107 research outputs found

    DTMT: A Novel Deep Transition Architecture for Neural Machine Translation

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    Past years have witnessed rapid developments in Neural Machine Translation (NMT). Most recently, with advanced modeling and training techniques, the RNN-based NMT (RNMT) has shown its potential strength, even compared with the well-known Transformer (self-attentional) model. Although the RNMT model can possess very deep architectures through stacking layers, the transition depth between consecutive hidden states along the sequential axis is still shallow. In this paper, we further enhance the RNN-based NMT through increasing the transition depth between consecutive hidden states and build a novel Deep Transition RNN-based Architecture for Neural Machine Translation, named DTMT. This model enhances the hidden-to-hidden transition with multiple non-linear transformations, as well as maintains a linear transformation path throughout this deep transition by the well-designed linear transformation mechanism to alleviate the gradient vanishing problem. Experiments show that with the specially designed deep transition modules, our DTMT can achieve remarkable improvements on translation quality. Experimental results on Chinese->English translation task show that DTMT can outperform the Transformer model by +2.09 BLEU points and achieve the best results ever reported in the same dataset. On WMT14 English->German and English->French translation tasks, DTMT shows superior quality to the state-of-the-art NMT systems, including the Transformer and the RNMT+.Comment: Accepted at AAAI 2019. Code is available at: https://github.com/fandongmeng/DTMT_InDe

    CSCD-IME: Correcting Spelling Errors Generated by Pinyin IME

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    Chinese Spelling Correction (CSC) is a task to detect and correct spelling mistakes in texts. In fact, most of Chinese input is based on pinyin input method, so the study of spelling errors in this process is more practical and valuable. However, there is still no research dedicated to this essential scenario. In this paper, we first present a Chinese Spelling Correction Dataset for errors generated by pinyin IME (CSCD-IME), including 40,000 annotated sentences from real posts of official media on Sina Weibo. Furthermore, we propose a novel method to automatically construct large-scale and high-quality pseudo data by simulating the input through pinyin IME. A series of analyses and experiments on CSCD-IME show that spelling errors produced by pinyin IME hold a particular distribution at pinyin level and semantic level and are challenging enough. Meanwhile, our proposed pseudo-data construction method can better fit this error distribution and improve the performance of CSC systems. Finally, we provide a useful guide to using pseudo data, including the data scale, the data source, and the training strategy

    Summer: WeChat Neural Machine Translation Systems for the WMT22 Biomedical Translation Task

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    This paper introduces WeChat's participation in WMT 2022 shared biomedical translation task on Chinese to English. Our systems are based on the Transformer, and use several different Transformer structures to improve the quality of translation. In our experiments, we employ data filtering, data generation, several variants of Transformer, fine-tuning and model ensemble. Our Chinese→\toEnglish system, named Summer, achieves the highest BLEU score among all submissions

    TIM: Teaching Large Language Models to Translate with Comparison

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    Open-sourced large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable efficacy in various tasks with instruction tuning. However, these models can sometimes struggle with tasks that require more specialized knowledge such as translation. One possible reason for such deficiency is that instruction tuning aims to generate fluent and coherent text that continues from a given instruction without being constrained by any task-specific requirements. Moreover, it can be more challenging for tuning smaller LLMs with lower-quality training data. To address this issue, we propose a novel framework using examples in comparison to teach LLMs to learn translation. Our approach involves presenting the model with examples of correct and incorrect translations and using a preference loss to guide the model's learning. We evaluate our method on WMT2022 test sets and show that it outperforms existing methods. Our findings offer a new perspective on fine-tuning LLMs for translation tasks and provide a promising solution for generating high-quality translations. Please refer to Github for more details: https://github.com/lemon0830/TIM

    Digging Errors in NMT: Evaluating and Understanding Model Errors from Partial Hypothesis Space

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    Solid evaluation of neural machine translation (NMT) is key to its understanding and improvement. Current evaluation of an NMT system is usually built upon a heuristic decoding algorithm (e.g., beam search) and an evaluation metric assessing similarity between the translation and golden reference. However, this system-level evaluation framework is limited by evaluating only one best hypothesis and search errors brought by heuristic decoding algorithms. To better understand NMT models, we propose a novel evaluation protocol, which defines model errors with model's ranking capability over hypothesis space. To tackle the problem of exponentially large space, we propose two approximation methods, top region evaluation along with an exact top-kk decoding algorithm, which finds top-ranked hypotheses in the whole hypothesis space, and Monte Carlo sampling evaluation, which simulates hypothesis space from a broader perspective. To quantify errors, we define our NMT model errors by measuring distance between the hypothesis array ranked by the model and the ideally ranked hypothesis array. After confirming the strong correlation with human judgment, we apply our evaluation to various NMT benchmarks and model architectures. We show that the state-of-the-art Transformer models face serious ranking issues and only perform at the random chance level in the top region. We further analyze model errors on architectures with different depths and widths, as well as different data-augmentation techniques, showing how these factors affect model errors. Finally, we connect model errors with the search algorithms and provide interesting findings of beam search inductive bias and correlation with Minimum Bayes Risk (MBR) decoding.Comment: To be appeared as a main conference paper at EMNLP 202

    Multi-Zone Unit for Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) have been widely used to deal with sequence learning problems. The input-dependent transition function, which folds new observations into hidden states to sequentially construct fixed-length representations of arbitrary-length sequences, plays a critical role in RNNs. Based on single space composition, transition functions in existing RNNs often have difficulty in capturing complicated long-range dependencies. In this paper, we introduce a new Multi-zone Unit (MZU) for RNNs. The key idea is to design a transition function that is capable of modeling multiple space composition. The MZU consists of three components: zone generation, zone composition, and zone aggregation. Experimental results on multiple datasets of the character-level language modeling task and the aspect-based sentiment analysis task demonstrate the superiority of the MZU.Comment: Accepted at AAAI 202
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