7 research outputs found

    بررسى وضعيت استرس شغلى و عوامل استر سزاى مرتبط با كار بين كاركنان شاغل در يكى از كارخانجات ريسندگى كشور

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    Background and Aims: Job stress is one of the most important professional issues that poses high costs on organizations. It may result in reducing efficiency, feeling fatigue, which subsequently leads to employee dissatisfaction in him/her workplace. This study was designed to assess the employees’ job stress in a Spinningindustry.Materials and Methods: The present cross-sectional descriptive-analytic study was performed on 230 workers at a spinning industry. The standard job stress questionnaire of England HSE Institute was used to determine job stress. The employees were requested permission and their answers were treated as strictly confidential. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS (version19), using descriptive statistics and Spearman & Pearson correlation coefficient, independent t-test, Kruskal-Wallis, ANOVA and Mann-Whitney Tests.Results: Statistically meaningful relationship (p >0.05) was observed between job stress and education level, the more education the less job stress. Age factors and working units indeed showed a similar relationship. There was only limited and not statistically significant (p>0.05) evidence for an increased job stress and sex, marital status, as well as job experience. The current study further found that the different job opportunities have high stress for 29.2 % employees, average stress for 69.5% employees and low stress for 1.3%.Conclusion: Considering the harmful physical and emotional responses of job stress, managing and controlling¬ of work-related stressors is recommended. This may worked out through identifying resources to significantly reduce the stress level and increase productivity in the workplace.زمينه و هدف: استرس شغلی یکی از مهمترین مشکلات حرفه‌ای است که هزینه چشمگیری را به سازمان‌ها اعمال می‌کند به طوری که در کارکنان باعث کاهش بازده کاری، احساس خستگی و متعاقباً نارضایتی کارکنان صنعت می‌شود. لذا مطالعه حاضر با هدف بررسی ميزان استرس شغلی کارکنان در یک شرکت ریسندگی انجام شد. مواد و روش‌ها: این مطالعه توصیفی-تحلیلی، بصورت مقطعی روی دویست و سی نفر از کارکنان شاغل در یک شرکت ریسندگی انجام شد. جهت تعیین استرس شغلی از پرسشنامه استرس شغلی HSE انگلستان استفاده گردید. از تمام کارکنان رضایت آگاهانه گرفته شد و پاسخ‌های آنان محرمانه باقی ماند. تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS نسخه نوزده با محاسبه آمار توصیفی و آزمون‌های ضریب همبستگی اسپیرمن، T-Test، Kruskal-Wallis، ANOVA و Mann-Whitney انجام شد. يافته‌ها: از نظر آماری ارتباط معناداری بین استرس شغلی با متغیرهای سن، تحصیلات و واحدهای کاری مشاهده گردید (05/0>p)، بین متغیر استرس شغلی با متغیرهای جنس، تاهل و سابقه شغلی ارتباط آماری معناداری دیده نشد (05/0<p). یافته‌های این مطالعه نشان داد  که 20/29 درصد کارکنان از استرس زیاد، 50/69 درصد از استرس متوسط و تنها 30/1 درصد افراد از استرس کم برخوردار بودند. نتيجه گيري: با توجه به اثرات زیان آور استرس شغلی در کارکنان صنایع ریسندگی، با مدیریت و کنترل استرس شغلی از طریق شناسایی منابع و کنترل آنها، می‌توان به میزان قابل توجهی از میزان استرس در محیط‌های شغلی کاهش داد و بهره وری و تولید در محیط کار را افزایش داد. &nbsp

    Evaluating the Effects of a Training Intervention on Increasing the Workers’ Use of Hearing Protective Equipment by Kirk Patrick Model in Yazd Persepolis Tile Industry

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    Background: According to the Labor Code, one of the important duties of employers in the field of safety and health is the provision of personal protective equipment and its training to workers. How to train workers who are willing to use the earmuff all the time is an issue that needs to be addressed. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a training intervention with the BASNEF model in increasing the duration of the use of hearing protective equipment by workers. Methods: This is an evaluation study that was carried out in Yazd tile industry in 2015. The research population in this study was 50 workers who were trained according to the BASNEF model. After developing a questionnaire based on the structures of Kirk Patrick's evaluation model, with the acquisition of validity, trained workers completed the questionnaire. Results: The highest mean scores were respectively in the results 87.06 (12), behavior 86.30 (9.59), learning 84.87 (13.55), content 81.36 (10.70) and the response 81.28 (11.33). In general, the score of the evaluation domains is above 80.Conclusion: According to the findings, BASNEF‘s training course is effective in increasing the duration of workers' use of protective hearing equipment

    Risk Assessment by FMEA Method and the Impact of Deploying an Integrated Management System (IMS) Risk Priority Number (RPN)

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    Introduction: Risk assessment an organized approach to detecting risks and estimating risk has been acceptable to reduce risk. Also, due to the increasing trend of implementation of the integrated management system (IMS) in different industries to improve the level of safety, health and environment standards, we determined to measure the impact of this system's deployment on safety performance monitoring indicators using the FMEA methodology for estimating risk and calculating the RPN. Methods: This study is an interventional study. In this study, first all the high-risk activities of the organization were identified, then, the value of RPN was obtained using the product of intensity (A), probability (B) and discovery (C) depending on the acceptable level of the organization and the Pareto chart (80:20), the organization's unacceptable RPNs were identified and corrective action was taken. Results: The mean of RPN decreased significantly between 2010 and 2014. Considering the fact that the number of activities has increased with the expansion of the production line, the calculations show that in the years 91 and 93, the amount of RPN significantly decreased compared to the previous years (P <0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the integrated management system (IMS) significantly influenced the FMEA risk assessment indicators and improved the safety level of the studied plant

