Intra-seasonal precipitation patterns in the threshold-delay data for NDVI in response to rainfall pulses.

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    <p>Error bars represent standard error for all the pixels in the study area. (A) The mean NDVI of the desert study area response to rainfall pulses for Terra and Aqua satellites. (B) The mean NDVI of the dune study area response to rainfall pulses for Terra and Aqua satellites. (C) The Maximum NDVI of this two-habitat study area's response to rainfall pulses for Terra and Aqua satellites.</p

    Frequency distributions of rainfall and rainfall events.

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    <p>(A) From April to October in 2007; (B) From April to October in 2011; (C) From April to October between 2004 and 2012.</p

    Map of the study area and location in China.

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    <p>Map of the study area and location in China.</p

    Demographic and clinical characteristics of the participants.

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    <p>Demographic and clinical characteristics of the participants.</p

    Themes and subthemes of the study.

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    <p>Themes and subthemes of the study.</p