1 research outputs found

    Strategi Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Disiplin Dan Motivasi Kerja Guru SD Negeri 36 Laksana Banda Aceh

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    : Principal as a top manager has a strategic role in improving the discipline and work motivation of teachers. This study aimed to describe the programs, the policy, and the obstacles of principal in improving the discipline and work motivation of teachers in State Elementary School 36 Laksana of Banda Aceh. This study used qualitative descriptive approach. Techniques of data collection used were interview, observation, and documentation study. Subjects of this study were principal and teachers. The results of the study showed that the program of improving the discipline and work motivation of teachers aimed to achieve an optimal teaching-learning process, so that the quality of school can be improved. Each program plan was purposed to make the teaching-learning process become effective, fun, and school-goals oriented. The policy of principal in improving the commitment of teachers was the implementation of situational leadership for low-commitment teachers, and the implementation of consultative and participative leadership for high-commitment teachers. The principal always discussed the policies with the teachers. The obstacles in improving the discipline and work motivation of teachers were the condition of few teachers that came late to school, some teachers did not prepare the teaching materials well, and some of them did not use media in teaching process