102 research outputs found

    The black hole mass of BL Lacs from stellar velocity dispersion of the host galaxy

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    We present the first results from our on-going program to estimate black hole masses [M(BH)] of nearby BL Lac objects. The estimates are based on stellar velocity dispersion (sigma) of the BL Lac host galaxies from optical spectroscopy, and the recently found tight correlation between M{BH} and sigma in nearby early-type galaxies. For the first three BL Lacs, we find log M(BH) = 7.5 - 8.7 and M(BH)/M(host) = 0.03 - 0.1.Comment: 2 pages, to appear in ESO Astrophysics Symposium "The Mass of Galaxies at Low and High Redshift", eds. R. Bender & A. Renzin

    Do local analogs of Lyman Break Galaxies exist?

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    The optical properties of a number of supercompact ultraviolet luminous galaxies (UVLG), recently discovered in the local Universe matching GALEX and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data, are discussed. Detailed re-analysis of the SDSS data for these and other similar but nearer galaxies shows that their surface brightness radial profile in both R and u bands is in most cases well described by an extended disk plus a central unresolved component (possibly a bulge). Since the SDSS pipeline used a single disk component to derive the half light radius of these UVLGs their size was severely underestimated. Consequently, the average UV surface brightness is much lower that previously quoted casting doubts on the claim that UVLGs are the local analogs of high redshift Lyman break galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication on the Astrophysical Journal, 10 pages, 5 figure

    Studying stellar halos with future facilities

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    Stellar halos around galaxies retain fundamental evidence of the processes which lead to their build up. Sophisticated models of galaxy formation in a cosmological context yield quantitative predictions about various observable characteristics, including the amount of substructure, the slope of radial mass profiles and three dimensional shapes, and the properties of the stellar populations in the halos. The comparison of such models with the observations provides constraints on the general picture of galaxy formation in the hierarchical Universe, as well as on the physical processes taking place in the halos formation. With the current observing facilities, stellar halos can be effectively probed only for a limited number of nearby galaxies. In this paper we illustrate the progress that we expect in this field with the future ground based large aperture telescopes (E-ELT) and with space based facilities as JWST.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Proc. IAU Symposium 317 "The General Assembly of Stellar Halos: Structure, Origin and Evolution.

    The BH mass of nearby QSOs: a comparison of the bulge luminosity and virial methods

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    We report on the analysis of the photometric and spectroscopic properties of a sample of 29 low redshift (z<0.6) QSOs for which both HST WFPC2 images and ultraviolet HST FOS spectra are available. For each object we measure the R band absolute magnitude of the host galaxy, the CIV (1550A) line width and the 1350A continuum luminosity. From these quantities we can estimate the black hole (BH) mass through the M(BH)-L(bulge) relation for inactive galaxies, and from the virial method based on the kinematics of the regions emitting the broad lines. The comparison of the masses derived from the two methods yields information on the geometry of the gas emitting regions bound to the massive BH. The cumulative distribution of the line widths is consistent with that produced by matter laying in planes with inclinations uniformly distributed between 10 and 50 deg, which corresponds to a geometrical factor f=1.3. Our results are compared with those of the literature and discussed within the unified model of AGN.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. To appear in MNRA

    Spectroscopy of BL Lac objects of extraordinary luminosity

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    Aims. We aim to determine the redshift (or stringent lower limits) of a number of bright BL Lacs objects. Methods. We secured medium resolution optical and near-infrared spectra of 4 bright BL Lac objects of unknown redshift using the spectrograph X-Shooter at the ESO-VLT. Results. In spite of the high quality of the spectra and the extended spectral range of the observations we have not detected intrisic spectral features for these sources. However we are able to provide strigent lower limits to their redshift. In particular, for the two TeV sources PG 1553+113 and H 1722+119 we infer z > 0.30 and z > 0.35 respectively. We also detect an intervening Ca II absorption doublet in the spectrum of MH 2136-428 that is ascribed to the the halo of a nearby giant elliptical galaxy at \sim 100 kpc of projected distance. Conclusions. Under the hypothesis that all BL Lacs are hosted by luminous bulge dominated galaxies, the present state of art spectroscopic observations of bright BL Lacs indicate that these objects are likely sources with extremely beamed nuclear emission . We present simulations to show under which circustances it will be possible to probe this hypothesis from the detection of very weak absorptions using the next generation of extremely large optical telescopes.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Dynamics of wide binary stars: A case study for testing Newtonian dynamics in the low acceleration regime

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    Extremely wide binary stars represent ideal systems to probe Newtonian dynamics in the low acceleration regimes (<10e-10 m/s/s) typical of the external regions of galaxies. Here we present a study of 60 alleged wide binary stars with projected separation ranging from 0.004 to 1 pc, probing gravitational accelerations well below the limit were dark matter or modified dynamics theories set in. Radial velocities with accuracy ~100 m/s were obtained for each star, in order to constrain their orbital velocity, that, together with proper motion data, can distinguish bound from unbound systems. It was found that about half of the observed pairs do have velocity in the expected range for bound systems, out to the largest separations probed here. In particular, we identified five pairs with projected separation >0.15 pc that are useful for the proposed test. While it would be premature to draw any conclusion about the validity of Newtonian dynamics at these low accelerations, our main result is that very wide binary stars seem to exist in the harsh environment of the solar neighborhood. This could provide a tool to test Newtonian dynamics versus modified dynamics theories in the low acceleration conditions typical of galaxies. In the near future the GAIA satellite will provide data to increase significantly the number of wide pairs that, with the appropriate follow up spectroscopic observations, will allow the implementation of this experiment with unprecedented accuracy.Comment: Accepted for publication on International Journal of Modern Physics

    Spectroscopy of 10 gamma-ray BL Lac objects at high redshift

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    We present high S/N optical spectra of 10 BL Lac objects detected at GeV energies by Fermi satellite (3FGL catalog), for which previous observations suggested that they are at relatively high redshift. The new observations, obtained at the 10 m Gran Telescopio Canarias, allowed us to find the redshift for J0814.5+2943 (z = 0.703) and we can set spectroscopic lower limit for J0008.0+4713 (z>1.659) and J1107.7+0222 (z>1.0735) on the basis of Mg II intervening absorption features. In addition we confirm the redshifts for J0505.5+0416 (z=0.423) and for J1450+5200 (z>2.470). Finally we contradict the previous z estimates for five objects (J0049.7+0237, J0243.5+7119, J0802.0+1005, J1109.4+2411, and J2116.1+3339).Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication in Ap
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