75 research outputs found

    [Qiṭaʻāt-i Ibn Yamīn].

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    Incipit: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم بیاز ابن یمین ای دوست بشنو ..."Title supplied by cataloguer from identification based on comparison with other copies of Ibn Yamīn's Qiṭaʻāt.Mode of access: Internet

    al-Juzʼ al-thānī min Kitāb Mafātiḥ al-ghayb fī tafsīr al-Qurʼān al-majīd, [late 13th or early 14th century?].

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    Fine copy of a second volume of al-Rāzī's celebrated commentary on the Qurʼān, from the opening of Sūrat al-Baqarah (2) through verse 144. Description provided by Noah Gardiner.Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 464Origin: Colophon provides no information on copyist or date of copying ; paper suggests late 13th or 14th century. An ownership notice below the colophon on fol.157b (p.316) appears to be dated 709 [1309 or 10] and provides a rough terminus ante quem.Accompanying materials: a. Inventory cataloguing slip in hand of Winifred Smeaton Thomas. -- b. Acquisitions slip from Yahuda.Former shelfmark: From inner front cover, "IL 350" (likely supplied by Yahuda, see acquisitions slip).Binding: Pasteboards covered in brown leather ; Type II binding (with flap) ; board linings in laid paper ; upper and lower covers carry tooled central circular decoration (shamsah) with neither lobed edge nor pendants but filled with geometric interlace forming an octagonal pattern incorporating epigraphic stamps (compare Weisweiler 17-20) ; these stamps are repeated at the four corners of the elaborate blind-stamped border consisting of a series of vegetal stamps separated by incised fillets (compare no.31 as well as nos. 32-35 in Bosch, et al.) ; sewn in yellow then blue thread, two stations ; headband gone, tailband in blue largely survies ; in poor condition ; upper cover is extremely worn and has suffered losses ; spine has been partially repaired with a red, fabric-based tape ; portion of fore-edge flap remains, though it has been covered with a different brown leather, as has the rest of the spine ; threads of the first few quires are loose.Support: non-European (Arab?) laid paper, the lines of which are difficult to describe neatly ; horizontal laid lines 20 in roughly 27 mm. ; chain lines may be sets of three and two, with chains spaced 12-15 mm. apart, distance between the groups is difficult to discern.Decoration: Text rubricated with section headings and keywords (e.g. "المسئلة الخامسة" or "قوله تعالى") in red ; three circles and single circles appearing in margin (likely collation marks) also in red.Script: Naskh ; elegant Yemeni hand (?) ; unvocalized and very casually pointed ; most notable for the frequent horizontal elongation of letters, e.g. sīn within a word, tāʼ, thāʼ, and bāʼ at the ends of words, etc. ; descenders are often quite elongated and curvilinear and final descender letters (ahdāb) are often disproportionately larger than other letters.Layout: Written in 25 lines per page ; frame-ruled.Collation: i, V-1 (9), III (15), 14 V(155), I (157), i ; chiefly quinions ; catchwords present, appear throughout the first quire, in all subsequent quires appear only on the verso of the final leaf of each quire ; catchword at fol.115b (p.232) does not match with what follows, which may indicate a missing quire ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization (includes flyleaves).Colophon: "Scribal," reads: "تم الجزء الثاني بحمد الله ومنه وفضله ويتلوه [؟] في الجزء الثالث قوله سبحانه وتعالى حيث ما كنتم قولوا وجوهكم سطره والحمد لله رب العالمين والصلوة على اشرف المرسلين محمد خاتم النبيين واله وصحبه اجمعين وسلم تسليما كثيرا"Explicit: "المسألة الثانية عشرة إذا توجه إلى جهة ثم تغير اجتهاده وهو في الصلاة فعليه أن ينحرف ويتحول ويبني لأن عارض الاجتهاد لا يبطل السابق، فكذلك فيمن صدق مخبراً ثم جاء آخر نفسه إليه أسكن فأخبره بخلافه، فهذا ما يتعلق بالمسائل المستنبطة من هذه الآية في حكم الاستقبال والله أعلم"Incipit: "قوله تعالى الم فيه مسألتين المسألة الاولى اعلم ان الالفاظ التي يتهجي بها اسماء مسمياتها الحروف المبسوطة"Title from 'title page' fol.1a (p.3).Ms. codex.Brit. Mus. Suppl.Ḥājjī Khalīfah. Kashf al-ẓunūn,Brockelmann, C. GAL,Bosch, Carswell, & Petherbridge. Islamic Bindings and Bookmaking (1981),Fine copy of a second volume of al-Rāzī's celebrated commentary on the Qurʼān, from the opening of Sūrat al-Baqarah (2) through verse 144. Description provided by Noah Gardiner.Mode of access: Internet.Acquired in 1926 from the bookseller Isaac Benjamin S.E. Yahuda via purchase transacted on his behalf by Abraham Shalom Yahuda (1877-1951), his younger brother.Ownership statements on fol.1a (p.3) include "من كتب محمد بن كمال الدين الكبيسي ..." in name of Kamāl al-Dīn al-Kubaysī and "من منن الله اللطيف على عبده الضعيف المعترف بالخطا الفقير عطا العلوانى عفي عنه" in name of ʻAṭā al-ʻAlwānī ; collation statements "بلغ مقابلة", "قوبل وصح", "بلغ معارضة بالاصل", etc. (supplied in virtually the same hand, likely that of the copyist) appear at the end of each quire, bottom right corner of the verso of the last leaf, except for the final quinion and bifolium (see fol.9b (p.20), etc.) ; possible collation marks (three circles and single circle) appear in the margins ; study/reading (?) notice date 709 [1309 or 10] appears below colophon on fol.157b (p.316) reads " تامله [؟] الفقير الى الله الغني احمد بن اسمعيل بن عبد الله بن محمد المفتى المالكي تجاوزه الله عز شانه في شهور [؟] سنة تسع وسبعمائة ..." ; waqf statement on back flyleaf (p.318) reads "وقف هذا الكتاب عبد الرحمن افندى بن شيخ مصطفى وقفا صح لا يباع ولا يرهن فمن بدله بعد ما سمع وانما اثمه على الذين [كذا] تحرير في اواسط شهر رجب سنة ثمانين ومئتين وألف ..." ; occasional corrections throughout

