49 research outputs found

    D-aspartic acid in vertebrate reproduction: Animal models and experimental designs

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    This article reviews the animal models and experimental designs that have been used during the past twenty years to demonstrate the prominent role played by d-aspartate (d-Asp) in the reproduction of vertebrates, from amphibians to humans. We have tabulated the findings of in vivo and in vitro experiments that demonstrate the effects of d-Asp uptake on hormone production and gametogenesis in vertebrate animal models. The contribution of each animal model to the existing knowledge on the role of d-Asp in reproductive processes has been discussed. A critical analysis of experimental designs has also been carried out. Experiments performed on wild animal species suggest a role of d-Asp in the mechanisms that regulate the reproductive cycle. Several in vivo and in vitro studies carried out on mouse and rat models have facilitated an understanding of the molecular pathways activated by D-Asp in both steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis, with particular emphasis on testosterone biosynthesis. Some attempts using d-Asp for the improvement of reproductive activity in animals of commercial interest have yielded mixed results. The increased transcriptome activity of enzymes and receptors involved in the reproductive activity in d-Asp-treated broiler roosters revealed further details on the mechanism of action of d-Asp on the reproductive processes. The close relationship between d-Asp and reproductive activity has emerged, particularly in relation to its effects exerted on semen quality, proposing therapeutic applications of this amino acid in andrology and in medically-assisted procreation techniques.This article reviews the animal models and experimental designs that have been used during the past twenty years to demonstrate the prominent role played by D-aspartate (D-Asp) in the reproduction of vertebrates, from amphibians to humans. We have tabulated the findings of in vivo and in vitro experiments that demonstrate the effects of D-Asp uptake on hormone production and gametogenesis in vertebrate animal models. The contribution of each animal model to the existing knowledge on the role of D-Asp in reproductive processes has been discussed. A critical analysis of experimental designs has also been carried out. Experiments performed on wild animal species suggest a role of D-Asp in the mechanisms that regulate the reproductive cycle. Several in vivo and in vitro studies carried out on mouse and rat models have facilitated an understanding of the molecular pathways activated by D-Asp in both steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis, with particular emphasis on testosterone biosynthesis. Some attempts using D-Asp for the improvement of reproductive activity in animals of commercial interest have yielded mixed results. The increased transcriptome activity of enzymes and receptors involved in the reproductive activity in D-Asptreated broiler roosters revealed further details on the mechanism of action of D-Asp on the reproductive processes. The close relationship between D-Asp and reproductive activity has emerged, particularly in relation to its effects exerted on semen quality, proposing therapeutic applications of this amino acid in andrology and in medically-assisted procreation techniques

    Vitamin D binding protein isoforms and apolipoprotein E in cerebrospinal fluid as prognostic biomarkers of multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a multifactorial autoimmune disease of the central nervous system with a heterogeneous and unpredictable course. To date there are no prognostic biomarkers even if they would be extremely useful for early patient intervention with personalized therapies. In this context, the analysis of inter-individual differences in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) proteome may lead to the discovery of biological markers that are able to distinguish the various clinical forms at diagnosis.To this aim, a two dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) study was carried out on individual CSF samples from 24 untreated women who underwent lumbar puncture (LP) for suspected MS. The patients were clinically monitored for 5 years and then classified according to the degree of disease aggressiveness and the disease-modifying therapies prescribed during follow up.The hierarchical cluster analysis of 2-DE dataset revealed three protein spots which were identified by means of mass spectrometry as Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) and two isoforms of vitamin D binding protein (DBP). These three protein spots enabled us to subdivide the patients into subgroups correlated with clinical classification (MS aggressive forms identification: 80%). In particular, we observed an opposite trend of values for the two protein spots corresponding to different DBP isoforms suggesting a role of a post-translational modification rather than the total protein content in patient categorization.These findings proved to be very interesting and innovative and may be developed as new candidate prognostic biomarkers of MS aggressiveness, if confirmed

    Randomized study on the effects of different strategies of intermittent pneumatic compression for lower limb claudication

