2 research outputs found

    Analisis Potensi Energi dan Pengurangan Emisi Co2 dengan Pengelolaan Limbah Peternakan Sapi Rakyat di Kecamatan Jati Agung Kabupaten Lampung Selatan

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    Management of feedlot manure is becoming a larger responsibility as more regulations are imposed to protect water, both surface and groundwater, from manure contamination. Instead of using the manure for compost, feedlot owners can capture methane from the decomposing manure (and turn that into electricity or heat), or use the waste to produce liquid fuel. Biogas may also be called renewable natural gas because  biogas can be used as a fuel source to produce electricity  and heat like natural gas.This research converting energy generated from the measurement of total waste theoretically to be convert to electricity generated from the waste. Within the number of 19,398 total cows in Jati Agung Sub District husbandry has the potential to produce electric energy of 149,365.376 kwh per day or 15,836.79 mwh per year. The conversion from waste to electricity will reduce the number of total emission of 64,086.7464 tCO2 per year

    Perancangan Tata Letak Laboratorium Pakan Dengan Metode Computerized Relationship Layout Planning Di Industri Penggemukan Sapi

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    Feed laboratory is a facility that guarantees feed quality in the feedlot industry. But the existence of this laboratory has not been fully considered both in terms of facilities and layout that ease the movement of workers. This research aims to analyze machine and raw material properties in the feed laboratory, to find total closeness rating between facilities according the need and  designing the layout of facilities in the laboratory that can streamline the material flow. The problem is how to design facility layout in feed laboratory which has different tool and machine characteristics in limited space, how to plan material flow that can minimize work flow. The method used is computerized relationship layout planning (CORELAP). The result obtained is the design of the laboratory layout by comparing the optimum distance on the inter-work track. The calculation value from allocation relationship diagram showed the biggest total closseness rating is the testing room. From the calculation of the distance difference layout design, it is known that the second alternative provides a better solution with the largest distance difference of 41.52 for space with condition should be close and the distance difference of -31.21 for space with the condition should not be close. Keyword: feed laboratory layout, feedlot industry, computherized relationship layout planning          &nbsp