2 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Background: Depression caused by feeling desperate on chronic diseases, like extremity soft tissue sarcoma and the treatment, especially excessive procedure like limb amputation, may deteriorate  emotional status then further impact patient’s quality of life. Objectives: To discover depression among extremity soft tissue sarcoma patient. Methods: This study uses a literature study by using twelve articles from Search Engine Science Direct, Google Scholar, PubMed Central, DOAJ, Biomed Central, and Semantic Scholar according to the inclusion criteria set by the researcher. Results: Depression on sarcoma patients is more often found in women, aged> 39 years, do not have a job, live in a non-urban environment, do not have children, marital status, economic and functional body. Post chemotherapy patients are found to have worse quality of life. The type of tumor resection was not associated with worse quality of life. Conclusions: Psychological disorders such as depression can cause a decrease in quality of life. Highest depression that patient suffered, the  quality of life will decrease.  The results of the study shows that depression on extremity soft tissue sarcoma patients was found in several groups of categories. However, a decrease in         patient,s quality of life are average on the beginning post therapy. Overtime, patients will show results of improvement in depressive symptoms, body function, and quality of life after 1 year post therapy. Keywords: Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Depression, Quality of Life   ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Depresi yang diakibatkan oleh rasa putus asa terhadap diagnosis penyakit kronis, seperti sarkoma jaringan lunak ekstremitas dan terapinya, yang sering kali mendapatkan tindakan berlebih seperti   amputasi tungkai, dapat menyebabkan perburukan status emosional lebih lanjut. Kondisi ini akan berdampak pada kualitas hidup pasien sehingga dirasa perlu menjadi perhatian dokter. Tujuan Penelitian: Untuk mengetahui gambaran depresi pasien sarkoma jaringan lunak ekstremitas. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi literatur dengan menggunakan dua belas artikel yang diperoleh dari Search Engine Science Direct, Google Scholar, PubMed Central, DOAJ, Biomed Central, dan Semantic Scholar sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi yang telah ditetapkan peneliti. Hasil:  Depresi pada pasien sarkoma lebih sering ditemukan pada wanita, usia >39 tahun, tidak memiliki pekerjaan, tinggal di lingkungan bukan perkotaan, tidak memiliki anak, status perkawinan, ekonomi dan fungional tubuh. Pasien pasca kemoterapi didapat mengalami perburukan kualitas hidup. Jenis reseksi tumor tidak berhubungan dengan perburukan kualitas hidup. Kesimpulan: Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan depresi pada pasien sarkoma jaringan lunak ekstremitas banyak ditemukan pada beberapa kelompok kategori. Namun, rata-rata pasien mengalami penurunan kualitas hidup hanya di awal pasca terapi. Seiring berjalannya waktu, pasien akan menunjukan hasil perbaikan gejala depresi dan peningkatan fungsional serta perbaikan kualitas hidup yang terjadi setelah 1 tahun pasca terapi. Kata Kunci: Sarkoma Jaringan Lunak, Depresi, Kualitas Hidu

    Digital Penetration of Halal Cosmetic Business in Indonesia During 4.0 Revolution

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    The Government launched the Roadmap of “Making Indonesia 4.0” as one of the strategies for implementing industry 4.0 in Indonesia encourages the development of various industries, including E-Commerce. Many companies also apply this technology, one of which is by utilizing digital marketing. This study aims to see the effect of digitization on the halal industry in Indonesia, especially in the field of halal cosmetics. The method used in this research is literature review with the topic of digitization that focuses on digital marketing. The object of this research is Wardah Cosmetics. From this research shows that the digitization carried out by Wardah Cosmetics in the form of digital marketing with the use of media is proven to have an effect on increasing brand awareness and digital sales of its products. It can be argued that revolution 4.0 or digitalization is very significant for economic growth in Indonesia. In addition, digital media can increase business efficiency and profits as well as as a media da'wah for the halal industry. Further research is needed regarding the application of digitization in the Islamic economy to be an important part of the Indonesian Sharia Economics Master Plan (MEKSI)