14 research outputs found

    Kвантитативно одредување на калпротектин во асцит кај пациенти со спонтан бактериски перитонитис

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    Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) in patients with liver cirrhosis is a newly developed, spontaneous bacterial infection of sterile ascites fluid, in the absence of intraabdominal sources of infection or malignancy. The most sensitive indicator of diagnosis is when the polymorphonuclear cell count (PMNC) is ≥250 in 1 ml ascites fluid (manual microscopic or automated counting) and/or when a bacterial strain is isolated in microbiological culture. The objectives of our pilot study were to determine the concentration of calprotectin in ascites in patients with SBP and non-SBP with BíœHLMANN Quantum Blue®Reader, whether there was a significant difference between the average values "‹"‹of Turcotte-Pugh II and MELD score and to determine average values for CRP serum and ascites in the studied groups. Materials and methods. This prospective analytical observational pilot study included 30 patients with liver cirrhosis and ascites, divided into two groups, SBP and non-SBP. The quantitative measurement of calprotectin in ascites was performed with the Quantum Blue Calprotectin Ascites (LF-ASC25) test. The test is designed to selectively measure calprotectin antigen (MRP8/14) with direct sandwich immunoassay. The ascites samples were diluted with Chase Buffer 1:5 and after 12 minutes incubation at room temperature, the test line signal intensity and the control line were quantitated with BíœHLMANN Quantum Blue®Reader. The collected data were processed using the SPSS 23 statistical software for Windows. Results. In our study the average value of calprotectin in patients with SBP was 1.4 µg/mL. The lowest value of calprotectin in the study group was recorded in one patient at 0.61 µg/mL, while the highest value was 1.81 µg/mL in four patients. The results showed higher values "‹"‹of calprotectin in ascites in patients with alcoholic liver disease compared to other etiologies. Refractive ascites was reported in 60.0% of the subjects and only one patient (6.7%)was reported with Klepsiella pneumoniae in the microbiological analysis of ascites. According to the Child-Turcotte-PughII classification, all patients in the study group were class C, while the mean MELD score was 29.8±6.14. The difference between the average values of CRP in serum and ascites in patients with SBP was statistically significant compared to non-SBP. Conclusion. The quantitative determination of calprotectin in ascites by the Quantum Blue Calprotectin Ascites (LF-ASC25) assay can be used as an alternative to the determination of PMNC in ascites. SBP occurs in patients with severe hepatic dysfunction calculated according to the Child-Pugh II score and the MELD score. Serum and ascites C-reactive protein values were not significantly elevated in patients with SBP, but were significantly different from non-SBP patients.Спонтаниот бактериски перитонитис (СБП) кај пациентите со црнодробна цироза е новонастаната, спонтана бактериска инфекција на стерилна асцитна течност, во отсуство на интраабдоминални извори на инфекција или малигнитет. Најсензитивен показател за поставување на дијагнозата е бројот на полиморфонуклеарни клетки (ПМНК) ≥250 во 1 мл асцитна течност (рачно микроскопско или автоматизирано пребројување) и/или кога во микробиолошката култура биде изолиран еден бактериски вид. Цел на трудот е да се одреди концентрацијата на калпротектин во асцит кај пациентите со СБП и не-СБП, да се споредат просечните вредности на Turcotte-Pugh II и MELD скорот кај пациентите со СБП и не-СБП  и просечните вредности на C-реактивниот протеин во серум и во асцит во испитуваните групи. Материјали и методи. Во оваа проспективно-аналитичко-опсервациска пилот студија беа вклучени 30 пациенти со црнодробна цироза и асцит, поделени во две групи, СБП и не-СБП. Квантитативното мерење на калпротектин во асцит се вршеше  со тестот Quantum Blue Calprotectin Ascites (LF-ASC25). Тестот е дизајниран за селективно мерење на антигенот на калпротектинот (MRP8/14) со директен сендвич имуноесеј. Примероците од асцитот се разредуваа со  Chase Buffer во однос 1:5 и по 12 минути инкубација на собна температура,  интензитетот на сигналот на линијата за тестирање и контролната линија се мереа квантитативно со BÜHLMANN Quantum Blue®Reader. Собраните податоци се обработија со помош на статистичкиот програм SPSS 23 за Windows. Резултати. Во нашата студија просечната вредност на калпротектин кај пациентите со СБП изнесуваше 1,4 μg/mL. Најниската вредност на калпротектин во испитуваната група беше регистрирана кај еден пациент со вредност од 0,61 μg/mL,  додека највисока вредност од 1,81μg/mL кај четири пациенти. Резултатите покажаа повисоки вредности на калпротектин во асцит кај пациентите со алкохолна болест на црниот дроб во споредба со останатите етиологии. Рефракторен асцит се регистрира кај 60,0% од испитаниците, а само кај еден пациент (6,7%) се регистрира Klepsiella pneumoniae во  микробиолошката анализа на асцитот. Според Child-Turcotte-PughII класификација сите пациенти од испитуваната група беа класа C, додека просечната вредност на MELD скорот изнесуваше 29,8±6,14. Разликата помеѓу просечните вредности наC-реактивниот протеин во серум и во асцит кај пациентите со СБП  беше статистички сигнификантна во споредба со не-СБП.  Заклучок. Kвантитативното одредување на калпротектинот во асцит со тестот Quantum Blue Calprotectin Ascites(LF-ASC25) може да се користи како алтернатива наполиморфонуклеарните клетки (ПМНК) во асцит. СБП се јавува кај пациенти со сериозна црнодробна дисфункција пресметана според Child-Pugh II скорот и MELD скорот. Вредноста на C-реaктивниот протеин во серум и во асцит кај пациентите со СБП немаше високи вредности ,но сепак беше утврдена сигнификантна разлика во споредба со пациентите со не-СБП

