1,911 research outputs found

    Analytically solvable many-body Rosen-Zener quantum battery

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    Quantum batteries are energy storage devices that satisfy quantum mechanical principles. How to obtain analytical solutions for quantum battery systems and achieve a full charging is a crucial element of the quantum battery. Here, we investigate the Rosen-Zener quantum battery with NN two-level systems, which includes atomic interactions and external driving field. The analytical solutions of the stored energy, changing power, energy quantum fluctuations, and von Neumann entropy are derived by employing the gauge transformation. We demonstrate that full charging process can be achieved when the external driving field strength and scanning period conforms to a quantitative relationship. The local maximum value of the final stored energy corresponds to the local minimum values of the final energy fluctuations and von Neumann entropy. Moreover, we find that the atomic interaction induces the quantum phase transition and the maximum stored energy of the quantum battery reaches the maximum value near the quantum phase transition point. Our result provides an insightful theoretical scheme to realize the efficient quantum battery.Comment: 9 pages,7 figure

    Electromagnetic counterparts of high-frequency gravitational waves in a rotating laboratory frame system and their detection

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    We consider the perturbative photon flows (PPFs, i.e., electromagnetic (EM) counterparts) generated by the EM resonance response to high-frequency gravitational waves (HFGWs) with additional polarization states in a rotating laboratory frame system. It is found that when the propagating direction of the HFGWs and the symmetrical axis of the laboratory frame system are the same, the PPFs have the maximum value. In this case, using the rotation (the rotation of azimuth Ï•\phi) of the EM detection system, all six possible polarization states of the HFGWs can be separated and displayed. For the current experimental conditions, it is quite prospective to detect the PPFs generated by the HFGWs predicted in the braneworld models, the primordial black hole theories and the interaction mechanism between astrophysical plasma and intense EM radiation, etc., due to the large amplitudes (or high spectral densities) and spectral characteristics of these HFGWs. Detecting the primordial HFGWs from inflation faces great challenges at present, but it is not impossible.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 1 table; corrected some minor typos; added reference

    The dynamic resistance of YBCO coated conductor wire: Effect of DC current magnitude and applied field orientation

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    Dynamic resistance, which occurs when a HTS coated conductor carries a DC current under an AC magnetic field, can have critical implications for the design of HTS machines. Here, we report measurements of dynamic resistance in a commercially available SuperPower 4 mm-wide YBCO coated conductor, carrying a DC current under an applied AC magnetic field of arbitrary orientation. The reduced DC current, I t/I c0, ranged from 0.01 to 0.9, where I t is the DC current level and I c0 is the self-field critical current of the conductor. The field angle (the angle between the magnetic field and the normal vector of the conductor wide-face) was varied between 0° and 90° at intervals of 10°. We show that the effective width of the conductor under study is ∼12% less than the physical wire width, and we attribute this difference to edge damage of the wire during or after manufacture. We then examine the measured dynamic resistance of this wire under perpendicular applied fields at very low DC current levels. In this regime we find that the threshold field, B th, of the conductor is well described by the nonlinear equation of Mikitik and Brandt. However, this model consistently underestimates the threshold field at higher current levels. As such, the dynamic resistance in a coated conductor under perpendicular magnetic fields is best described using two different equations for each of the low and high DC current regimes, respectively. At low DC currents where I t/I c0 ≤ 0.1, the nonlinear relationship of Mikitik and Brandt provides the closest agreement with experimental data. However, in the higher current regime where I t/I c0 ≥ 0.2, closer agreement is obtained using a simple linear expression which assumes a current-independent penetration field. We further show that for the conductor studied here, the measured dynamic resistance at different field angles is dominated by the perpendicular magnetic field component, with negligible contribution from the parallel component. Our findings now enable the dynamic resistance of a single conductor to be analytically determined for a very wide range of DC currents and at all applied field angles. This is the Accepted Manuscript version of an article accepted for publication in 'Superconductor Science and Technology'. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6668/aaa49e

    Dynamic Resistance Measurement of a Four-tape YBCO Stack in a Perpendicular Magnetic Field

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    Dynamic resistance occurs when HTS (high-temperature superconductor) coated conductors carry dc current under ac magnetic field. This dissipative effect can play a critical role in many HTS applications. Here, we report on dynamic resistance measurements of a four-tape YBCO stack comprising 4-mm-wide coated conductors, which experience an applied ac perpendicular magnetic field with an amplitude of up to 100 mT. Each tape within the stack carries the same dc current. The magnetic field amplitude, the frequency of the magnetic field, and the dc current magnitude are varied to investigate the influence of these parameters on the dynamic resistance. We find that the threshold field of the stack is significantly larger than that of a single tape when dc current is small, which we attribute to coherent shielding effects from circulating currents present in each wire in the stack. © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

    XPrompt: Exploring the Extreme of Prompt Tuning

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    Prompt tuning learns soft prompts to condition frozen Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) for performing downstream tasks in a parameter-efficient manner. While prompt tuning has gradually reached the performance level of fine-tuning as the model scale increases, there is still a large performance gap between prompt tuning and fine-tuning for models of moderate and small scales (typically less than 11B parameters). In this paper, we empirically show that the trained prompt tokens can have a negative impact on a downstream task and thus degrade its performance. To bridge the gap, we propose a novel Prompt tuning model with an eXtremely small scale (XPrompt) under the regime of lottery tickets hypothesis. Specifically, XPrompt eliminates the negative prompt tokens at different granularity levels through a hierarchical structured pruning, yielding a more parameter-efficient prompt yet with a competitive performance. Comprehensive experiments are carried out on SuperGLUE tasks, and the extensive results indicate that XPrompt is able to close the performance gap at smaller model scales.Comment: 15 pages, accepted to EMNLP 2022 main conferenc

    An Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopic Study of the Electronic and Ionic Transport Properties of Spinet LiMn2O4

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    Electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS) for lithium ion insertion and deinsertion in spinel LiMn2O4 were obtained at different potentials and different temperatures during initial charge-discharge cycle. The results revealed that, at intermediate degrees of intercalation, three semicircles appeared in the Nyquist diagram. This new phenomenon has been investigated through EIS measurements as a function of temperature. It has found that the high frequency semicircle and the middle to high frequency semicircle begin to overlap each other above 20 degrees C, which indicates that the high frequency compressed semicircle commonly obtained at room temperature in the literature may consist of two semicircles. This signifies that the effects of the electronic and ionic transport properties of lithium intercalation materials clearly appear as separate features in the EIS spectra at low temperatures. A new equivalent circuit that includes elements related to the electronic and ionic transport, in addition to the charge transfer process, is proposed to simulate the experimental EIS data. The change of kinetic parameters for lithium ion insertion and deinsertion in spinel LiMn2O4 as a function of potential in the first charge-discharge cycle is discussed in detail, and a modified model is proposed to explain the impedance response of the insertion materials for lithium ion batteries.National Basic Research Program of China [2009CB220102
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