    Effect of Integrated Management System on Occupational Hazards Reduction

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    Background: Today, organizations need to comply with environmental standards, employees, customers, and others in order to achieve competitive advantage and performance globally. One of these standards is an integrated management system. One of the standards in an integrated management system is safety and health that is currently being considered as one of the most important worldwide issues, and emphasizes the goals of identifying harmful factors, evaluating, controlling, and managing. This study tries to measure the efficiency of an integrated management system by analyzing the annual report of work place damage before and after implementing this system. Methods: This descriptive-analytic study was carried out in one of tile factories from 2009 to 2014 in Yazd. The data on the measurement of occupational harmful factors (sound, lighting, thermal stress, total dust) during the years of the study were collected and analyzed by the SPSS software version 19.Results: According to the results of measuring the harmful factors of the work place in this research, the establishment of an integrated management system on the environmental factors (sound, lighting, thermal stress and total dust) in the studied industry environment was positive and reduced issues out of standard and increased standard stations. Conclusion: The integrated management system establishment had positive effects on physical and chemical environmental factors and reduces costs, eliminates performance and ultimately improves the performance and efficiency

    Estimate of the Percent Reduction of the Workers Hearing Loss by Doing a Training Intervention Based on BASNEF Pattern

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    If we want to provide the efficient training intervention to increase the duration of using heating protection devices (HPDs) by workers, we need a tool that can estimate the person’s hearing threshold taking into account noise exposure level, age, and work history, and compare them with audiometry to find out the percent reduction of workers hearing loss. First, the workers noise exposure level was determined according to ISO 9612, then 4000 Hz audiometry was done to find age and work history. On basis of ISO 1999 the hearing threshold was estimated and if the hearing protection device was not used continuously and correctly, the hearing protection device’s actual performance was reduced adjusted with person’s audiometry. After training intervention, the estimate was done again and was compared with the adjusted audiometry. According to ISO 1999 standard estimation results, the percent reduction of the workers hearing loss level was 6.48 dB in intervention group. This level remained unchanged in control group. The mean score of hearing threshold estimation (standard ISO 1999) was statistically more significant than mean score of hearing threshold (p-value ¡ 0.001). The results show not significant change in control group due to Lack of changing of noise exposure level. In regards to the results of hearing threshold estimation based on ISO 1999 and comparing with workers audiometry, it can be seen that BASNEF training intervention increases the duration of Rusing the HPDs and it could be effective in reducing hearing threshold related to noise

    Development and Validity of Krik patrick\'s Evaluation Tool to Investiagte the Efficincy of the Training Course on Workers\' use of Hearing Protection Equipment

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    Background:The last strategy to protect workers' hearing against load noises is use of hearing protection devices. The efficiency of wearing headphone depends on its full time application. After education, we need to evaluate the efficiency of the conducted training course. One of the most important factors affecting a valid assessment is existence of an appropriate questionnaire to evaluate the course properly. Methods: In order to standardize and investiagte the validity of the researcher-made questionnaire, 12 experts were asked to review it. To determine the questionnaire's validity, we used the face validity and content validity. In order to determine the quantitative content validity, we applied the content&nbsp;validity&nbsp;ratio (CVR) and content&nbsp;validity&nbsp;index&nbsp;(CVI). Then, reliability of the questionnaire was investigated by Alpha-Cronbach method. Results: We designed 30 questions as the questionaire's items, containing five demographic questions, 10 response questions, four content questions, four learning questions, four behavior evaluation questions, and seven questions about the outcomes. In experts' content evaluation, questions with CVR of higher than 0.56 were selected; while, the CVI of the remaining questions was 0.91. The overall reliability of the research tool was 0.83 using the internal consistency.Conclusion: This study provided a valid and reliable questionnaire for assessing the Kirkpatrick model. This questionnaire can be used as an appropriate tool to evaluate the training courses in accordance with the BASNEF model to increase the duration of using headphones by workers. &nbsp

    Designing and Validating a Questionnaire for the Assessment of Staff Satisfaction with Occupational Health, Safety, and Environmental Management System Status

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    Background and Objective: Currently, due to the development of urbanization and growth of industrial units, the issues of health, safety, and environment are more important. The present study aimed to design and validate a tool for the assessment of staff satisfaction with occupational health, safety, and environmental management system (HSE-MS) status due to the lack of a standard questionnaire in this regard. Materials and Methods: In this study, an initial questionnaire, including 60 items, was designed with the help of scientific resources and expert opinions. Then, the opinions of 12 experts in occupational health, safety, and environment were used to standardize and validate the assessment questionnaire. Content validity index (CVI) and content validity ratio (CVR) were utilized to validate the questionnaire. Cronbach's alpha was used to evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire, and Pearson's correlation coefficient was utilized to assess the correlation between questionnaire scales. Moreover, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett's tests were applied for the determination of factor loadings. Results: The CVI and CVR of the questionnaire were calculated at 0.88 and 0.83, respectively. Furthermore, the internal consistency and reproducibility of the designed questionnaire were confirmed according to Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.80). In addition, the results of Bartlett's test showed that there was a significant correlation between the variables, and the KMO value was reported as 0.840. Conclusion: The obtained results of this study showed that the CVI and CVR of the designed questionnaire were higher than the standard values of 0.79 and 0.55, respectively. The obtained Cronbach's alpha coefficient also indicated the strong internal consistency of the questionnaire. Therefore, the designed questionnaire for the assessment of staff satisfaction with occupational HSE-MS status can be useful in present industries with regard to acceptable validity and reliability