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    Riassunto: Studio randomizzato sugli effetti delle differenti strategie della compressione pneumatica intermittente per il trattamento della claudicatio degli arti inferiori. A. Berni, L. Tromba, L. Falvo, F. Tartaglia, M. Sgueglia, S. Blasi, P. Polichetti Introduzione. Lo scopo di questo studio è di valutare l’efficacia di differenti strategie di compressione pneumatica intermittente (IPC) per il trattamento della claudicatio degli arti inferiori. Metodi. Sono stati analizzati in prospettiva cinque gruppi di studio. Gruppo 1: 9 pz non sottoposti ad IPC; gruppo 2: sei pazienti sottoposti ad IPC per un’ora tre volte al giorno per quattro mesi; gruppo 3: sei pazienti sottoposti ad IPC per due ore una volta al giorno per quattro mesi; gruppo 4: sei pazienti sottoposti ad IPC per un’ora tre volte al giorno per due mesi; gruppo 5: sei pazienti sottoposti ad IPC per due ore una volta al giorno per due mesi. Risultati. Tutti i pazienti hanno completato il programma di trattamento e hanno dichiarato una compliance del 33% nel gruppo 2, dell’83% nel gruppo 3, del 66% nel gruppo 4 e del 100% nel gruppo 5. Il picco di velocità sistolica del flusso dell’arteria poplitea è cresciuto oltre i valori base in particolare laddove la durata della terapia è stata di 4 mesi ( gruppo 2 : 85%,gruppo 3 :81% vs gruppo 4:76%;gruppo 5 : 73%). Questi effetti benefici si sono protratti per circa 14 mesi e sono svaniti dopo 14 mesi dalla fine del trattamento con IPC. La distanza assoluta di percorrenza senza claudicatio è cresciuta alla fine del trattamento oltre il 101% nel gruppo 2, del 94% nel gruppo 3, dell’86% nel gruppo 4 e dell’83% nel gruppo 5 ed inoltre è aumentata oltre il valore di base dopo 14 mesi dalla fine della terapia. Nessuna differenza è stata osservata se il trattamento IPC è stato fatto una o tre volte al giorno. Conclusioni. La terapia compressiva pneumatica intermittente effettuata due volte al giorno per quattro mesi ha fornito risultati eccellenti con soddisfacente compliance. Tuttavia questi benefici effetti non sono durevoli e svaniscono a distanza di circa un anno dalla fine del trattamento

    Celebrating 50+ years of research on the reproductive biology and endocrinology of the green frog: an overview

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    This issue is dedicated to the late Professor Giovanni Chieffi, and this article is an overview of the research on Comparative Endocrinology of reproduction using Rana esculenta (alias Pelophylax esculentus) as a model system. Starting from the early 1970s till today, a large quantity of work have been conducted both in the fields of experimental endocrinology and in the definition of the diffuse neuroendocrine system, with a major focus on the increasing role of regulatory peptides. The various aspects investigated concerned the histological descriptions of principal endocrine glands of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis, the localization and distribution in the HPG of several different substances (i.e. neurosteroids, hypothalamic peptide hormones, pituitary gonadotropins, gonadal sex steroids, and other molecules), the determination of sex hormone concentrations in both serum and tissues, the hormone manipulations, as well as the gene and protein expression of steroidogenic enzymes and their respective receptors. All together these researches, often conducted considering different periods of the annual reproductive cycle of the green frog, allowed to understand the mechanism of cascade control/regulation of the HPG axis of R. esculenta, characterizing the role of different hormones in the two sexes, and testing the hypotheses about the function of single hormones in different target organs. It becomes evident from the review that, in their simplest form, several features of this species are specular as compared to those of other vertebrate species and that reproduction in this frog species is either under endogenous multi-hormonal control or by a wide array of different factors. Our excursus of this research, spanning almost five decades, shows that R. esculenta has been intensively and successfully used as an animal model in reproductive endocrinology as well as several field studies such as those involving environmental concerns that focus on the effects of endocrine disruptors and other environmental contaminants

    Comparative insights of the neuroanatomical distribution of the gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH) in fish and amphibians

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    This paper intends to apprise the reader regarding the existing knowledge on the neuroanatomical distribution of GnIH-like peptides in in fish and amphibians in both the adult stage and during ontogenesis. The neuroana-tomical distribution of GnIH-like neuropeptides appears quite different in the studied species, irrespective of the evolutionary closeness. The topology of the olfactory bulbs can affect the distribution of neurons producing the GnIH-like peptides, with a tendency to show a more extended distribution into the brains with pedunculate olfactory bulbs. Therefore, the variability of the GnIH-like system could also reflect specific adaptations rather than evolutionary patterns. The onset of GnIH expression was detected very early during development suggesting its precocious roles, and the neuroanatomical distribution of GnIH-like elements showed a generally increasing trend. This review highlights some critical technical aspects and the need to increase the number of species to be studied to obtain a complete neuroanatomical picture of the GnIH-like system