1,474 research outputs found

    Asymptotic Conditional Distribution of Exceedance Counts: Fragility Index with Different Margins

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    Let X=(X1,...,Xd)\bm X=(X_1,...,X_d) be a random vector, whose components are not necessarily independent nor are they required to have identical distribution functions F1,...,FdF_1,...,F_d. Denote by NsN_s the number of exceedances among X1,...,XdX_1,...,X_d above a high threshold ss. The fragility index, defined by FI=limsE(NsNs>0)FI=\lim_{s\nearrow}E(N_s\mid N_s>0) if this limit exists, measures the asymptotic stability of the stochastic system X\bm X as the threshold increases. The system is called stable if FI=1FI=1 and fragile otherwise. In this paper we show that the asymptotic conditional distribution of exceedance counts (ACDEC) pk=limsP(Ns=kNs>0)p_k=\lim_{s\nearrow}P(N_s=k\mid N_s>0), 1kd1\le k\le d, exists, if the copula of X\bm X is in the domain of attraction of a multivariate extreme value distribution, and if lims(1Fi(s))/(1Fκ(s))=γi[0,)\lim_{s\nearrow}(1-F_i(s))/(1-F_\kappa(s))=\gamma_i\in[0,\infty) exists for 1id1\le i\le d and some κ1,...,d\kappa\in{1,...,d}. This enables the computation of the FI corresponding to X\bm X and of the extended FI as well as of the asymptotic distribution of the exceedance cluster length also in that case, where the components of X\bm X are not identically distributed

    An equivariant discrete model for complexified arrangement complements

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    We define a partial ordering on the set Q=Q(M) \mathcal {Q}=\mathcal {Q}(\mathsf {M}) of pairs of topes of an oriented matroid M \mathsf {M}, and show the geometric realization Q \vert\mathcal {Q}\vert of the order complex of Q \mathcal {Q} has the same homotopy type as the Salvetti complex of M \mathsf {M}. For any element e e of the ground set, the complex Qe \vert\mathcal {Q}_e\vert associated to the rank-one oriented matroid on {e} \{e\} has the homotopy type of the circle. There is a natural free simplicial action of Z4 \mathbb{Z}_4 on Q \vert\mathcal {Q}\vert, with orbit space isomorphic to the order complex of the poset Q(M,e) \mathcal {Q}(\mathsf {M},e) associated to the pointed (or affine) oriented matroid (M,e) (\mathsf {M},e). If M \mathsf {M} is the oriented matroid of an arrangement A \mathscr {A} of linear hyperplanes in Rn \mathbb{R}^n, the Z4 \mathbb{Z}_4 action corresponds to the diagonal action of C \mathbb{C}^* on the complement M M of the complexification of A \mathscr {A}: Q \vert\mathcal {Q}\vert is equivariantly homotopy-equivalent to M M under the identification of Z4 \mathbb{Z}_4 with the multiplicative subgroup {±1,±i}C \{\pm 1, \pm i\}\subset \mathbb{C}^*, and Q(M,e) \vert\mathcal {Q}(\mathsf {M},e)\vert is homotopy- equivalent to the complement of the decone of A \mathscr {A} relative to the hyperplane corresponding to e e. All constructions and arguments are carried out at the level of the underlying posets.We also show that the class of fundamental groups of such complexes is strictly larger than the class of fundamental groups of complements of complex hyperplane arrangements. Specifically, the group of the non- Pappus arrangement is not isomorphic to any realizable arrangement group. The argument uses new structural results concerning the degree-one resonance varieties of small matroids

    Extracting Vbc|V_{bc}|, mcm_c and mbm_b from Inclusive DD and BB Decays

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    Using recent results for nonperturbative contributions to the BB and DD meson inclusive semileptonic widths, a model independent extraction of \vbc, mcm_c and mbm_b is made from the experimentally measured BB and DD lifetimes and semileptonic branching ratios. Constraining the parameters of the HQET at \CO(1/m_Q^2) by the DD semileptonic width, \vbc is found to lie in the range .040<\vbc< 0.057. The cc and bb quark masses are not well constrained due to uncertainty in the relevant scale of αs\alpha_s. These results assume the validity of perturbative QCD at the low scales relevant to semileptonic charm decay. Without making this assumption, somewhat less stringent bounds on VbcV_{bc} from BB decay alone may be obtained.Comment: (revised version - contains a more detailed discussion of the uncertainty in our results from the uncertainty in the scale of \alpha_s) 12 pages, 5 figures included, uses harvmac.tex and epsf.tex, UCSD/PTH 93-25, UTPT 93-21, CMU-HEP 93-1