28 research outputs found

    Gestione delle pazienti con tumore fillode della mammella: esperienza triestina nel periodo 2006-2014

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    La diagnosi e la gestione dei tumori fillodi della mammella \ue8 complessa a causa del basso tasso di incidenza e dell\u2019imprevedibilit\ue0 del comportamento di questo tipo di neoplasie (meno dell\u20191% tra tutti i tumori della mammella [1]). L\u2019obiettivo di questo studio \ue8 analizzare i casi di tumori filloidi diagnosticati a Trieste nel periodo 2006-2014 al fine di contestualizzare il comportamento particolarmente aggressivo di un tumore fillode maligno insorto in una paziente con pregressi fillodi benigni

    Novel interactions of the von Hippel-Lindau (pVHL) tumor suppressor with the CDKN1 family of cell cycle inhibitors

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    Germline inactivation of the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor predisposes patients to develop different highly vascularized cancers. pVHL targets the hypoxia-inducible transcription factor (HIF-1\u3b1) for degradation, modulating the activation of various genes involved in hypoxia response. Hypoxia plays a relevant role in regulating cell cycle progression, inducing growth arrest in cells exposed to prolonged oxygen deprivation. However, the exact molecular details driving this transition are far from understood. Here, we present novel interactions between pVHL and the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor family CDKN1 (p21, p27 and p57). Bioinformatics analysis, yeast two-hybrid screening and co-immunoprecipitation assays were used to predict, dissect and validate the interactions. We found that the CDKN1 proteins share a conserved region mimicking the HIF-1\u3b1 motif responsible for pVHL binding. Intriguingly, a p27 site-specific mutation associated to cancer is shown to modulate this novel interaction. Our findings suggest a new connection between the pathways regulating hypoxia and cell cycle progression

    A bilateral pneumonia following Thai herbal inhaler compulsive use

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    Traditional herbal therapy is often underestimated as a possible cause of drug-induced lung diseases. We report the case of a 51 years old man who developed acute respiratory failure after abuse and misuse of a traditional Thai herbal inhaler. The composition of the herbal therapy was only partially known. However, we supposed that the menthol balm may have been responsible of the pulmonary lipoid inclusions and trans-anethole may have caused diffuse alveolar lung damage

    Ricerca e sviluppo di materiali e processi per la realizzazione di materiali anodici con prestazioni migliorate. Caratterizzazione preliminare dei materiali anodici mediante analisi SEM e TGA

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    Il presente rapporto descrive la procedura di sintesi e la caratterizzazione preliminare di differenti tipologie di ossido di titanio (TiO2), ottenuto secondo diverse procedure e metodologie, da impiegarsi come materiale attivo anodico in batterie litio-ione per applicazioni alla rete elettrica

    New therapeutic approach in the management of intestinal disease: probiotics in intestinal disease in paediatric age

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    Current evidence supports the view that oral administration of probiotics may be of therapeutic usefulness in several clinical disorders by reestablishing normal flora in the gastrointestinal tract. These entities include inflammatory and infectious diseases of the gut as well as extraintestinal disorders [such as atopic eczema] in which a defective intestinal permeability plays a role. The probiotic effects are attributed to restoration to normal of increased intestinal permeability, unbalanced gut microecology, improved immunological gut barrier function, downregulation of the intestinal inflammatory responses with reduced generation of proinflammatory cytokines. Entities for which the impact of probiotic administration can be considered as proven are Rotavirus diarrhoea, Clostridium difficile diarrhoea, post-antibiotic diarrhoea, allergic diseases. On the other hand, entities for which administration of probiotics is considered under investigation are inflammatory bowel disease, necrotizing enterocolitis, cystic fibrosis, small bowel bacterial contamination, functional gastrointestinal disorders. The value of probiotics as therapy for a variety of gastrointestinal disorders in childhood still needs to be investigated in detail, through well controlled and rigorous studies, including a placebo group and strict criteria of randomisation. Much work needs to be done in this area by clearly defining indications, delivery system, costs, safety, long-term effects

    Composite anodes based on nanotube titanium oxide from electro-oxidation of Ti metal substrate

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    In this manuscript is reported an investigation on lithium-ion battery composite anodes based on nanotube titanium oxide active material obtained from electrochemical oxidation of titanium metal substrates. Nanotube TiO2 showed a good nominal capacity, particularly taking into account that no electronic conductive additive as well as no binder was incorporated into the TiO2 material. The performance of nanotube titanium oxide anode tapes was compared with that of electrodes based on TiO2 both commercially available and obtained from laser pyrolysis. Cycling tests have indicated that the anodes based on electrosynthesized nanotube TiO2 exhibit the best performance in terms of capacity values and rate capability in combination with very good capacity retention and coulombic efficiency leveling 100% even at high rates. (C) 2013 Elsevier BM. All rights reserved

    Large third-order optical nonlinearity of nanocluster-doped glass formed by ion implantation of copper and nickel in silica

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    Composite glasses containing different metal nanoclusters were obtained by implanting copper, nickel, or copper+nickel ions in SiO2 glass. The nonlinear refractive index of the composites was determined by the Z-scan method at a wavelength of 770 nm and with a laser pulse duration of 130 fs. Values of n(2) up to 0.68 cm(2) gW(-1) were measured in the case of the Cu+Ni implanted sample