234 research outputs found

    Deep learning for seismic phase detection and picking in the aftershock zone of 2008 M_W 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake

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    The increasing volume of seismic data from long-term continuous monitoring motivates the development of algorithms based on convolutional neural network (CNN) for faster and more reliable phase detection and picking. However, many less studied regions lack a significant amount of labeled events needed for traditional CNN approaches. In this paper, we present a CNN-based Phase-Identification Classifier (CPIC) designed for phase detection and picking on small to medium sized training datasets. When trained on 30,146 labeled phases and applied to one-month of continuous recordings during the aftershock sequences of the 2008 M_W 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan, China, CPIC detects 97.5% of the manually picked phases in the standard catalog and predicts their arrival times with a five-times improvement over the ObsPy AR picker. In addition, unlike other CNN-based approaches that require millions of training samples, when the off-line training set size of CPIC is reduced to only a few thousand training samples the accuracy stays above 95%. The deployment of CPIC takes less than 12 h to pick arrivals in 31-day recordings on 14 stations. In addition to the catalog phases manually picked by analysts, CPIC finds more phases for existing events and new events missed in the catalog. Among those additional detections, some are confirmed by a matched filter method while others require further investigation. Finally, when tested on a small dataset from a different region (Oklahoma, US), CPIC achieves 97% accuracy after fine tuning only the fully connected layer of the model. This result suggests that the CPIC developed in this study can be used to identify and pick P/S arrivals in other regions with no or minimum labeled phases

    Efficient Structure Slimming for Spiking Neural Networks

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    Spiking neural networks (SNNs) are deeply inspired by biological neural information systems. Compared to convolutional neural networks (CNNs), SNNs are low power consumption because of their spike based information processing mechanism. However, most of the current structures of SNNs are fully-connected or converted from deep CNNs which poses redundancy connections. While the structure and topology in human brain systems are sparse and efficient. This paper aims at taking full advantage of sparse structure and low power consumption which lie in human brain and proposed efficient structure slimming methods. Inspired by the development of biological neural network structures, this paper designed types of structure slimming methods including neuron pruning and channel pruning. In addition to pruning, this paper also considers the growth and development of the nervous system. Through iterative application of the proposed neural pruning and rewiring algorithms, experimental evaluations on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and DVS-Gesture datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the structure slimming methods. When the parameter count is reduced to only about 10% of the original, the performance decreases by less than 1%

    Bootstrapped Masked Autoencoders for Vision BERT Pretraining

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    We propose bootstrapped masked autoencoders (BootMAE), a new approach for vision BERT pretraining. BootMAE improves the original masked autoencoders (MAE) with two core designs: 1) momentum encoder that provides online feature as extra BERT prediction targets; 2) target-aware decoder that tries to reduce the pressure on the encoder to memorize target-specific information in BERT pretraining. The first design is motivated by the observation that using a pretrained MAE to extract the features as the BERT prediction target for masked tokens can achieve better pretraining performance. Therefore, we add a momentum encoder in parallel with the original MAE encoder, which bootstraps the pretraining performance by using its own representation as the BERT prediction target. In the second design, we introduce target-specific information (e.g., pixel values of unmasked patches) from the encoder directly to the decoder to reduce the pressure on the encoder of memorizing the target-specific information. Thus, the encoder focuses on semantic modeling, which is the goal of BERT pretraining, and does not need to waste its capacity in memorizing the information of unmasked tokens related to the prediction target. Through extensive experiments, our BootMAE achieves 84.2%84.2\% Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K with ViT-B backbone, outperforming MAE by +0.8%+0.8\% under the same pre-training epochs. BootMAE also gets +1.0+1.0 mIoU improvements on semantic segmentation on ADE20K and +1.3+1.3 box AP, +1.4+1.4 mask AP improvement on object detection and segmentation on COCO dataset. Code is released at https://github.com/LightDXY/BootMAE.Comment: ECCV 2022, code is available at https://github.com/LightDXY/BootMA

    Iris Template Protection Based on Local Ranking

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    Biometrics have been widely studied in recent years, and they are increasingly employed in real-world applications. Meanwhile, a number of potential threats to the privacy of biometric data arise. Iris template protection demands that the privacy of iris data should be protected when performing iris recognition. According to the international standard ISO/IEC 24745, iris template protection should satisfy the irreversibility, revocability, and unlinkability. However, existing works about iris template protection demonstrate that it is difficult to satisfy the three privacy requirements simultaneously while supporting effective iris recognition. In this paper, we propose an iris template protection method based on local ranking. Specifically, the iris data are first XORed (Exclusive OR operation) with an application-specific string; next, we divide the results into blocks and then partition the blocks into groups. The blocks in each group are ranked according to their decimal values, and original blocks are transformed to their rank values for storage. We also extend the basic method to support the shifting strategy and masking strategy, which are two important strategies for iris recognition. We demonstrate that the proposed method satisfies the irreversibility, revocability, and unlinkability. Experimental results on typical iris datasets (i.e., CASIA-IrisV3-Interval, CASIA-IrisV4-Lamp, UBIRIS-V1-S1, and MMU-V1) show that the proposed method could maintain the recognition performance while protecting the privacy of iris data
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