    Kitāb fī faḍāʼil al-Shāfiʿī, [1034, i.e. 1625].

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    Fine copy of the well-known hagiographical work by Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (d.1210) on the life and merits of al-Imām Abū ʻAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Idrīs al-Shāfiʻī (d. 820), the eponym of the Shāfiʻī school (madhhab).Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 604Origin: As appears in colophon on p.323, copied by Manṣūr al-ʻAṭṭār [?] with transcription completed 20 Rabī II 1034 [ca. 30 January 1625].Accompanying materials: a. Inventory cataloguing slip in hand of Winifred Smeaton Thomas -- b. Acquisitions slip from Yahuda.Former shelfmark: From interior of upper cover "IL 270" (likely supplied by Yahuda, see acquisitions slip).Binding: Pasteboards covered in dark blue cloth with black leather over spine (quarter binding) ; Type III binding (without flap), approaching Western style (not flush with text block, etc.) ; pastedowns and flyleaves in brown wove paper ; upper and lower covers bear embossed emblems of the Ottoman Empire - upper cover, what appears to be the tuğra / ṭughrā of the sultan [Mahmut II ?] and lower cover, crescent and star ; resewn over cords in white thread, six stations ; overall in somewhat poor condition with spine leather lifting (printed waste used in spine lining and lower hinge), splitting and deteriorating, minor abrasion and staining of cloth, some spine slant (slightly cocked).Support: European laid paper with 8 laid lines per cm. (vertical), chain lines spaced 26 mm. apart (horizontal), and anchor in circle with trefoil above watermark (see p.28, 29, etc.) ; dark cream in color, fairly crisp though sturdy, well-burnished to glossy (in vicinity of p.179 extremely smooth and glossy) ; some staining.Decoration: Keywords, section headings, and abbreviation symbols rubricated ; textual dividers in the form of red inverted commas or discs (occasionally in threes).Script: Naskh ; clear 'Syrian' or Egyptian [?] hand ; virtually serifless (though occasional rightward serifs appear on freestanding alif, lām, etc.) and quite rounded, pointing in distinct dots, curvilinear descenders, kāf mashqūqah preferred (even final kāf), partially vocalized.Layout: Written in 21 lines per page.Collation: ii, V-1 (9), 15 V(159), II+1 (164), ii ; chiefly quinions ; quire numbering in the form of whole words in the upper outer corner of the opening recto of the second and third quire, thereafter in the form of Hindu-Arabic numerals (red or black ink) ; catchwords present though often lost to trimming ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization.Colophon: "Scribal," reads "على يد منصور العطار غفر له ولوالديه في عشرين ربيع الثاني من شهور سنة ۱۰۳۴"Explicit: "فنثبت ان الذي طنوه [؟] حجة لهم فهو حجة لنا عليهم والله اعلم واعلم ان الفرض [في] تعيين المسائل وتعديدها لا يليق بهذا الكتاب ولما وصلنا الي هذا الموضع فلنقطع كلامنا وحامدين لله تعالى ومصليين على رسوله محمد المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم وعلى اله واصحابه وسلم تسليما كثيرا"Incipit: "قال الشيخ الامام ... فخر الملة والدين ابو عبد الله محمد بن عمر الرازي برد الله مضجعه الحمد لله الذي لا خالق للاشياء الا هو ولا رازق للاحياء الا هو ... اما بعد فقد سألني جماعة من افاضل الاصحاب والكابر الانساب ان اصنف مختصرا ملخصا من فضائل الشافعي المطلبي رضي الله عنه وفي ترجيح مذهبه فصنفت هذا المختصر ..."Title from 'title page' (p.1).Ms. codex.Ḥājjī Khalīfah. Kashf al-ẓunūn,Brockelmann, C. GAL,Fine copy of the well-known hagiographical work by Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (d.1210) on the life and merits of al-Imām Abū ʻAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Idrīs al-Shāfiʻī (d. 820), the eponym of the Shāfiʻī school (madhhab).Mode of access: Internet.Acquired in 1926 from the bookseller Isaac Benjamin S.E. Yahuda via purchase transacted on his behalf by Abraham Shalom Yahuda (1877-1951), his younger brother.Several ownership statements on 'title page' (p.1), at least four of them effaced (one dated 1279 [1862 or 3]), and one legible in name of ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Pīr [?] al-Sankawī [Sangāwī ?] ( عبد الرحمن بن پير السنكوى [؟] ) ; collation marks and notes ("لغ مقابلة على حسب الطاقة والامكان", etc.) on verso of final leaf of practically every quire ; marginal corrections (with signes de renvoi) ; added excerpts at close "كتاب فيه مسائل ابي حاتم رضي الله عنه" (pp.326-328)