    Antibodies to infliximab and adalimumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in clinical remission:a cross-sectional study

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    Objective. To investigate if antibodies towards biological TNF-α inhibitors (anti-TNFi Abs) are present in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in clinical remission and to relate any anti-TNFi Abs to circulating level of TNF-α inhibitor (TNFi). Methods. Patients with RA, treated with infliximab or adalimumab, and in clinical remission (DAS28(CRP) < 2.6) were included from 6 out-patient clinics. In blood samples, presence of anti-TNFi Abs was determined by radioimmunoassay, and concentration of bioactive TNFi was measured by a cell-based reporter gene assay. Results. Anti-TNFi Abs were present in 8/44 patients (18%) treated with infliximab and 1/49 patients (2%) treated with adalimumab (p=0.012). In the former group, anti-TNFi Abs corresponded with low levels of TNFi (p=0.048). Anti-TNFi Ab-positive patients had shorter disease duration at initiation of TNFi therapy (p=0.023) but were similar for the rest of the compared parameters. Conclusions. In RA patients in clinical remission, anti-TNFi Abs occur frequently in patients treated with infliximab, while they occur rarely in patients treated with adalimumab. Presence of anti-infliximab Abs is accompanied by low or undetectable levels of infliximab. These data suggest that continued infliximab treatment may be redundant in a proportion of RA patients treated with infliximab and in clinical remission

    Application of the OMERACT Grey-scale Ultrasound Scoring System for salivary glands in a single-centre cohort of patients with suspected Sjögren’s syndrome

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    Aim To describe salivary gland involvement in patients suspected of Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) using the OMERACT Ultrasound Scoring System for SS. Next, using different ultrasound cut-offs, to assess the performance of the scoring system for diagnosis and fulfilment of 2016 ACR/EULAR SS classification criteria.Methods All patients referred to our department with a suspicion of SS in a 12-month period were included. All underwent grey-scale ultrasound of the parotid and submandibular glands prior to clinical examination, Schirmer’s test, unstimulated salivary flow, blood samples including autoantibody analysis. Labial biopsy was performed according to clinicians’ judgement. Images of the four glands were scored 0–3 according to the scoring system and a consensus score was obtained using a developed ultrasound atlas.Results Of the 134 patients included in the analysis, 43 were diagnosed with primary SS (pSS) and all fulfilled the 2016 American College of Rheumatology (ACR)/EULAR classification criteria. More patients with pSS compared with non-pSS had score ≥2 in at least one gland (72% vs 13%; p&lt;0.001). In patients with score ≥2 in any gland, significantly more had positive autoantibodies, sialometry, Schirmer’s test and positive labial biopsy compared with those with scores ≤1. The best ultrasound cut-off value for diagnosing pSS was ≥1 gland with a score ≥2 (sensitivity=0.72, specificity=0.91).Conclusion The OMERACT Ultrasound Scoring System showed good sensitivity (0.72) and excellent specificity (0.91) for fulfilling 2016 ACR/EULAR criteria using cut-off score &gt;2 in at least one gland. Our data supports the use of ultrasound for diagnosing pSS and supports incorporation of ultrasound in the classification criteria